To register for a class click on the class you are interested in below and you will be prompted to register.

Click here to wait list a class.

You can also find fun & educational Makersmiths videos over on our YouTube Channel!

MS-L = Events at our Leesburg, VA location

MS-P = Events at our Purcellville, VA location

Calendar Legend




  Remote/Offsite Location

  Monthly Member Meeting

  Monthly Board Meeting


  Private Event

Upcoming events

    • 08/03/2024
    • 05/03/2025
    • 10 sessions
    • Makersmiths 106 Royal St SW Leesburg, VA 20175

    Rolling registration for this class series.  Please contact Brad Hess to register.

    This in-depth class series for the Tormach will follow the "Titans of CNC" curriculum to teach CAD, CAM and machining.  

    This will be the first of two series.  For series 1, we will be making the first 5 parts.  For series 2, we will make the last 5 more complex parts.  To take series 2 you have to take series 1 first.

    The student will take home 5 cool parts they designed and machined and be strong in CAD, CAM and CNC machining. 

    After completing this course, students will have full Tormach sign-off and be authorized to use the Tormach independently.

    This course will run 6-12 weeks depending upon the time you put in at home.  A fair amount of the work is self-paced and online using the videos and materials found at, with guidance from the group and hands-on, instructor-led sessions using the Tormach.

    This class will have 2-3 hrs per week of “homework,” but will be self-paced.  Ideally we would like to keep everyone within 1-2 projects so that we can share knowledge.

    Class Meetings:
      • Intro class to kick off the class and introduce everyone
      • Stock prep, machine usage and working session
      • Twice a month classroom working sessions thereafter.   Time TBD by class members.
      • Hands-on Tormach sessions with instructor, by “appointment” or group planning session
        • 1-2 times a week with 2-3 people per session.
        • Each part takes 1-2 hrs of machine time to setup and run. 

      The cost for this class series will be $200 which would cover materials, tooling,  and expendables.

      A private slack channel will be set up for the class so we can support each other and for planning purposes.

      No prerequisites required.

      New to Makersmiths? Please fill out the Waiver form at

      Any questions? Contact Brad Hess

      • 12/06/2024
      • 03/14/2025
      • 13 sessions
      • Meeting offsite in Great Falls
      • 4

      The KidWind Challenge is an ultimate wind energy learning experience for students. During the school year 2024-2025, Makersmiths will sponsor a Middle School Wind Turbine team of youth in grades 6-8 that will meet in the Great Falls, VA area for the purpose of exploring wind energy through the hands-on, investigative, and exciting KidWind Challenge!

      This Middle School KidWind Team will meet offsite at the coach's home for the majority of their team meetings from 6:00 PM-8:00 PM on Friday evenings beginning December 8 until March 8 when the team will participate in a wind tunnel check event at Makersmiths-Purcellville and then compete in the Northern Virginia Regional Challenge on March 14 at Shenandoah University.

      Parents, please sign the Makersmiths waiver giving us permission to work with your youth in our makerspace:

      Questions? Contact Coach Oliver Arend.  

      • 12/07/2024
      • 03/14/2025
      • 14 sessions
      • off-site in Round Hill, VA 20141
      • 0
      Registration is closed

      The Makersmiths KidWind wind turbine teams will be coached by Diane Painter and Mike Asaro. The teams will meet from 9 AM-11 AM on Saturdays at the Painters home classroom in Round Hill except for March 8 when we will participate in a wind tunnel testing day in the Green Room at the MS-P location. On Friday March 14, the teams will participate in the Northern VA Regional KidWind Challenge, an all-day event, at Shenandoah University.

      Returning wind team members will be pre-registratered once parents of returning team members verify this with Coach Painter. Then on November 9  at a NEW to KidWind parent's meeting at the MS-L location, new members may register based on available openings.  The new parents meeting will be held in the downstairs classroom at Makersmiths-Leesburg from 1 PM-3:30 PM.  This meeting will cover KidWind initiatives and the wind team rulebook. 

      Parents must sign this waiver form and indicate the student's name and grade. To fill out the form online, go to:

      Questions? Contact Diane Painter at

      • 12/07/2024
      • 03/14/2025
      • 14 sessions
      • 106 Royal St. SW Leesburg, VA 20175
      • 0

      This is the Leesburg Middle School solar KidWind Team coached by Andrew J. Taylor. is limiting solar team members to no more than four team members per team. If a co-coach is named, we can add another four team members to make a second team.  

      Students in this group are in grades 6-8. They will meet in the classroom space of the Leesburg location and make use of the electronics lab as needed. The theme for solar projects this year is solar house.  

      Parents must sign this waiver and include the name and grade of the child participating in this group. Complete the Waiver Form prior to coming to class. To fill out the form online, go to:

      Questions? Contact the coach Andrew Taylor.

      • 12/07/2024
      • 03/14/2025
      • 14 sessions
      • 785 S. 20th Street Purcellville, VA 20132
      • 0
      Registration is closed

      This is the Purcellville Middle School solar KidWind Team coached by Allen Hamblin is limiting solar team members to no more than four team members per team. If a co-coach is named, we can add another four team members to make a second team.  The team will meet in the red brick building classroom.

      Students in this group are in grades 6-8. They will meet in the classroom space of the Purcellville location and make use of the electronics lab at MS-Leesburg as needed. The theme for solar projects this year is solar house.  

      Parents must sign this waiver and include the name and grade of the child participating in this group. Complete the Waiver Form prior to coming to class. To fill out the form online, go to:

      Questions? Contact the coach Allen Hamblin.

      • 12/08/2024
      • 03/14/2025
      • 16 sessions
      • 106 Royal Street SW Leesburg, VA 20175
      • 0
      Registration is closed

      This is the Leesburg High School KidWind Team coached by Justin McMillen and Maria Busuioceanu. Students in this group are in grades 9-12. The team will be meeting from 1pm-4pm on Sunday afternoons in the downstairs Leesburg Makersmiths classroom and in the main room as needed. The team may transition to an off-site location in January, depending on their project storage and construction needs.  On March 14, the team will participate in the Northern VA Regional KidWind Challenge, an all-day event, at Shenandoah University.

      Please note, KidWind states no more than 4 participants per team. This event is built for no more than 8. If we have more than 4 register to complete a High School solar project, the participants will be divided into two teams. 

      Parents NEW to KidWind are requested to attend the 1 PM parents meeting on November 9 at Makersmiths-Leesburg. This information meeting will explain KidWind as an educational initiative. Registration for the high school solar team will open on that day for new students.

      All parents must sign this waiver and include the name and grade of the child participating in this group. Complete the Waiver Form prior to coming to class. To fill out the form online, go to:

      Questions? Contact Justin McMillen.

      • 03/16/2025
      • 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
      • 785 S. 20th St. Purcellville, VA 20132
      • 1

      Fiber Laser Red Tool Class

      This Red Tool class is a prerequisite for anyone looking to use the fiber laser at Purcellville.  The fiber laser can be used to mark and engrave metals, stone, tile and opaque acrylics. The class will be held in the laser room (Crafts Room) in the red brick building.

      This training will show you the basic usage of the fiber laser along with safety considerations.  After this class you will be authorized to use the Fiber Laser at Purcellville independently.  This class DOES NOT authorize you to use the CO2/Thunder Lasers at either location.  This class does not cover the rotary tool for the fiber laser; the rotary tool is taught in a separate class.

      This class will teach Members to use the machines safely, but does not go into detail on project designs or the advanced features of LightBurn. While not necessary, it is highly recommended that participants familiarize themselves with vector drawing and LightBurn to help them get more out of the class. Participants will setup and run the laser during the class.

      During the class, the following will be addressed:

      • Laser Use Guidelines and Policies
      • Introduction to Laser Equipment
      • Introduction to Laser Software
      • Laser Safety Review
      • Tips, Hints, and having FUN
      • Hands on Training and Use

      Prerequisite: None, though watching some YouTube videos about LightBurn and Fiber Lasers will help you get more out of the class:

      To cancel your registration for this class, you must contact the instructor.  Refunds will only be given for extenuating/unforeseen circumstances, which does not include forgetting the class time/date/location.  

      Questions? Contact the instructor Jon White.

      If the class is full, click here to request additional classes. 

      • 03/16/2025
      • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
      • 785 S. 20th St. Purcellville, VA 20132
      • 4

      Fiber Laser Red Tool Class

      This Red Tool class is a prerequisite for anyone looking to use the fiber laser at Purcellville.  The fiber laser can be used to mark and engrave metals, stone, tile and opaque acrylics. The class will be held in the laser room (Crafts Room) in the red brick building.

      This training will show you the basic usage of the fiber laser along with safety considerations.  After this class you will be authorized to use the Fiber Laser at Purcellville independently.  This class DOES NOT authorize you to use the CO2/Thunder Lasers at either location.  This class does not cover the rotary tool for the fiber laser; the rotary tool is taught in a separate class.

      This class will teach Members to use the machines safely, but does not go into detail on project designs or the advanced features of LightBurn. While not necessary, it is highly recommended that participants familiarize themselves with vector drawing and LightBurn to help them get more out of the class. Participants will setup and run the laser during the class.

      During the class, the following will be addressed:

      • Laser Use Guidelines and Policies
      • Introduction to Laser Equipment
      • Introduction to Laser Software
      • Laser Safety Review
      • Tips, Hints, and having FUN
      • Hands on Training and Use

      Prerequisite: None, though watching some YouTube videos about LightBurn and Fiber Lasers will help you get more out of the class:

      To cancel your registration for this class, you must contact the instructor.  Refunds will only be given for extenuating/unforeseen circumstances, which does not include forgetting the class time/date/location.  

      Questions? Contact the instructor Jon White.

      If the class is full, click here to request additional classes. 

      • 03/16/2025
      • 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
      • Makersmiths 785 S. 20th Street, Purcellville, VA 20132
      • 1

      This introduction to MIG Welding workshop is for adult beginners (ages 18 and older). It will familiarize you with out MIG welders, set up, and making some sample welds. Beginner - Gas Welding recommended as a prerequisite. All materials and equipment will be provided, but you will need to be wearing full coverage clothing (long sleeves, long pants, closed toe shoes or boots). We have welding helmets and gloves.

      To be signed off to use the MIG welding equipment independently, you must complete this red tool class as well as demonstrate proficiency in operating the equipment.

      Please meet in the Green Room for initial instruction and then we will move to the welding area.

      New to Makersmiths? Please fill out the Waiver form at

      Click here if you’re interested in future classes. 

      Questions? Contact Mike Payne the instructor.

      • 03/16/2025
      • 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM
      • Makersmiths 785 S. 20th St. Purcellville, VA 20132
      • 0
      Registration is closed

      Makersmiths, Inc. members wishing to use the tools in the woodworking shop in Purcellville must complete a course of orientation and training and demonstrate competence with each tool before their name will be placed on the approved list of machine operators.

      Completion of red tool training in Leesburg does NOT permit you to use the tools or shop in Purcellville.  While many of the tools in the two locations perform similar tasks, the tools in Leesburg are homeowner/hobbyist in size while the tools in Purcellville are industrial sized.

      Red Tool training for woodworking in Purcellville is divided into three classes: Red Tool Woodworking-Basics; Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced; and Red Tool CNC. 

      This course covers Red Tool Woodworking – Advanced

      Prerequisites - Must be a member of Makersmiths, be 18 or older and have completed Red Tool Woodworking-Basics.

      Class size is limited to three students. The class is a minimum of two hours but may take longer depending on attendee’s previous experience.

      The class will start in the Green Room with a presentation and discussion covering wood and machine terminology, machine manuals and other resources, rules, and safety.   Class will then move into the wood shop where various machines will be demonstrated. Members will get an opportunity to practice on each machine. The machines covered in this class are; 12” Jointer, 22” Planer, 37” Belt Sander, and 20” Band Saw.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Contact the instructor for questions: John Borden

      • 03/16/2025
      • 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
      • Makersmiths 785 S. 20th Street, Purcellville, VA 20132
      • 0
      Registration is closed

      This basic Oxy/Acetylene welding workshop is for adult (18 and older) beginners and involves hands on gas welding of steel. Learn Basic Oxy/Acetylene (gas) welding, puddle control, and filler rod technique. Oxy/Acetylene is the basis for all other welding techniques. If you learn to gas weld, you will be able to make strong functional welds using other welding equipment. In this class you will learn to gas weld, cut your own material, and make at least three different types of fusion welds. Basic torch technique, filler rod use, and welding of basic joints will be covered. Steel, filler rod, welding rigs, and materials are provided. 

      To be signed off to use the gas welding equipment independently, you must complete this red tool class as well as demonstrate proficiency in operating the equipment.

      All materials and equipment provided. We have welding gloves but you must wear full coverage clothing. We have some welding goggles, but you may want to purchase your own, shade 5. Please wear full coverage clothing, and closed toe shoes or boots. We will begin instruction in the Green Room before moving on to the welding shop.

      Due to the advance preparation of materials there can be no cancellations or refunds on this workshop.

      New to Makersmiths? Please fill out the Waiver form at

      Questions? Contact Mike Payne, the instructor.

      Click here if you’re interested in future classes. 

      • 03/16/2025
      • 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
      • MS-L 106 Royal Street, SW - Leesburg, VA 20175
      • 1

      This course covers Red Tool Woodworking at the Makersmiths Leesburg location.

      Makersmiths, Inc. members wishing to use the tools in the woodworking shop in Leesburg must complete a course of orientation and training and demonstrate competence with each tool before their name will be placed on the approved list of machine operators.

      Completion of red tool training in Leesburg does NOT permit you to use the tools or shop in Purcellville.

      While many of the tools in the two locations perform similar tasks, the tools in Leesburg are homeowner/hobbyist in size while the tools in Purcellville are industrial sized. 

      Prerequisites - Must be 18 or older and have an interest in woodworking.

      Class size is limited to four students. The class is a minimum of two hours but may take longer depending on attendee’s previous experience.

      The class will start begin with a presentation and discussion covering shop etiquette, layout, hours, rules, material storage, and safety.   Then we will move throughout the wood shop where various machines will be demonstrated. Members will get an opportunity to practice on each machine. The machines covered in this class are: Table Saw, Band Saw, Jointer, Planer, Miter Saw, Drill Press, Spindle Belt Sander, Drum Sander, and Dust Collector.

      Note: This class does NOT cover the use of the lathe.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form.

      Questions?  Contact the instructor Mike Dewan.

      If the class is full, click here to request additional classes.

      • 03/17/2025
      • 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
      • 106 Royal St SW, Leesburg VA 20175
      • 3

      In this red tool training class, you will learn how to use the sublimation printer and print on a metal bottle opener.  There will also be a basic overview of what sublimation is and its capabilities.  After completing this class, you will be authorized to use the sublimation printer independently.

      No prerequisite skills are required and all materials will be provided.

      You will learn how to:

      • Use the Printmate program to print with the sublimation printer
      • Safely operate the automatic heat press and instructions on the other heat press options.
      • Use the heat press to press the design on the metal bottle opener

      Designs will be printed ahead of time.  If you would like a specific design used please email it to the instructor ahead of time.

      This class will not teach the design aspects but will go over what the design needs for successful printing.

      The class will meet in the main room at the Leesburg location.

      Questions? Contact the instructor Diane Bollinger.

      If the class is full, click here to request additional classes.

      • 03/17/2025
      • 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
      • 106 Royal St SW, Leesburg VA 20175
      • 5

      This is the red tool class for our newest printer, the BN2-20!  The BN2-20 is a commercial quality sticker printer but also so much more.

      In this class you will learn the basics of using the machine safely and what it is capable of. You will learn to print stickers using white vinyl and how to laminate for durability. We will go over the print and cut feature, kiss cut, perf cut, lamination, and file setup using Adobe illustrator. Files can also be prepped in additional programs which we will go over including Flexi design studio which is a specialized program installed on the computer. 

      After this class, students will be authorized to use the BN2-20 independently.

      A separate, advanced red tool class will cover additional media, such as heat transfer vinyl, banners, printable fabric, clear and holographic sticker material, as well as using the white ink available and when it's useful.

      In this class, each student will print a set of stickers (about 5-6) using Versaworks. Each student will prep, print, laminate, and cut their stickers. 

      The instructor will provide images to choose from.  There are a variety of images and more may be added.  If you would like to bring your own artwork, please bring a computer with Adobe Illustrator or a flash drive with the image and the instructor can prep the file during the class for you. You can use the computer at the main room while other students are working and the instructor will be available to assist. Please note that those using the prepared files will get first priority to print.

      You will receive a handout with steps that will also be available anytime after and will be updated occasionally. You will also be given access to the sample sticker library files and a prep file that will assist with easier prep in Adobe Illustrator.

      You will take home a set of durable waterproof stickers that can be put on just about anything.

      Skills you will learn in this class:
      • What is the BN2-20 and what can it do
      • Make a sticker!!
      • Use Versaworks to print and cut
      • Print stickers on regular vinyl
      • Laminate your stickers
      • Use print and cut to put the print back into the machine
      • Load media including bringing in your own
      • Some tips and tricks and troubleshooting 
      • Learn about what other things can be done on the Bn2-20
      All tools and supplies for this class will be provided. If you would like to bring a design to print, please have it prepared on a flash drive as a jpeg, png, or pdf.

      Prerequisites: None. Be ready to participate and learn!

      The class will meet in the main room at the Leesburg location.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Questions? Contact the instructor Diane Bollinger.

      If the class is full, click here to request additional classes.

      • 03/17/2025
      • 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg - 106 Royal St SW
      • 7

      Class 3 - Understanding Color and Gradients

      Learn about color theory, color modes, and how to apply colors and gradients in your designs. Experiment with the color panel, swatches, and gradient tool to create visually appealing artwork.

      Learn Adobe Illustrator 12 Class Series

      This is part of an ongoing software series to learn Adobe Illustrator. This 12 part series can be taken individually to focus on skills you want to learn or you may sign up for all classes. As long as there is interest, a class will be repeated. So if you cannot attend some of the lessons or choose to take the classes out of order, you can still take all the classes eventually. The classes may shift to a new date/time of the week with each session. Some make-up classes may be scheduled sooner in case the instructor is unable to come in due to sickness or emergency. 

      When all 12 classes are completed the student will get a certificate of completion, regardless of the time it takes to complete all 12 classes in the series.

      PLEASE NOTE: A computer with Adobe Illustrator preloaded is required for this class. We will work to have additional computers available with the program installed if you cannot bring your computer with you or do not have the program purchased, but these will be on a first come first serve basis. 

      This class will meet in the basement classroom at the Leesburg location unless otherwise specified.  Online attendance may be an option if there is interest.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Questions?  Contact the instructor Diane Bollinger.

      If the class is full, click here if interested in future classes.

      • 03/17/2025
      • 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg - 106 Royal St SW
      • 7

      Class 4 - Advanced Drawing Techniques

      Explore advanced drawing tools like the blob brush, pencil, and curvature tool. Practice creating intricate designs and custom illustrations with precision.

      Learn Adobe Illustrator 12 Class Series

      This is part of an ongoing software series to learn Adobe Illustrator. This 12 part series can be taken individually to focus on skills you want to learn or you may sign up for all classes. As long as there is interest, a class will be repeated. So if you cannot attend some of the lessons or choose to take the classes out of order, you can still take all the classes eventually. The classes may shift to a new date/time of the week with each session. Some make-up classes may be scheduled sooner in case the instructor is unable to come in due to sickness or emergency. 

      When all 12 classes are completed the student will get a certificate of completion, regardless of the time it takes to complete all 12 classes in the series.

      PLEASE NOTE: A computer with Adobe Illustrator preloaded is required for this class. We will work to have additional computers available with the program installed if you cannot bring your computer with you or do not have the program purchased, but these will be on a first come first serve basis. 

      This class will meet in the basement classroom at the Leesburg location unless otherwise specified.  Online attendance may be an option if there is interest.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Questions?  Contact the instructor Diane Bollinger.

      If the class is full, click here if interested in future classes.

      • 03/18/2025
      • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
      • Makersmiths 106 Royal Street, SW Leesburg, VA 20175
      • 0
      Registration is closed

      This class is designed for those new to SLA 3D printing. You'll learn how to find, download, prepare, and print files on our resin 3D printers. Upon completion of this course, you'll be approved to start using the Resin 3D printers at Leesburg and Purcellville on your own.

      No prerequisite skills needed.  Resin materials are included in the class fee.

      This class will be held in the 3D Printing Room at Makersmiths in Leesburg.

      New to Makersmiths? Please fill out the online waiver form at 

      Questions? Please contact Scott Silvers.

      If the class is full, please here to request additional classes.

      • 03/18/2025
      • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg 106 Royal Street SW
      • 0
      Registration is closed


      Woodturning is a fun, absorbing activity. Once you learn the basics of turning, you’ll want to develop your skills with the lathe. This sign-off class is necessary to use the lathe and a prerequisite for future woodturning project classes.

      This course at Makersmiths-Leesburg is NOT a project class, but focuses on spindle turning.

      We will meet in the woodturning shop.

      The class will focus on the following:

      • Lathe safety
      • Equipment care
      • Hands-on usage of high speed steel (H.S.S)
      • Roughing gouge
      • Spindle gouge 
      • Parting tool
      • Brief sharpening demo (additional sharpening class needed)

      You won’t become an expert with one course, but I hope you will (re)discover that turning is fun and adds a new dimension to your portfolio of woodworking skills.

      No prerequisites to fulfill prior to this class, but it is important to follow these safety requirements: Wear closed-toed shoes, short sleeves, and eye protection (bring yours or use ours). 

      Optional (we have some you can use if needed): Hearing protection, particle filter, or dust mask.

      If you are new to Makersmiths, fill out an online waiver form prior to coming to class: 

      Questions? Please contact the instructor Ken Fuentecilla.

      If the class is full, click here if you're interested in a future class.

      • 03/18/2025
      • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
      • 785 S. 20th Street Purcellville, VA 20132

      We are an all-volunteer-run, non-profit organization providing knowledge, space, equipment, community & programs to enable you to learn, design, make, launch, work and play.

      We are adult enthusiasts, young adults and kids learning, playing and making, entrepreneurs prototyping new products and concepts, and finally, community organizations taking part in the maker movement.

      Our members share over 3,000 square feet of workrooms with a CNC mill, 3D printers, ceramics studio, welding, blacksmithing, woodworking and metalworking tools, meeting space and more. We are also gearing back up to offer classes and project workshops on a variety of topics such as blacksmithing and welding.  Come tell us what you'd like to see!

      We'd like to invite you to come by for a mini-tour and chat during Open House hours on Tuesday nights from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Come poke around, ask questions, see what other members are working on. We're friendly and casual. We're at 785 S. 20th Street, Purcellville, VA 20132. 

      If you want to get going right away, you can join us by visiting this page: Makersmiths Join Us Page

      Hope to see you soon, maybe next Tuesday. In the meantime, if you have any other questions, please feel free to ask! Contact

      • 03/18/2025
      • 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
      • 785 S. 20th St. Purcellville, VA 20132
      • 0
      Registration is closed

      This is a red tool class for running the Media Blast Cabinet, Powder Coating, and Paint Booth. No experience with the equipment is required. Participants will receive basic instructions on how to use the Media Blast Cabinet, Powder Coating, Ovens and Paint Booth.  They will powder a simple shape of metal to know how to use the equipment.

      Please wear long sleeves since we will be using an oven. Please meet in the Power Coating, Paint Booth Area of the upper building. 

      Click here to wait list a class

      New to Makersmiths? Please fill out this online waiver:

      Questions? Contact Evin Grano

      • 03/19/2025
      • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg - 106 Royal St SW
      • 9

      Leatherworking Skills - Finishing Edges

      In this skills-based class we will go over the many options of how to finish leather edges.

      • Edge beveling and how the size of the bevel matters
      • What can and can't be beveled
      • Burnishing and tricks to get good, better, and best burnished edges
      • What order to burnish, bevel, or color edges
      • The differences between types of leather and how that affects the edges
      • When to dye or use edge paint and why
      Each student will get scrap leather to try some of the different burnishing and beveling techniques.

      All tools, leather, and supplies will be provided.

      Prerequisites: None.  This class can be taken as a beginner and all skills will be discussed and taught.

      This class is best for ages 14 and above. Those under 14 should seek instructor approval before registering. Exceptions will typically be granted. Non-members under 18 should confirm with the instructor the rules for underage participants. This class is open to all races and genders. If there is anything you wish the instructor to be aware of ahead of the class. Please email. This class is a safe space, those who violate our code of conduct will be removed. 

      The class will meet in the Main Room at the Leesburg location unless otherwise specified.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Questions?  Contact the instructor Diane Bollinger.

      If the class is full, click here to request additional classes.

      • 03/19/2025
      • 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg - 106 Royal St SW
      • 9

      Leatherworking Skills - Sewing and Stitches

      In this class we will go over the difference in types of stitches, the tools used for punching stitches, and how the hole sizes and thread sizes affect the final result. Each Student will get a precut piece to practice different stitching methods and, based on the time available, we will practice punching and stitching on scrap leather.

      All tools, leather, and supplies will be provided.

      Prerequisites: None. This class can be taken as a beginner and all skills will be discussed and taught.

      This class is best for ages 14 and above. Those under 14 should seek instructor approval before registering. Exceptions will typically be granted. Non-members under 18 should confirm with the instructor the rules for underage participants. This class is open to all races and genders. If there is anything you wish the instructor to be aware of ahead of the class. Please email. This class is a safe space, those who violate our code of conduct will be removed.

      The class will meet in the Main Room at the Leesburg location unless otherwise specified.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Questions?  Contact the instructor Diane Bollinger.

      If the class is full, click here to request additional classes.

      • 03/19/2025
      • 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg - 106 Royal St SW
      • 9

      Leatherworking Skills - Setting Rivets

      In this class we will learn all about rivets:

      • Different types of rivets, chicago screws, buttons, snaps, and more
      • When to use the different types, how the finish looks may change the style of your project
      • Color options for the different types of hardware
      • What to avoid to make sure your hardware doesn't rust or tarnish
      Each student will get a chance to set multiple types of rivets through multiple thicknesses as well as using chicago screws. We will try out press setting, using a cheap rivet setting anvil, and using a professional small anvil or solid work surface.

      All tools, leather, and supplies will be provided.

      Prerequisites: None.  This class can be taken as a beginner and all skills will be discussed and taught.

      This class is best for ages 14 and above. Those under 14 should seek instructor approval before registering. Exceptions will typically be granted. Non-members under 18 should confirm with the instructor the rules for underage participants. This class is open to all races and genders. If there is anything you wish the instructor to be aware of ahead of the class. Please email. This class is a safe space, those who violate our code of conduct will be removed.

      The class will meet in the Main Room at the Leesburg location unless otherwise specified.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Questions?  Contact the instructor Diane Bollinger.

      If the class is full, click here to request additional classes.

      • 03/19/2025
      • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg 106 Royal St SW & online

      Now that we've passed our 10 year milestone, it's the perfect time to review what we've accomplished and look at what we want and need to grow onward and upward. 

      These Strategic Planning meetings will be ongoing and open to the general Membership.  Initial meetings will primarily be listening and listing.  Bring your ideas, bring your notions, and above all, bring your positivity. 

      The meetings that follow will serve as the umbrella to focus on the goals the Membership wants to address, tactics we will use to accomplish them, identifying volunteers to lead those efforts, and keeping aligned with our Mission Statement.

      Examples of topics that will be discussed: Class Structuring, Security, Alternative Revenue Sources, Marketing, Community Outreach, and Volunteerism.

      Feel free to add any more topics to the Canvas in the  #roadmap-and-future-planning Slack channel.

      This meeting will be held in the Classroom at the Leesburg space.

      To participate virtually, see below:    

      Questions? Please contact John Carter.

      • 03/19/2025
      • 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
      • Makersmiths 785 S. 20th St. Purcellville, VA 20132
      • 1

      Makersmiths, Inc. members wishing to use the tools in the metal shop in Purcellville must complete a course of orientation and training and demonstrate competence with each tool before their name will be placed on the approved list of machine operators.

      This course covers Red Tool Metalworking – Basics

      Prerequisites - Must be 18 or older and have an interest in metal working.

      Class size is limited to four students. The class is a minimum of two hours but may take longer depending on attendee’s previous experience.

      The class will be held in the metal working room at Makersmiths in Purcellville. Members will have an introduction to the metal working room and will be introduced to each of the tools in the metal working room. A handout will be provided.

      To prepare for class, please do the following: 

      1. Wear closed-toe shoes, open-toed shoes are not allowed in the shop.
      2. Ensure you are not wearing loose clothing, have long unconfined hair, or dangling jewelry.
      3. You will need eye protection. We have goggles available for you to wear if you do not bring your own.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      If the class is full, Click here to wait list a class.

      Contact the instructor for questions: Dave Painter

      • 03/19/2025
      • 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM
      • Leesburg & online

      The Class Planning subcommittee is part of the Scheduling Committee.

      The Class Planning subcommittee will:

      • Identify which areas/tools could benefit from “102-level” classes where members can develop their skills and become more familiar with the tool/machine.

      • Develop the “102-level” classes - class outline/content, PowerPoint slides, taking photos.

      • Identify instructors to teach the classes.

      • Coordinate quarterly make & take classes.

      The monthly meetings are open to all Makersmiths members.

      If you are interested in getting more classes on the calendar, please attend a meeting to see how you can lend a hand.

      We will meet in person in the basement classroom at Leesburg.  To attend virtually,

      Questions? Please email the Scheduling Committee chairperson Jennifer Chu.

      • 03/20/2025
      • 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg - 106 Royal St SW
      • 6

      Make a Simple Leather Dog Collar

      In this class we will make a simple dog collar. Please bring the measurement for your dog's neck measured snuggly. We will go over how to attach the buckle, measure the length, where to put the hole spacing and how the thickness of the leather affects the end result measurement. There will be a guest star of one of my Whippets to assist us in testing out the measurements. We will also discuss different types of hardware, finishes, quality, and when to use stitching, rivets, chicago screws, and durability questions. Each student will leave with a finished plain black 1in or 3/4in dog collar at the end of the class.

      All tools, leather, and supplies will be provided.

      Prerequisites: None. This class can be taken as a beginner and all skills will be discussed and taught.

      This class is best for ages 14 and above. Those under 14 should seek instructor approval before registering. Exceptions will typically be granted. Non-members under 18 should confirm with the instructor the rules for underage participants. This class is open to all races and genders. If there is anything you wish the instructor to be aware of ahead of the class. Please email. This class is a safe space, those who violate our code of conduct will be removed.

      The class will meet in the Main Room at the Leesburg location unless otherwise specified.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Questions?  Contact the instructor Diane Bollinger.

      If the class is full, click here to request additional classes.

      • 03/20/2025
      • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
      • MS-Leesburg 106 Royal Street SW, Leesburg VA 20175
      • 9

      Meet in the new Electronics Shop in the basement classroom of Makersmiths-Leesburg.  

      If you haven't filled out the waiver form, please fill it out here -

      The host for Electronics Night is Oliver Arend.

      • 03/20/2025
      • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg - 106 Royal Street SW

      Welcome to Makersmiths

      We are an all-volunteer-run, non-profit organization providing knowledge, space, equipment, community & programs to enable you to learn, design, make, launch, work and play.

      We are adult enthusiasts, young adults and kids learning, playing and making, entrepreneurs prototyping new products and concepts, and finally, community organizations taking part in the maker movement.

      Our members share over 3,000 square feet of workrooms with CNC mills, 3D printers, a 100 watt laser cutter, woodworking and metalworking tools, meeting space, storage space and more. We are also gearing back up to offer classes and project workshops on a variety of topics such as butcher block cutting board building, Arduino and RaspberryPi programming, and sewing.  Come tell us what you'd like to see!

      We'd like to invite you to come by for a mini-tour and chat during Open House hours on Thursday nights from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Come poke around, ask questions, see what other members are working on. We're friendly and casual. We're at 106 Royal St SW, Leesburg, VA 20175 or search Google Maps for "Makersmiths" for directions.

      If you want to get going right away, you can join us by visiting this page: Makersmiths Join Us Page

      Hope to see you soon, maybe next Thursday. In the meantime, if you have any other questions, please feel free to ask! Please email: 

      • 03/20/2025
      • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
      • Leesburg & online

      This is a monthly meeting of the Scheduling Committee.

      The Scheduling Committee is responsible for:

      • Creating policies and procedures for scheduling classes and events 
      • Scheduling classes and events including red tool classes
      • Developing new classes and events
      • Advertising these to members and the general public

      The monthly meetings are open to all Makersmiths members.

      If you are interested in joining the Scheduling Committee, please attend a meeting to see how you can lend a hand.

      We will meet in person in the basement classroom at Leesburg.  To attend virtually,

      Questions? Please email the Scheduling Committee chairperson Jennifer Chu.

      • 03/21/2025
      • 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg 106 Royal Street SW
      • 0
      Registration is closed


      Woodturning is a fun, absorbing activity. Once you learn the basics of turning, you’ll want to develop your skills with the lathe. This sign-off class is necessary to use the lathe and a prerequisite for future woodturning project classes.

      This course at Makersmiths-Leesburg is NOT a project class, but focuses on spindle turning.

      We will meet in the woodturning shop.

      The class will focus on the following:

      • Lathe safety
      • Equipment care
      • Hands-on usage of high speed steel (H.S.S)
      • Roughing gouge
      • Spindle gouge 
      • Parting tool
      • Brief sharpening demo (additional sharpening class needed)

      You won’t become an expert with one course, but I hope you will (re)discover that turning is fun and adds a new dimension to your portfolio of woodworking skills.

      No prerequisites to fulfill prior to this class, but it is important to follow these safety requirements: Wear closed-toed shoes, short sleeves, and eye protection (bring yours or use ours). 

      Optional (we have some you can use if needed): Hearing protection, particle filter, or dust mask.

      If you are new to Makersmiths, fill out an online waiver form prior to coming to class: 

      Questions? Please contact the instructor Dave Hamrick. 

      If the class is full, click here to request additional classes. 

      • 03/24/2025
      • 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg - 106 Royal St SW
      • 7

      Class 5 - Working with Text

      Master the text tool and typography features in Illustrator. Learn how to create and format text, apply character and paragraph styles, and work with text on a path.

      Learn Adobe Illustrator 12 Class Series

      This is part of an ongoing software series to learn Adobe Illustrator. This 12 part series can be taken individually to focus on skills you want to learn or you may sign up for all classes. As long as there is interest, a class will be repeated. So if you cannot attend some of the lessons or choose to take the classes out of order, you can still take all the classes eventually. The classes may shift to a new date/time of the week with each session. Some make-up classes may be scheduled sooner in case the instructor is unable to come in due to sickness or emergency. 

      When all 12 classes are completed the student will get a certificate of completion, regardless of the time it takes to complete all 12 classes in the series.

      PLEASE NOTE: A computer with Adobe Illustrator preloaded is required for this class. We will work to have additional computers available with the program installed if you cannot bring your computer with you or do not have the program purchased, but these will be on a first come first serve basis. 

      This class will meet in the basement classroom at the Leesburg location unless otherwise specified.  Online attendance may be an option if there is interest.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Questions?  Contact the instructor Diane Bollinger.

      If the class is full, click here if interested in future classes.

      • 03/24/2025
      • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
      • 106 Royal St SW, Leesburg VA 20175
      • 7

      This is the red tool class for our newest printer, the BN2-20!  The BN2-20 is a commercial quality sticker printer but also so much more.

      In this class you will learn the basics of using the machine safely and what it is capable of. You will learn to print stickers using white vinyl and how to laminate for durability. We will go over the print and cut feature, kiss cut, perf cut, lamination, and file setup using Adobe illustrator. Files can also be prepped in additional programs which we will go over including Flexi design studio which is a specialized program installed on the computer. 

      After this class, students will be authorized to use the BN2-20 independently.

      A separate, advanced red tool class will cover additional media, such as heat transfer vinyl, banners, printable fabric, clear and holographic sticker material, as well as using the white ink available and when it's useful.

      In this class, each student will print a set of stickers (about 5-6) using Versaworks. Each student will prep, print, laminate, and cut their stickers. 

      The instructor will provide images to choose from.  There are a variety of images and more may be added.  If you would like to bring your own artwork, please bring a computer with Adobe Illustrator or a flash drive with the image and the instructor can prep the file during the class for you. You can use the computer at the main room while other students are working and the instructor will be available to assist. Please note that those using the prepared files will get first priority to print.

      You will receive a handout with steps that will also be available anytime after and will be updated occasionally. You will also be given access to the sample sticker library files and a prep file that will assist with easier prep in Adobe Illustrator.

      You will take home a set of durable waterproof stickers that can be put on just about anything.

      Skills you will learn in this class:
      • What is the BN2-20 and what can it do
      • Make a sticker!!
      • Use Versaworks to print and cut
      • Print stickers on regular vinyl
      • Laminate your stickers
      • Use print and cut to put the print back into the machine
      • Load media including bringing in your own
      • Some tips and tricks and troubleshooting 
      • Learn about what other things can be done on the Bn2-20
      All tools and supplies for this class will be provided. If you would like to bring a design to print, please have it prepared on a flash drive as a jpeg, png, or pdf.

      Prerequisites: None. Be ready to participate and learn!

      The class will meet in the main room at the Leesburg location.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Questions? Contact the instructor Diane Bollinger.

      If the class is full, click here to request additional classes.

      • 03/25/2025
      • 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg - 106 Royal St SW
      • 6

      Make a Leather Card Wallet

      In this make and take class, we will create a flat card wallet. We will cut out the shapes, glue them together, punch the stitching holes, and finish the edges. Each student will get a kit with a copy of the paper pattern and the pieces of leather required.

      All tools, leather, and supplies will be provided.

      Prerequisites: This class can be taken as a beginner and all skills will be discussed and taught.

      This class is best for ages 14 and above. Those under 14 should seek instructor approval before registering. Exceptions will typically be granted. Non-members under 18 should confirm with the instructor the rules for underage participants. This class is open to all races and genders. If there is anything you wish the instructor to be aware of ahead of the class, please email. This class is a safe space, those who violate our code of conduct will be removed.

      The class will meet in the Main Room at the Leesburg location unless otherwise specified.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Questions?  Contact the instructor Diane Bollinger.

      If the class is full, click here to request additional classes.

      • 03/25/2025
      • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
      • 785 S. 20th Street Purcellville, VA 20132

      We are an all-volunteer-run, non-profit organization providing knowledge, space, equipment, community & programs to enable you to learn, design, make, launch, work and play.

      We are adult enthusiasts, young adults and kids learning, playing and making, entrepreneurs prototyping new products and concepts, and finally, community organizations taking part in the maker movement.

      Our members share over 3,000 square feet of workrooms with a CNC mill, 3D printers, ceramics studio, welding, blacksmithing, woodworking and metalworking tools, meeting space and more. We are also gearing back up to offer classes and project workshops on a variety of topics such as blacksmithing and welding.  Come tell us what you'd like to see!

      We'd like to invite you to come by for a mini-tour and chat during Open House hours on Tuesday nights from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Come poke around, ask questions, see what other members are working on. We're friendly and casual. We're at 785 S. 20th Street, Purcellville, VA 20132. 

      If you want to get going right away, you can join us by visiting this page: Makersmiths Join Us Page

      Hope to see you soon, maybe next Tuesday. In the meantime, if you have any other questions, please feel free to ask! Contact

      • 03/25/2025
      • 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
      • 785 S. 20th St. Purcellville, VA 20132
      • 0
      Registration is closed

      This is a red tool class for running the Media Blast Cabinet, Powder Coating, and Paint Booth. No experience with the equipment is required. Participants will receive basic instructions on how to use the Media Blast Cabinet, Powder Coating, Ovens and Paint Booth.  They will powder a simple shape of metal to know how to use the equipment.

      Please wear long sleeves since we will be using an oven. Please meet in the Power Coating, Paint Booth Area of the upper building. 

      Click here to wait list a class

      New to Makersmiths? Please fill out this online waiver:

      Questions? Contact Evin Grano

      • 03/25/2025
      • 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
      • 106 Royal St SW, Leesburg, VA 20175

      Are you a new Makersmiths member? Are you an older member who needs a refresh? If you said yes to either of these than come on by for our New Member Orientation.

      We will go over everything you could possibly ever need to know about the organization and have knowledgeable members on hand to answer questions.

      Questions: Contact Dawn Martin.

      • 03/26/2025
      • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg - 106 Royal St SW
      • 0
      Registration is closed


      Join us at Makersmiths for a hands-on class where you will learn the art of hemming pants!

      You'll learn essential techniques to measure, mark, and hem jeans with two stylish finish options, plus how to expertly hand stitch a blind hem suitable for slacks, skirts, and more. Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your skills, this class will empower you to tackle your long pants with confidence!

      All materials and sewing equipment will be provided.  

      Prerequisites: None.  All skill levels welcome. 

      This class will meet in the main room at the Leesburg location.

      Participants must fill out a waiver form or have a completed waiver form on file.

      Questions? Contact the instructor Amy Copley.

      If the class is full, click here to request additional classes.

      • 03/26/2025
      • 7:00 PM
      • online

      The monthly Board of Directors meeting is open to all Makersmiths Members.

      All Members are welcome and encouraged to attend, but motions, votes,  participation in discussion are for Board Members. 

      Please join the meeting if you’re interested in what we’re voting on, committee reports, etc.

      The meeting google code is  

      The meeting agenda as well as minutes from past meetings can be found on the wiki -

      Questions: Contact Jonathan White

      • 03/27/2025
      • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg - 106 Royal St SW
      • 6

      This class will go over all the steps for making your own custom guitar strap, including template prep, cutting, dying, stitching, and finishing. You do not need any leatherworking skills to take this class as all steps will be taught. There will be multiple options similar to the inlay style shown to work with and you can adjust the decorations to your style. 

      Skills you will learn in this intro class: 

      • Overview of pattern templates and how to use them

      • Using a template to cut out your pattern and place stitch holes

      • Using Vegtan and Chrome tan leathers

      • Dying leather using water stain and drying 

      • Overview of stamping and assist if stamping is requested

      • Hand Stitching and using a stitching pony

      • Edge beveling, burnishing, and finishing

      • Differences in weights of leather

      • Overview of laser cutting or UV printing your leather and assistance doing so based on available time. (If you have imagery you want to use please bring it to the first class on a laptop or USB)

      This class is formatted in such a way that you may take the first class, get your instructions and kit, and then finish the project on your own. Or you may sign up for additional classes at a lowered price point to continue working on the project under the guidance of the instructor until it’s finished. (It is anticipated that it will take approximately three classes to complete the guitar strap.) This is very beneficial for newer leather workers to make sure the instructor is available to ask any questions.

      Makersmiths Members are welcome to use the tools in the leatherworking shop to work on the project on your own and sign up for the additional classes only if necessary.

      Note: The use rights of this pattern means that the pattern is purchased for each student. This means you can download a copy of the pattern and personally make up to 10 copies of the pattern before purchasing yourself a copy. See for additional information on this pattern.

      All tools, leather, and supplies will be provided. 

      This class will meet in the main room at the Leesburg location.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Questions?  Contact the instructor Diane Bollinger.

      If the class is full, click here to request additional classes.

      • 03/27/2025
      • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg - 106 Royal Street SW

      Welcome to Makersmiths

      We are an all-volunteer-run, non-profit organization providing knowledge, space, equipment, community & programs to enable you to learn, design, make, launch, work and play.

      We are adult enthusiasts, young adults and kids learning, playing and making, entrepreneurs prototyping new products and concepts, and finally, community organizations taking part in the maker movement.

      Our members share over 3,000 square feet of workrooms with CNC mills, 3D printers, a 100 watt laser cutter, woodworking and metalworking tools, meeting space, storage space and more. We are also gearing back up to offer classes and project workshops on a variety of topics such as butcher block cutting board building, Arduino and RaspberryPi programming, and sewing.  Come tell us what you'd like to see!

      We'd like to invite you to come by for a mini-tour and chat during Open House hours on Thursday nights from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Come poke around, ask questions, see what other members are working on. We're friendly and casual. We're at 106 Royal St SW, Leesburg, VA 20175 or search Google Maps for "Makersmiths" for directions.

      If you want to get going right away, you can join us by visiting this page: Makersmiths Join Us Page

      Hope to see you soon, maybe next Thursday. In the meantime, if you have any other questions, please feel free to ask! Please email: 

      • 03/29/2025
      • 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg: 106 Royal St. SW
      Come out to lend a hand at our monthly workday in Leesburg. We have a lot to do this month and could use a bunch of help.
      • Basic monthly cleaning
      • Plus More TBA...

      We'd love for you to register for this event so we know how many helpers we have, but we are also 100% fine with you just dropping by! 

      This is a great way to cover your 2 hours of volunteer time a month. 

      If you have any questions, please email John Carter.

      • 03/29/2025
      • 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg - 106 Royal St SW
      • 4

      This Red Tool class is a prerequisite for anyone looking to use the Thunder Laser Nova 51 (at Leesburg) or Thunder Laser Nova 24 (at Purcellville) CO2 laser cutters. 

      This training will show you the basic usage of the Thunder Laser Nova 51 and the Thunder Laser Nova 24 along with safety considerations.  After this class you will be authorized to use either CO2 laser cutter - Nova 51 in Leesburg and Nova 24 in Purcellville.

      This class will NOT cover the rotary tool or the advanced features of the CO2 laser cutter. These will be covered in separate red tool classes.

      This class will NOT cover the fiber laser located in the Purcellville lower building.  This will be covered in a separate red tool class.

      This class will go over how to use the machines safely, but does not go into detail on project designs or the advanced features of LightBurn.

      While not necessary, it is highly recommended that participants familiarize themselves with vector drawing and LightBurn to help them get more out of the class. Participants will learn to make a material test swatch or key ring.

      During the class, the following will be addressed:

      • Laser Use Guidelines and Policies
      • Introduction to Laser Equipment
      • Introduction to Laser Software
      • Laser Safety Review
      • Tips, Hints, and having FUN
      • Hands on Training and Use

      Prerequisite: None, though watching some YouTube videos about LightBurn will help you get more out of the class:

      No refunds will be given to cancellations within 3 days prior to the class.

      Questions? Contact the instructor John Carter.

      If the class is full, click here to request additional classes.

      • 03/29/2025
      • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg - 106 Royal St SW
      • 5

      This class is for those who have already taken the CO2 Laser Basic Red Tool class on the Thunder Lasers.

      This training will show you some of the advanced uses of the Nova 51 (at Leesburg) and the Nova 24 (at Purcellville) along with safety considerations. After this class you will be authorized to use the advanced features of the CO2 laser cutters.

      This class will NOT cover the CO2 laser rotary tool.  This is covered in a separate red tool class.

      This class will NOT cover the fiber laser located in the Purcellville lower building.  This is covered in a separate red tool class.

      During the class, the following will be covered:

      • Quick Review of Laser Equipment, Guidelines, Policies and Safety
      • Using the Camera
      • Print and Cut
      • Passthrough
      • 4” and HR Lenses
      • Different Nozzle Sizes

      Prerequisite: You must complete the CO2 Laser Basic Red Tool class prior to taking this advanced class.

      This session will be held at the Leesburg location.

      No refunds will be given for cancellations within 3 days prior to the class.

      If the class is full, click here if you’re interested in a future class. 

      Questions? Contact the instructor John Carter.

      • 03/31/2025
      • 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg - 106 Royal St SW
      • 8

      Class 6 - Using Layers and Masks

      Understand the importance of layers and how to organize your artwork. Learn how to use clipping masks and opacity masks to create complex designs and effects.

      Learn Adobe Illustrator 12 Class Series

      This is part of an ongoing software series to learn Adobe Illustrator. This 12 part series can be taken individually to focus on skills you want to learn or you may sign up for all classes. As long as there is interest, a class will be repeated. So if you cannot attend some of the lessons or choose to take the classes out of order, you can still take all the classes eventually. The classes may shift to a new date/time of the week with each session. Some make-up classes may be scheduled sooner in case the instructor is unable to come in due to sickness or emergency. 

      When all 12 classes are completed the student will get a certificate of completion, regardless of the time it takes to complete all 12 classes in the series.

      PLEASE NOTE: A computer with Adobe Illustrator preloaded is required for this class. We will work to have additional computers available with the program installed if you cannot bring your computer with you or do not have the program purchased, but these will be on a first come first serve basis. 

      This class will meet in the basement classroom at the Leesburg location unless otherwise specified.  Online attendance may be an option if there is interest.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Questions?  Contact the instructor Diane Bollinger.

      If the class is full, click here if interested in future classes.

      • 04/02/2025
      • 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg - 106 Royal St SW
      • 8

      Make a Sublimation Wind Spinner

      In this Make and Take class, we will be printing with the Sublimation system on metal wind spinners. A wind spinner is an indoor/outdoor decoration that hangs from a tree or similar frame and spins when blown by wind. We will print the item flat and then bend them into the wind spinner shape.

      All tools and supplies will be provided.

      Prerequisites: This class may use machines that typically require a Red tool class to use, but no Red Tools are required to attend. Use of the machine in some instances may require instructor permission during the class if you are not Red Tool Authorized.

      This class is best for ages 14 and above. Those under 14 should seek instructor approval before registering. Exceptions will typically be granted. Non-members under 18 should confirm with the instructor the rules for underage participants. This class is open to all races and genders. If there is anything you wish the instructor to be aware of ahead of the class. Please email. This class is a safe space, those who violate our code of conduct will be removed.

      The class will meet in the Main Room at the Leesburg.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Questions?  Contact the instructor Diane Bollinger.

      If the class is full, click here to request additional classes.

      • 04/03/2025
      • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg - 106 Royal Street SW

      Welcome to Makersmiths

      We are an all-volunteer-run, non-profit organization providing knowledge, space, equipment, community & programs to enable you to learn, design, make, launch, work and play.

      We are adult enthusiasts, young adults and kids learning, playing and making, entrepreneurs prototyping new products and concepts, and finally, community organizations taking part in the maker movement.

      Our members share over 3,000 square feet of workrooms with CNC mills, 3D printers, a 100 watt laser cutter, woodworking and metalworking tools, meeting space, storage space and more. We are also gearing back up to offer classes and project workshops on a variety of topics such as butcher block cutting board building, Arduino and RaspberryPi programming, and sewing.  Come tell us what you'd like to see!

      We'd like to invite you to come by for a mini-tour and chat during Open House hours on Thursday nights from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Come poke around, ask questions, see what other members are working on. We're friendly and casual. We're at 106 Royal St SW, Leesburg, VA 20175 or search Google Maps for "Makersmiths" for directions.

      If you want to get going right away, you can join us by visiting this page: Makersmiths Join Us Page

      Hope to see you soon, maybe next Thursday. In the meantime, if you have any other questions, please feel free to ask! Please email: 

      • 04/04/2025
      • 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg - 106 Royal Street SW

      Welcome to Makersmiths

      Join us for the 'Shmooze-in-the-Shop' First Friday Open House at the Leesburg location.  Bring a small project to show off or tinker on.  We'll fire up the grill and tell a story or two.

      Questions? Contact John Carter.

      • 04/05/2025
      • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
      • 785 S. 20th Street Purcellville, VA 20132

      Purcellville Work Day

      On the first Saturday of each month, Makersmiths Purcellville has a work day. This is a great opportunity for Makersmiths members to complete their monthly volunteer hours. It is also a chance to meet other members!

      Please arrive at 9am and we should wind down our work at 12:00PM (noon). The list of jobs that need to be completed are posted in Slack (General) a day or two before the work day- so be sure to check the Makersmiths Slack General Slack channel. There are times we need people to come with string trimmers or other maintenance items.

      For specific questions, please contact Dave Painter

      • 04/07/2025
      • 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg - 106 Royal St SW
      • 8

      Class 7 - Creating and Using Brushes

      Discover the different types of brushes available in Illustrator, including calligraphic, scatter, art, and pattern brushes. Learn how to create custom brushes and apply them to your designs.

      Learn Adobe Illustrator 12 Class Series

      This is part of an ongoing software series to learn Adobe Illustrator. This 12 part series can be taken individually to focus on skills you want to learn or you may sign up for all classes. As long as there is interest, a class will be repeated. So if you cannot attend some of the lessons or choose to take the classes out of order, you can still take all the classes eventually. The classes may shift to a new date/time of the week with each session. Some make-up classes may be scheduled sooner in case the instructor is unable to come in due to sickness or emergency. 

      When all 12 classes are completed the student will get a certificate of completion, regardless of the time it takes to complete all 12 classes in the series.

      PLEASE NOTE: A computer with Adobe Illustrator preloaded is required for this class. We will work to have additional computers available with the program installed if you cannot bring your computer with you or do not have the program purchased, but these will be on a first come first serve basis. 

      This class will meet in the basement classroom at the Leesburg location unless otherwise specified.  Online attendance may be an option if there is interest.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Questions?  Contact the instructor Diane Bollinger.

      If the class is full, click here if interested in future classes.

      • 04/07/2025
      • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg 106 Royal St SW

      Join us to revitalize our Marketing Committee and jump start our 2025 initiatives:

      • Bring in like-minded makers
      • Develop regular venues for Member Makers to present their creations to the public [Purcellville Town Hall Gallery, Leesburg First Fridays]
      • Establish a foothold in our communities
      • Reinforce the Makersmiths brand
      • Seek alternative sources of revenue (donations, fundraisers)

      This meeting will be held in the main room at the Leesburg location.

      Questions? Please contact Sally Soles.

      • 04/07/2025
      • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg - 106 Royal St. SW
      • 4

      In this red tool training class in the main room at Makersmiths Leesburg, Makersmiths members will learn how to use the Roland LEF2-200 UV Printer and print on a 4x4 ceramic coaster.  After completing this class, you will be authorized to use the UV Printer independently.

      No prerequisite skills are required and all materials will be provided. 

      You will learn how to:

      • Turn on and setup the machine
      • Setup your media
      • Setup your artwork in a jig template
      • Prepare your work for printing
      • Add your file to the print queue
      • Print, monitor, and emergency stops
      • Removal and cleanup
      • Shut down

      You are welcome to bring an image you would like on your coaster! Just make sure it’s on a portable USB drive!

      New to Makersmiths? If you have not filled out the online waiver form, please go to

      Questions? Contact the instructor Ralph Pugh.

      If the class is full, click here to request additional classes.

      • 04/08/2025
      • 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
      • Makersmiths Purcellville - 785 S. 20th St
      • 0
      Registration is closed


      In this make & take workshop, you will create a small 11" x 17" window with a geometric or floral design.

      In this class you will do the following:

      • Design and create your pattern.
      • Cut glass sheets using a pistol/pencil grip glass cutter.
      • Use a wet grinder to shape your cut glass pieces to fit the pattern.
      • Prepare your glass for soldering using the copper foil method.
      • Tack solder and bead your pieces together.
      • Patina, polish, and frame your work using zinc channels.

      You may bring a partner at no extra charge (both of you will work together on one window). 

      All tools and supplies will be provided. 

      Please wear closed-toed shoes and clothes you don't mind getting dirty.

      No prerequisites required.  This class is open to all skill levels. 

      This class will meet in the lower building classroom at the Purcellville location.

      This is an all-day class. Lunch will be provided - the instructor will be grilling burgers with chips!  You may bring your own lunch if you don't want burgers.

      Questions?  Contact the instructor Ken Fuentecilla.

      If the class is full, click here to request additional classes.

      • 04/09/2025
      • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg - 106 Royal St SW
      • 8

      Leatherworking Skills - Tooling Part 1 - Using Stamps

      In this class we will go over the basics of leather tooling, specifically stamping. There are a variety of stamp options and we will go over casing your leather to prep it for stamping, what to watch for to not overly wet leather. How to work with multiple types of stamps and create consistent patterns. Each student will get scrap leather to test on.

      All tools, leather, and supplies will be provided.

      Prerequisites: None. This class can be taken as a beginner and all skills will be discussed and taught.

      This class is best for ages 14 and above. Those under 14 should seek instructor approval before registering. Exceptions will typically be granted. Non-members under 18 should confirm with the instructor the rules for underage participants. This class is open to all races and genders. If there is anything you wish the instructor to be aware of ahead of the class. Please email. This class is a safe space, those who violate our code of conduct will be removed. "

      The class will meet in the Main Room at the Leesburg location unless otherwise specified.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Questions?  Contact the instructor Diane Bollinger.

      If the class is full, click here to request additional classes.

      • 04/09/2025
      • 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg - 106 Royal St SW
      • 8

      Leatherworking Skills - UV Printing on Leather

      In this class we will discuss how and when to use the UV printer to print on leather. What the benefits are to it over painting or dying your project. And how to pick the best type of leather for your project and what step in the process to do the printing. Each student will get a sample of printed leather and the chance to try out printing as time allows.

      All tools, leather, and supplies will be provided.

      Prerequisites: None. This class can be taken as a beginner and all skills will be discussed and taught.

      This class is best for ages 14 and above. Those under 14 should seek instructor approval before registering. Exceptions will typically be granted. Non-members under 18 should confirm with the instructor the rules for underage participants. This class is open to all races and genders. If there is anything you wish the instructor to be aware of ahead of the class. Please email. This class is a safe space, those who violate our code of conduct will be removed.

      The class will meet in the Main Room at the Leesburg location unless otherwise specified.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Questions?  Contact the instructor Diane Bollinger.

      If the class is full, click here to request additional classes.

      • 04/09/2025
      • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
      • 106 Royal St. SW Leesburg, VA 20175

      *** Sewing Social will be at Makersmiths Leesburg

      (in the main room) for the winter months! ***


      We are thrilled to announce our sewing social at Makersmiths Leesburg, a gathering that promises to be a celebration of creativity and community for sewing enthusiasts of all levels. Join us every second Wednesday of the month as we come together to share our love for the craft, learn from each other, and forge lasting connections in a welcoming and inspiring environment. Whether you're a beginner looking to pick up tips or a seasoned pro eager to showcase your skills, our sewing socials offer a space for everyone to come together and stitch their way to new friendships and endless inspiration.

      Please remember to bring your own sewing machine, along with cutting tools, pins, measuring tape, and a project you've been wanting to tackle to our upcoming sewing event. Whether you're working on a new garment, a home decor item, or simply want to practice your stitches, having your own sewing machine allows you to create and craft to your heart's content in the company of fellow sewing enthusiasts So, pack up your gear, grab your project, and join us for a productive and creative sewing session where you can bring your vision to life with all the tools you need at hand. 

      All skills are welcome. If you are new to sewing or have been sewing for decades, we hope you will join us in the main room for our "sewcial" - get it?

      New to Makersmiths? Please fill out this waiver:

      Questions? Please contact Amy Copley.

      • 04/10/2025
      • 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg - 106 Royal St SW
      • 5

      Leather Armor Series - Bracers

      In this Make and Take class we will make a set of simple leather bracers. Each person will get a kit of pre-dyed leather and buckles. We will finish the edges, optionally stamp onto the leather, and attach the straps and buckles. This class is one part of a multipart series to eventually make a set of leather armor.

      All tools, leather, and supplies will be provided.

      Prerequisites: This class can be taken as a beginner and all skills will be discussed and taught.

      This class is best for ages 14 and above. Those under 14 should seek instructor approval before registering. Exceptions will typically be granted. Non-members under 18 should confirm with the instructor the rules for underage participants. This class is open to all races and genders. If there is anything you wish the instructor to be aware of ahead of the class. Please email. This class is a safe space, those who violate our code of conduct will be removed.

      The class will meet in the Main Room at the Leesburg location unless otherwise specified. 

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Questions?  Contact the instructor Diane Bollinger.

      If the class is full, click here to request additional classes.

      • 04/10/2025
      • 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
      • MS-P 785 S. 20th Street Purcellville, VA 20132
      • 4

      Makersmiths, Inc. members wishing to use the tools in the woodworking shop in Purcellville must complete a course of orientation and training and demonstrate competence with each tool before their name will be placed on the approved list of machine operators. Completion of red tool training in Leesburg does NOT permit you to use the tools or shop in Purcellville.  

      While many of the tools in the two locations perform similar tasks, the tools in Leesburg are homeowner/hobbyist in size while the tools in Purcellville are industrial sized. Red Tool training for woodworking in Purcellville is divided into three classes: Red Tool Woodworking-Basics; Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced; and, Red Tool CNC. We will meet in both the Green Room and woodshop for this event. 

      This course covers Red Tool Woodworking – Basics

      Prerequisites - Must be 18 or older and have an interest in woodworking.

      Class size is limited to four students. The class is a minimum of two hours but may take longer depending on attendee’s previous experience.

      The class will start in the Green Room with a presentation and discussion covering shop etiquette, layout, hours, rules, material storage, and safety.   Class will then move into the wood shop where various machines will be demonstrated. Members will get an opportunity to practice on each machine. The machines covered in this class are; Panel Saw, Table Saw, Miter Saw, Drill Press, Spindle sander, 12” Disk Sander, Downdraft Sanding Table, and Dust Collector.

      To prepare for class, please do the following: 

      1. Wear closed-toe shoes, open-toed shoes are not allowed in the shop.
      2. Ensure you are not wearing loose clothing, have long unconfined hair, or dangling jewelry.
      3. You will need eye protection. We have goggles available for you to wear if you do not bring your own.
      4. Hearing protection is not required by highly recommended. We have disposable foam earplugs, but if you have your own, please bring them.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Contact the instructor for questions: John Borden

      • 04/14/2025
      • 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg - 106 Royal St SW
      • 8

      Class 8 - Working with Patterns and Textures

      Explore how to create and apply patterns and textures to your artwork. Learn about the pattern tool, pattern options panel, and how to use texture effects to add depth to your designs.

      Learn Adobe Illustrator 12 Class Series

      This is part of an ongoing software series to learn Adobe Illustrator. This 12 part series can be taken individually to focus on skills you want to learn or you may sign up for all classes. As long as there is interest, a class will be repeated. So if you cannot attend some of the lessons or choose to take the classes out of order, you can still take all the classes eventually. The classes may shift to a new date/time of the week with each session. Some make-up classes may be scheduled sooner in case the instructor is unable to come in due to sickness or emergency. 

      When all 12 classes are completed the student will get a certificate of completion, regardless of the time it takes to complete all 12 classes in the series.

      PLEASE NOTE: A computer with Adobe Illustrator preloaded is required for this class. We will work to have additional computers available with the program installed if you cannot bring your computer with you or do not have the program purchased, but these will be on a first come first serve basis. 

      This class will meet in the basement classroom at the Leesburg location unless otherwise specified.  Online attendance may be an option if there is interest.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Questions?  Contact the instructor Diane Bollinger.

      If the class is full, click here if interested in future classes.

      • 04/14/2025
      • 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
      • 106 Royal St SW, Leesburg VA 20175
      • 5

      In this red tool training class, you will learn how to use the sublimation printer and print on a metal bottle opener.  There will also be a basic overview of what sublimation is and its capabilities.  After completing this class, you will be authorized to use the sublimation printer independently.

      No prerequisite skills are required and all materials will be provided.

      You will learn how to:

      • Use the Printmate program to print with the sublimation printer
      • Safely operate the automatic heat press and instructions on the other heat press options.
      • Use the heat press to press the design on the metal bottle opener

      Designs will be printed ahead of time.  If you would like a specific design used please email it to the instructor ahead of time.

      This class will not teach the design aspects but will go over what the design needs for successful printing.

      The class will meet in the main room at the Leesburg location.

      Questions? Contact the instructor Diane Bollinger.

      If the class is full, click here to request additional classes.

      • 04/15/2025
      • 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg - 106 Royal St SW
      • 6

      Make a Dopp Toiletry Bag

      In this Make and Take class we will craft a Dopp Bag which is a rectangular toiletry bag with a zipper, handle, and tab. We’ll be crafting this bag using a kit of precut leather to speed up the process. Each student will get a kit with everything needed to make this toiletry bag and hopefully will finish the bag during the class.

      All tools, leather, and supplies will be provided.

      Prerequisites: This class can be taken as a beginner and all skills will be discussed and taught.

      This class is best for ages 14 and above. Those under 14 should seek instructor approval before registering. Exceptions will typically be granted. Non-members under 18 should confirm with the instructor the rules for underage participants. This class is open to all races and genders. If there is anything you wish the instructor to be aware of ahead of the class, please email. This class is a safe space, those who violate our code of conduct will be removed.

      The class will meet in the Main Room at the Leesburg location unless otherwise specified. 

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Questions?  Contact the instructor Diane Bollinger.

      If the class is full, click here to request additional classes.

      • 04/16/2025
      • 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg - 106 Royal St SW
      • 8

      Make a Painted Mandala Stone

      In this Make and Take class we will be making painted stone mandalas. Taking a pre-painted black of stone or wood, we will trace out a pattern using a guide template and chalk, paint a design in a variety of colors, and learn the different techniques needed for a successful mandala design. You will receive one blank Mandala stone to work with. Some extras may be available to purchase depending on availability.

      All tools and supplies will be provided.

      Prerequisites: This class does not have any prerequisites.

      This class is best for ages 8 and above. Those under 8 should seek instructor approval before registering. Exceptions will typically be granted. Non-members under 18 should confirm with the instructor the rules for underage participants. This class is open to all races and genders. If there is anything you wish the instructor to be aware of ahead of the class. Please email. This class is a safe space, those who violate our code of conduct will be removed.

      The class will meet in the Main Room at the Leesburg location unless otherwise specified.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Questions?  Contact the instructor Diane Bollinger.

      If the class is full, click here to request additional classes.

      • 04/16/2025
      • 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
      • Makersmiths 785 S. 20th St. Purcellville, VA 20132
      • 5

      Makersmiths, Inc. members wishing to use the tools in the metal shop in Purcellville must complete a course of orientation and training and demonstrate competence with each tool before their name will be placed on the approved list of machine operators.

      This course covers Red Tool Metalworking – Basics

      Prerequisites - Must be 18 or older and have an interest in metal working.

      Class size is limited to four students. The class is a minimum of two hours but may take longer depending on attendee’s previous experience.

      The class will be held in the metal working room at Makersmiths in Purcellville. Members will have an introduction to the metal working room and will be introduced to each of the tools in the metal working room. A handout will be provided.

      To prepare for class, please do the following: 

      1. Wear closed-toe shoes, open-toed shoes are not allowed in the shop.
      2. Ensure you are not wearing loose clothing, have long unconfined hair, or dangling jewelry.
      3. You will need eye protection. We have goggles available for you to wear if you do not bring your own.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      If the class is full, Click here to wait list a class.

      Contact the instructor for questions: Dave Painter

      • 04/23/2025
      • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg 106 Royal St SW & online

      Now that we've passed our 10 year milestone, it's the perfect time to review what we've accomplished and look at what we want and need to grow onward and upward. 

      These Strategic Planning meetings will be ongoing and open to the general Membership.  Initial meetings will primarily be listening and listing.  Bring your ideas, bring your notions, and above all, bring your positivity. 

      The meetings that follow will serve as the umbrella to focus on the goals the Membership wants to address, tactics we will use to accomplish them, identifying volunteers to lead those efforts, and keeping aligned with our Mission Statement.

      Examples of topics that will be discussed: Class Structuring, Security, Alternative Revenue Sources, Marketing, Community Outreach, and Volunteerism.

      Feel free to add any more topics to the Canvas in the  #roadmap-and-future-planning Slack channel.

      This meeting will be held in the Classroom at the Leesburg space.

      To participate virtually, see below:    

      Questions? Please contact John Carter.

      • 04/26/2025
      • 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg: 106 Royal St. SW
      Come out to lend a hand at our monthly workday in Leesburg. We have a lot to do this month and could use a bunch of help.
      • Basic monthly cleaning
      • Plus More TBA...

      We'd love for you to register for this event so we know how many helpers we have, but we are also 100% fine with you just dropping by! 

      This is a great way to cover your 2 hours of volunteer time a month. 

      If you have any questions, please email John Carter.

      • 04/28/2025
      • 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg - 106 Royal St SW
      • 8

      Class 9 - Designing with Effects and Filters

      Experiment with Illustrator's wide range of effects and filters to enhance your designs. Learn how to apply, edit, and manage effects to create unique visual styles.

      Learn Adobe Illustrator 12 Class Series

      This is part of an ongoing software series to learn Adobe Illustrator. This 12 part series can be taken individually to focus on skills you want to learn or you may sign up for all classes. As long as there is interest, a class will be repeated. So if you cannot attend some of the lessons or choose to take the classes out of order, you can still take all the classes eventually. The classes may shift to a new date/time of the week with each session. Some make-up classes may be scheduled sooner in case the instructor is unable to come in due to sickness or emergency. 

      When all 12 classes are completed the student will get a certificate of completion, regardless of the time it takes to complete all 12 classes in the series.

      PLEASE NOTE: A computer with Adobe Illustrator preloaded is required for this class. We will work to have additional computers available with the program installed if you cannot bring your computer with you or do not have the program purchased, but these will be on a first come first serve basis. 

      This class will meet in the basement classroom at the Leesburg location unless otherwise specified.  Online attendance may be an option if there is interest.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Questions?  Contact the instructor Diane Bollinger.

      If the class is full, click here if interested in future classes.

      • 04/28/2025
      • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
      • 106 Royal St SW, Leesburg VA 20175
      • 8

      This is the red tool class for our newest printer, the BN2-20!  The BN2-20 is a commercial quality sticker printer but also so much more.

      In this class you will learn the basics of using the machine safely and what it is capable of. You will learn to print stickers using white vinyl and how to laminate for durability. We will go over the print and cut feature, kiss cut, perf cut, lamination, and file setup using Adobe illustrator. Files can also be prepped in additional programs which we will go over including Flexi design studio which is a specialized program installed on the computer. 

      After this class, students will be authorized to use the BN2-20 independently.

      A separate, advanced red tool class will cover additional media, such as heat transfer vinyl, banners, printable fabric, clear and holographic sticker material, as well as using the white ink available and when it's useful.

      In this class, each student will print a set of stickers (about 5-6) using Versaworks. Each student will prep, print, laminate, and cut their stickers. 

      The instructor will provide images to choose from.  There are a variety of images and more may be added.  If you would like to bring your own artwork, please bring a computer with Adobe Illustrator or a flash drive with the image and the instructor can prep the file during the class for you. You can use the computer at the main room while other students are working and the instructor will be available to assist. Please note that those using the prepared files will get first priority to print.

      You will receive a handout with steps that will also be available anytime after and will be updated occasionally. You will also be given access to the sample sticker library files and a prep file that will assist with easier prep in Adobe Illustrator.

      You will take home a set of durable waterproof stickers that can be put on just about anything.

      Skills you will learn in this class:
      • What is the BN2-20 and what can it do
      • Make a sticker!!
      • Use Versaworks to print and cut
      • Print stickers on regular vinyl
      • Laminate your stickers
      • Use print and cut to put the print back into the machine
      • Load media including bringing in your own
      • Some tips and tricks and troubleshooting 
      • Learn about what other things can be done on the Bn2-20
      All tools and supplies for this class will be provided. If you would like to bring a design to print, please have it prepared on a flash drive as a jpeg, png, or pdf.

      Prerequisites: None. Be ready to participate and learn!

      The class will meet in the main room at the Leesburg location.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Questions? Contact the instructor Diane Bollinger.

      If the class is full, click here to request additional classes.

      • 04/29/2025
      • 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg - 106 Royal St SW
      • 8

      Make Simple Wire Earrings

      In this Make and Take class we will work with round wire to make a simple earring design. We will bend the wire into shape, hammer to increase its strength, and add decorative stones or beads based on the options available. We will talk about different gauges of wire and how they affect the designs. Each student will leave with a finished pair of matching earrings or two pendants or similar design. If you need specific earring hardware due to sensitivity, it is recommended to bring your own.

      All tools and supplies will be provided.

      Prerequisites: This class does not have any prerequisites.

      This class is best for ages 14 and above. Those under 14 should seek instructor approval before registering. Exceptions will typically be granted. Non-members under 18 should confirm with the instructor the rules for underage participants. This class is open to all races and genders. If there is anything you wish the instructor to be aware of ahead of the class. Please email. This class is a safe space, those who violate our code of conduct will be removed.

      The class will meet in the Main Room at the Leesburg location unless otherwise specified.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Questions?  Contact the instructor Diane Bollinger.

      If the class is full, click here to request additional classes.

      • 04/29/2025
      • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg - 106 Royal St SW
      • 8

      Basics of Chainmail

      In this class we will learn how to create European 4 in 1 chainmail. You will learn how to start your piece, how to continue it, how to turn it into a round piece like a sleeve, and how to troubleshoot mistakes. You will get a small kit of jump rings to keep and your piece of chainmail will be as big as you can make during the class's allotted time.

      All tools and supplies will be provided.

      Prerequisites: This class does not have any prerequisites but there may be some hand dexterity issues for some. Please message the instructor to clarify or work out any accommodations.

      This class is best for ages 14 and above. Those under 14 should seek instructor approval before registering. Exceptions will typically be granted. Non-members under 18 should confirm with the instructor the rules for underage participants. This class is open to all races and genders. If there is anything you wish the instructor to be aware of ahead of the class. Please email. This class is a safe space, those who violate our code of conduct will be removed.

      The class will meet in the Main Room at the Leesburg location unless otherwise specified.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Questions?  Contact the instructor Diane Bollinger.

      If the class is full, click here to request additional classes. 

      • 04/30/2025
      • 7:00 PM
      • online

      The monthly Board of Directors meeting is open to all Makersmiths Members.

      All Members are welcome and encouraged to attend, but motions, votes,  participation in discussion are for Board Members. 

      Please join the meeting if you’re interested in what we’re voting on, committee reports, etc.

      The meeting google code is  

      The meeting agenda as well as minutes from past meetings can be found on the wiki -

      Questions: Contact Jonathan White

      • 05/02/2025
      • 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg - 106 Royal St SW
      • 8

      Make a Sublimation Notebook

      In this Make and Take class we will use the Sublimation Printing system to print a Notebook. Each person will have the option to choose from multiple preset designs, or you can bring your own design to drop into our file. There are multiple ways to print a notebook and this is just one of the options.

      All tools and supplies will be provided.

      Prerequisites: This class uses machines that typically require a Red tool class to use, but no Red Tools are required to attend. Use of the machine in some instances may require instructor permission during the class if you are not Red Tool Authorized.

      This class is best for ages 14 and above. Those under 14 should seek instructor approval before registering. Exceptions will typically be granted. Non-members under 18 should confirm with the instructor the rules for underage participants. This class is open to all races and genders. If there is anything you wish the instructor to be aware of ahead of the class, please email. This class is a safe space, those who violate our code of conduct will be removed.

      The class will meet in the Main Room at the Leesburg location unless otherwise specified.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Questions?  Contact the instructor Diane Bollinger.

      If the class is full, click here to request additional classes.

      • 05/02/2025
      • 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg - 106 Royal St SW
      • 8

      Make a UV Printed Notebook

      In this Make and Take class we will use the UV Printer to print a Notebook. Each person will have the option to choose from multiple preset designs, or you can bring your own design to drop into our file. There are multiple ways to print a notebook and this is just one of the options.

      All tools and supplies will be provided.

      Prerequisites: This class may use machines that typically require a Red tool class to use, but no Red Tools are required to attend. Use of the machine in some instances may require instructor permission during the class if you are not Red Tool Authorized.

      This class is best for ages 14 and above. Those under 14 should seek instructor approval before registering. Exceptions will typically be granted. Non-members under 18 should confirm with the instructor the rules for underage participants. This class is open to all races and genders. If there is anything you wish the instructor to be aware of ahead of the class, please email. This class is a safe space, those who violate our code of conduct will be removed.

      The class will meet in the Main Room at the Leesburg location.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Questions?  Contact the instructor Diane Bollinger.

      If the class is full, click here to request additional classes.

      • 05/02/2025
      • 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg - 106 Royal St SW
      • 8

      Make a Laser Engraved Notebook

      In this Make and Take class we will use the CO2 laser to engrave a leatherette Notebook. Each person will have the option to choose from multiple preset designs, or you can bring your own vector design to engrave. There are multiple ways to print a notebook and this is just one of the options.

      All tools and supplies will be provided.

      Prerequisites: This class may use machines that typically require a Red tool class to use, but no Red Tools are required to attend. Use of the machine in some instances may require instructor permission during the class if you are not Red Tool Authorized.

      This class is best for ages 14 and above. Those under 14 should seek instructor approval before registering. Exceptions will typically be granted. Non-members under 18 should confirm with the instructor the rules for underage participants. This class is open to all races and genders. If there is anything you wish the instructor to be aware of ahead of the class, please email. This class is a safe space, those who violate our code of conduct will be removed.

      The class will meet in the Main Room at the Leesburg location.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Questions?  Contact the instructor Diane Bollinger.

      If the class is full, click here to request additional classes.

      • 05/03/2025
      • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
      • 785 S. 20th Street Purcellville, VA 20132

      Purcellville Work Day

      On the first Saturday of each month, Makersmiths Purcellville has a work day. This is a great opportunity for Makersmiths members to complete their monthly volunteer hours. It is also a chance to meet other members!

      Please arrive at 9am and we should wind down our work at 12:00PM (noon). The list of jobs that need to be completed are posted in Slack (General) a day or two before the work day- so be sure to check the Makersmiths Slack General Slack channel. There are times we need people to come with string trimmers or other maintenance items.

      For specific questions, please contact Dave Painter

      • 05/05/2025
      • 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg - 106 Royal St SW
      • 8

      Class 10 - Creating Infographics

      Learn how to design compelling infographics using Illustrator. Explore techniques for visualizing data, creating charts and graphs, and combining text and graphics for effective communication.

      Learn Adobe Illustrator 12 Class Series

      This is part of an ongoing software series to learn Adobe Illustrator. This 12 part series can be taken individually to focus on skills you want to learn or you may sign up for all classes. As long as there is interest, a class will be repeated. So if you cannot attend some of the lessons or choose to take the classes out of order, you can still take all the classes eventually. The classes may shift to a new date/time of the week with each session. Some make-up classes may be scheduled sooner in case the instructor is unable to come in due to sickness or emergency. 

      When all 12 classes are completed the student will get a certificate of completion, regardless of the time it takes to complete all 12 classes in the series.

      PLEASE NOTE: A computer with Adobe Illustrator preloaded is required for this class. We will work to have additional computers available with the program installed if you cannot bring your computer with you or do not have the program purchased, but these will be on a first come first serve basis. 

      This class will meet in the basement classroom at the Leesburg location unless otherwise specified.  Online attendance may be an option if there is interest.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Questions?  Contact the instructor Diane Bollinger.

      If the class is full, click here if interested in future classes.

      • 05/08/2025
      • 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
      • MS-P 785 S. 20th Street Purcellville, VA 20132
      • 4

      Makersmiths, Inc. members wishing to use the tools in the woodworking shop in Purcellville must complete a course of orientation and training and demonstrate competence with each tool before their name will be placed on the approved list of machine operators. Completion of red tool training in Leesburg does NOT permit you to use the tools or shop in Purcellville.  

      While many of the tools in the two locations perform similar tasks, the tools in Leesburg are homeowner/hobbyist in size while the tools in Purcellville are industrial sized. Red Tool training for woodworking in Purcellville is divided into three classes: Red Tool Woodworking-Basics; Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced; and, Red Tool CNC. We will meet in both the Green Room and woodshop for this event. 

      This course covers Red Tool Woodworking – Basics

      Prerequisites - Must be 18 or older and have an interest in woodworking.

      Class size is limited to four students. The class is a minimum of two hours but may take longer depending on attendee’s previous experience.

      The class will start in the Green Room with a presentation and discussion covering shop etiquette, layout, hours, rules, material storage, and safety.   Class will then move into the wood shop where various machines will be demonstrated. Members will get an opportunity to practice on each machine. The machines covered in this class are; Panel Saw, Table Saw, Miter Saw, Drill Press, Spindle sander, 12” Disk Sander, Downdraft Sanding Table, and Dust Collector.

      To prepare for class, please do the following: 

      1. Wear closed-toe shoes, open-toed shoes are not allowed in the shop.
      2. Ensure you are not wearing loose clothing, have long unconfined hair, or dangling jewelry.
      3. You will need eye protection. We have goggles available for you to wear if you do not bring your own.
      4. Hearing protection is not required by highly recommended. We have disposable foam earplugs, but if you have your own, please bring them.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Contact the instructor for questions: John Borden

      • 05/12/2025
      • 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg - 106 Royal St SW
      • 8

      Class 11 - Preparing Artwork for Print

      Understand the process of preparing your Illustrator files for print. Learn about color settings, bleed, crop marks, and exporting your artwork in the correct format for high-quality print production.

      Learn Adobe Illustrator 12 Class Series

      This is part of an ongoing software series to learn Adobe Illustrator. This 12 part series can be taken individually to focus on skills you want to learn or you may sign up for all classes. As long as there is interest, a class will be repeated. So if you cannot attend some of the lessons or choose to take the classes out of order, you can still take all the classes eventually. The classes may shift to a new date/time of the week with each session. Some make-up classes may be scheduled sooner in case the instructor is unable to come in due to sickness or emergency. 

      When all 12 classes are completed the student will get a certificate of completion, regardless of the time it takes to complete all 12 classes in the series.

      PLEASE NOTE: A computer with Adobe Illustrator preloaded is required for this class. We will work to have additional computers available with the program installed if you cannot bring your computer with you or do not have the program purchased, but these will be on a first come first serve basis. 

      This class will meet in the basement classroom at the Leesburg location unless otherwise specified.  Online attendance may be an option if there is interest.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Questions?  Contact the instructor Diane Bollinger.

      If the class is full, click here if interested in future classes.

      • 05/12/2025
      • 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
      • 106 Royal St SW, Leesburg VA 20175
      • 6

      In this red tool training class, you will learn how to use the sublimation printer and print on a metal bottle opener.  There will also be a basic overview of what sublimation is and its capabilities.  After completing this class, you will be authorized to use the sublimation printer independently.

      No prerequisite skills are required and all materials will be provided.

      You will learn how to:

      • Use the Printmate program to print with the sublimation printer
      • Safely operate the automatic heat press and instructions on the other heat press options.
      • Use the heat press to press the design on the metal bottle opener

      Designs will be printed ahead of time.  If you would like a specific design used please email it to the instructor ahead of time.

      This class will not teach the design aspects but will go over what the design needs for successful printing.

      The class will meet in the main room at the Leesburg location.

      Questions? Contact the instructor Diane Bollinger.

      If the class is full, click here to request additional classes.

      • 05/14/2025
      • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
      • 106 Royal St. SW Leesburg, VA 20175

      *** Sewing Social will be at Makersmiths Leesburg

      (in the main room) for the winter months! ***


      We are thrilled to announce our sewing social at Makersmiths Leesburg, a gathering that promises to be a celebration of creativity and community for sewing enthusiasts of all levels. Join us every second Wednesday of the month as we come together to share our love for the craft, learn from each other, and forge lasting connections in a welcoming and inspiring environment. Whether you're a beginner looking to pick up tips or a seasoned pro eager to showcase your skills, our sewing socials offer a space for everyone to come together and stitch their way to new friendships and endless inspiration.

      Please remember to bring your own sewing machine, along with cutting tools, pins, measuring tape, and a project you've been wanting to tackle to our upcoming sewing event. Whether you're working on a new garment, a home decor item, or simply want to practice your stitches, having your own sewing machine allows you to create and craft to your heart's content in the company of fellow sewing enthusiasts So, pack up your gear, grab your project, and join us for a productive and creative sewing session where you can bring your vision to life with all the tools you need at hand. 

      All skills are welcome. If you are new to sewing or have been sewing for decades, we hope you will join us in the main room for our "sewcial" - get it?

      New to Makersmiths? Please fill out this waiver:

      Questions? Please contact Amy Copley.

      • 05/18/2025
      • 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM
      • Makersmiths 785 S. 20th St. Purcellville, VA 20132
      • 4

      Makersmiths, Inc. members wishing to use the tools in the woodworking shop in Purcellville must complete a course of orientation and training and demonstrate competence with each tool before their name will be placed on the approved list of machine operators.

      Completion of red tool training in Leesburg does NOT permit you to use the tools or shop in Purcellville.  While many of the tools in the two locations perform similar tasks, the tools in Leesburg are homeowner/hobbyist in size while the tools in Purcellville are industrial sized.

      Red Tool training for woodworking in Purcellville is divided into three classes: Red Tool Woodworking-Basics; Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced; and Red Tool CNC. 

      This course covers Red Tool Woodworking – Advanced

      Prerequisites - Must be a member of Makersmiths, be 18 or older and have completed Red Tool Woodworking-Basics.

      Class size is limited to three students. The class is a minimum of two hours but may take longer depending on attendee’s previous experience.

      The class will start in the Green Room with a presentation and discussion covering wood and machine terminology, machine manuals and other resources, rules, and safety.   Class will then move into the wood shop where various machines will be demonstrated. Members will get an opportunity to practice on each machine. The machines covered in this class are; 12” Jointer, 22” Planer, 37” Belt Sander, and 20” Band Saw.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Contact the instructor for questions: John Borden

      • 05/19/2025
      • 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg - 106 Royal St SW
      • 8

      Class 12 - Other Adobe Products

      What else can be done in the Adobe Creative Suite? This class will go over the other programs available and what can be done in them. We will go over InDesign, Photoshop, Lightroom, AfterEffects, etc and why you would want to use these. We will also touch base on the beta tools in Illustrator. 

      Learn Adobe Illustrator 12 Class Series

      This is part of an ongoing software series to learn Adobe Illustrator. This 12 part series can be taken individually to focus on skills you want to learn or you may sign up for all classes. As long as there is interest, a class will be repeated. So if you cannot attend some of the lessons or choose to take the classes out of order, you can still take all the classes eventually. The classes may shift to a new date/time of the week with each session. Some make-up classes may be scheduled sooner in case the instructor is unable to come in due to sickness or emergency. 

      When all 12 classes are completed the student will get a certificate of completion, regardless of the time it takes to complete all 12 classes in the series.

      PLEASE NOTE: A computer with Adobe Illustrator preloaded is required for this class. We will work to have additional computers available with the program installed if you cannot bring your computer with you or do not have the program purchased, but these will be on a first come first serve basis. 

      This class will meet in the basement classroom at the Leesburg location unless otherwise specified.  Online attendance may be an option if there is interest.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Questions?  Contact the instructor Diane Bollinger.

      If the class is full, click here if interested in future classes.

      • 05/19/2025
      • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
      • 106 Royal St SW, Leesburg VA 20175
      • 8

      This is the red tool class for our newest printer, the BN2-20!  The BN2-20 is a commercial quality sticker printer but also so much more.

      In this class you will learn the basics of using the machine safely and what it is capable of. You will learn to print stickers using white vinyl and how to laminate for durability. We will go over the print and cut feature, kiss cut, perf cut, lamination, and file setup using Adobe illustrator. Files can also be prepped in additional programs which we will go over including Flexi design studio which is a specialized program installed on the computer. 

      After this class, students will be authorized to use the BN2-20 independently.

      A separate, advanced red tool class will cover additional media, such as heat transfer vinyl, banners, printable fabric, clear and holographic sticker material, as well as using the white ink available and when it's useful.

      In this class, each student will print a set of stickers (about 5-6) using Versaworks. Each student will prep, print, laminate, and cut their stickers. 

      The instructor will provide images to choose from.  There are a variety of images and more may be added.  If you would like to bring your own artwork, please bring a computer with Adobe Illustrator or a flash drive with the image and the instructor can prep the file during the class for you. You can use the computer at the main room while other students are working and the instructor will be available to assist. Please note that those using the prepared files will get first priority to print.

      You will receive a handout with steps that will also be available anytime after and will be updated occasionally. You will also be given access to the sample sticker library files and a prep file that will assist with easier prep in Adobe Illustrator.

      You will take home a set of durable waterproof stickers that can be put on just about anything.

      Skills you will learn in this class:
      • What is the BN2-20 and what can it do
      • Make a sticker!!
      • Use Versaworks to print and cut
      • Print stickers on regular vinyl
      • Laminate your stickers
      • Use print and cut to put the print back into the machine
      • Load media including bringing in your own
      • Some tips and tricks and troubleshooting 
      • Learn about what other things can be done on the Bn2-20
      All tools and supplies for this class will be provided. If you would like to bring a design to print, please have it prepared on a flash drive as a jpeg, png, or pdf.

      Prerequisites: None. Be ready to participate and learn!

      The class will meet in the main room at the Leesburg location.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Questions? Contact the instructor Diane Bollinger.

      If the class is full, click here to request additional classes.

      • 05/21/2025
      • 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
      • Makersmiths 785 S. 20th St. Purcellville, VA 20132
      • 5

      Makersmiths, Inc. members wishing to use the tools in the metal shop in Purcellville must complete a course of orientation and training and demonstrate competence with each tool before their name will be placed on the approved list of machine operators.

      This course covers Red Tool Metalworking – Basics

      Prerequisites - Must be 18 or older and have an interest in metal working.

      Class size is limited to four students. The class is a minimum of two hours but may take longer depending on attendee’s previous experience.

      The class will be held in the metal working room at Makersmiths in Purcellville. Members will have an introduction to the metal working room and will be introduced to each of the tools in the metal working room. A handout will be provided.

      To prepare for class, please do the following: 

      1. Wear closed-toe shoes, open-toed shoes are not allowed in the shop.
      2. Ensure you are not wearing loose clothing, have long unconfined hair, or dangling jewelry.
      3. You will need eye protection. We have goggles available for you to wear if you do not bring your own.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      If the class is full, Click here to wait list a class.

      Contact the instructor for questions: Dave Painter

      • 05/21/2025
      • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg 106 Royal St SW & online

      Now that we've passed our 10 year milestone, it's the perfect time to review what we've accomplished and look at what we want and need to grow onward and upward. 

      These Strategic Planning meetings will be ongoing and open to the general Membership.  Initial meetings will primarily be listening and listing.  Bring your ideas, bring your notions, and above all, bring your positivity. 

      The meetings that follow will serve as the umbrella to focus on the goals the Membership wants to address, tactics we will use to accomplish them, identifying volunteers to lead those efforts, and keeping aligned with our Mission Statement.

      Examples of topics that will be discussed: Class Structuring, Security, Alternative Revenue Sources, Marketing, Community Outreach, and Volunteerism.

      Feel free to add any more topics to the Canvas in the  #roadmap-and-future-planning Slack channel.

      This meeting will be held in the Classroom at the Leesburg space.

      To participate virtually, see below:    

      Questions? Please contact John Carter.

      • 05/28/2025
      • 7:00 PM
      • online

      The monthly Board of Directors meeting is open to all Makersmiths Members.

      All Members are welcome and encouraged to attend, but motions, votes,  participation in discussion are for Board Members. 

      Please join the meeting if you’re interested in what we’re voting on, committee reports, etc.

      The meeting google code is  

      The meeting agenda as well as minutes from past meetings can be found on the wiki -

      Questions: Contact Jonathan White

      • 05/31/2025
      • 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg: 106 Royal St. SW
      Come out to lend a hand at our monthly workday in Leesburg. We have a lot to do this month and could use a bunch of help.
      • Basic monthly cleaning
      • Plus More TBA...

      We'd love for you to register for this event so we know how many helpers we have, but we are also 100% fine with you just dropping by! 

      This is a great way to cover your 2 hours of volunteer time a month. 

      If you have any questions, please email John Carter.

      • 06/07/2025
      • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
      • 785 S. 20th Street Purcellville, VA 20132

      Purcellville Work Day

      On the first Saturday of each month, Makersmiths Purcellville has a work day. This is a great opportunity for Makersmiths members to complete their monthly volunteer hours. It is also a chance to meet other members!

      Please arrive at 9am and we should wind down our work at 12:00PM (noon). The list of jobs that need to be completed are posted in Slack (General) a day or two before the work day- so be sure to check the Makersmiths Slack General Slack channel. There are times we need people to come with string trimmers or other maintenance items.

      For specific questions, please contact Dave Painter

      • 06/09/2025
      • 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
      • 106 Royal St SW, Leesburg VA 20175
      • 6

      In this red tool training class, you will learn how to use the sublimation printer and print on a metal bottle opener.  There will also be a basic overview of what sublimation is and its capabilities.  After completing this class, you will be authorized to use the sublimation printer independently.

      No prerequisite skills are required and all materials will be provided.

      You will learn how to:

      • Use the Printmate program to print with the sublimation printer
      • Safely operate the automatic heat press and instructions on the other heat press options.
      • Use the heat press to press the design on the metal bottle opener

      Designs will be printed ahead of time.  If you would like a specific design used please email it to the instructor ahead of time.

      This class will not teach the design aspects but will go over what the design needs for successful printing.

      The class will meet in the main room at the Leesburg location.

      Questions? Contact the instructor Diane Bollinger.

      If the class is full, click here to request additional classes.

      • 06/11/2025
      • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
      • 785 S. 20th St Purcellville, VA 20132

      Sewing Circle in Purcellville in Summer and Fall

      We are thrilled to announce our sewing social at Makersmiths Purcellville, a gathering that promises to be a celebration of creativity and community for sewing enthusiasts of all levels. Join us every second Wednesday of the month as we come together to share our love for the craft, learn from each other, and forge lasting connections in a welcoming and inspiring environment. Whether you're a beginner looking to pick up tips or a seasoned pro eager to showcase your skills, our sewing socials offer a space for everyone to come together and stitch their way to new friendships and endless inspiration.

      Please remember to bring your own sewing machine, along with cutting tools, pins, measuring tape, and a project you've been wanting to tackle to our upcoming sewing event. Whether you're working on a new garment, a home decor item, or simply want to practice your stitches, having your own sewing machine allows you to create and craft to your heart's content in the company of fellow sewing enthusiasts So, pack up your gear, grab your project, and join us for a productive and creative sewing session where you can bring your vision to life with all the tools you need at hand. 

      All skills are welcome. If you are new to sewing or have been sewing for decades, we hope you will join us in the main room for our "sewcial" - get it?

      New to Makersmiths? Please fill out this waiver:

      Questions? Please contact Amy Copley.

      • 06/12/2025
      • 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
      • MS-P 785 S. 20th Street Purcellville, VA 20132
      • 4

      Makersmiths, Inc. members wishing to use the tools in the woodworking shop in Purcellville must complete a course of orientation and training and demonstrate competence with each tool before their name will be placed on the approved list of machine operators. Completion of red tool training in Leesburg does NOT permit you to use the tools or shop in Purcellville.  

      While many of the tools in the two locations perform similar tasks, the tools in Leesburg are homeowner/hobbyist in size while the tools in Purcellville are industrial sized. Red Tool training for woodworking in Purcellville is divided into three classes: Red Tool Woodworking-Basics; Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced; and, Red Tool CNC. We will meet in both the Green Room and woodshop for this event. 

      This course covers Red Tool Woodworking – Basics

      Prerequisites - Must be 18 or older and have an interest in woodworking.

      Class size is limited to four students. The class is a minimum of two hours but may take longer depending on attendee’s previous experience.

      The class will start in the Green Room with a presentation and discussion covering shop etiquette, layout, hours, rules, material storage, and safety.   Class will then move into the wood shop where various machines will be demonstrated. Members will get an opportunity to practice on each machine. The machines covered in this class are; Panel Saw, Table Saw, Miter Saw, Drill Press, Spindle sander, 12” Disk Sander, Downdraft Sanding Table, and Dust Collector.

      To prepare for class, please do the following: 

      1. Wear closed-toe shoes, open-toed shoes are not allowed in the shop.
      2. Ensure you are not wearing loose clothing, have long unconfined hair, or dangling jewelry.
      3. You will need eye protection. We have goggles available for you to wear if you do not bring your own.
      4. Hearing protection is not required by highly recommended. We have disposable foam earplugs, but if you have your own, please bring them.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Contact the instructor for questions: John Borden

      • 06/18/2025
      • 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
      • Makersmiths 785 S. 20th St. Purcellville, VA 20132
      • 5

      Makersmiths, Inc. members wishing to use the tools in the metal shop in Purcellville must complete a course of orientation and training and demonstrate competence with each tool before their name will be placed on the approved list of machine operators.

      This course covers Red Tool Metalworking – Basics

      Prerequisites - Must be 18 or older and have an interest in metal working.

      Class size is limited to four students. The class is a minimum of two hours but may take longer depending on attendee’s previous experience.

      The class will be held in the metal working room at Makersmiths in Purcellville. Members will have an introduction to the metal working room and will be introduced to each of the tools in the metal working room. A handout will be provided.

      To prepare for class, please do the following: 

      1. Wear closed-toe shoes, open-toed shoes are not allowed in the shop.
      2. Ensure you are not wearing loose clothing, have long unconfined hair, or dangling jewelry.
      3. You will need eye protection. We have goggles available for you to wear if you do not bring your own.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      If the class is full, Click here to wait list a class.

      Contact the instructor for questions: Dave Painter

      • 06/25/2025
      • 7:00 PM
      • online

      The monthly Board of Directors meeting is open to all Makersmiths Members.

      All Members are welcome and encouraged to attend, but motions, votes,  participation in discussion are for Board Members. 

      Please join the meeting if you’re interested in what we’re voting on, committee reports, etc.

      The meeting google code is  

      The meeting agenda as well as minutes from past meetings can be found on the wiki -

      Questions: Contact Jonathan White

      • 06/28/2025
      • 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
      • Makersmiths Leesburg: 106 Royal St. SW
      Come out to lend a hand at our monthly workday in Leesburg. We have a lot to do this month and could use a bunch of help.
      • Basic monthly cleaning
      • Plus More TBA...

      We'd love for you to register for this event so we know how many helpers we have, but we are also 100% fine with you just dropping by! 

      This is a great way to cover your 2 hours of volunteer time a month. 

      If you have any questions, please email John Carter.

      • 07/05/2025
      • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
      • 785 S. 20th Street Purcellville, VA 20132

      Purcellville Work Day

      On the first Saturday of each month, Makersmiths Purcellville has a work day. This is a great opportunity for Makersmiths members to complete their monthly volunteer hours. It is also a chance to meet other members!

      Please arrive at 9am and we should wind down our work at 12:00PM (noon). The list of jobs that need to be completed are posted in Slack (General) a day or two before the work day- so be sure to check the Makersmiths Slack General Slack channel. There are times we need people to come with string trimmers or other maintenance items.

      For specific questions, please contact Dave Painter

      • 07/09/2025
      • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
      • 785 S. 20th St Purcellville, VA 20132

      Sewing Circle in Purcellville for Summer and Fall

      We are thrilled to announce our sewing social at Makersmiths Purcellville, a gathering that promises to be a celebration of creativity and community for sewing enthusiasts of all levels. Join us every second Wednesday of the month as we come together to share our love for the craft, learn from each other, and forge lasting connections in a welcoming and inspiring environment. Whether you're a beginner looking to pick up tips or a seasoned pro eager to showcase your skills, our sewing socials offer a space for everyone to come together and stitch their way to new friendships and endless inspiration.

      Please remember to bring your own sewing machine, along with cutting tools, pins, measuring tape, and a project you've been wanting to tackle to our upcoming sewing event. Whether you're working on a new garment, a home decor item, or simply want to practice your stitches, having your own sewing machine allows you to create and craft to your heart's content in the company of fellow sewing enthusiasts So, pack up your gear, grab your project, and join us for a productive and creative sewing session where you can bring your vision to life with all the tools you need at hand. 

      All skills are welcome. If you are new to sewing or have been sewing for decades, we hope you will join us in the main room for our "sewcial" - get it?

      New to Makersmiths? Please fill out this waiver:

      Questions? Please contact Amy Copley.

      • 07/10/2025
      • 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
      • MS-P 785 S. 20th Street Purcellville, VA 20132
      • 4

      Makersmiths, Inc. members wishing to use the tools in the woodworking shop in Purcellville must complete a course of orientation and training and demonstrate competence with each tool before their name will be placed on the approved list of machine operators. Completion of red tool training in Leesburg does NOT permit you to use the tools or shop in Purcellville.  

      While many of the tools in the two locations perform similar tasks, the tools in Leesburg are homeowner/hobbyist in size while the tools in Purcellville are industrial sized. Red Tool training for woodworking in Purcellville is divided into three classes: Red Tool Woodworking-Basics; Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced; and, Red Tool CNC. We will meet in both the Green Room and woodshop for this event. 

      This course covers Red Tool Woodworking – Basics

      Prerequisites - Must be 18 or older and have an interest in woodworking.

      Class size is limited to four students. The class is a minimum of two hours but may take longer depending on attendee’s previous experience.

      The class will start in the Green Room with a presentation and discussion covering shop etiquette, layout, hours, rules, material storage, and safety.   Class will then move into the wood shop where various machines will be demonstrated. Members will get an opportunity to practice on each machine. The machines covered in this class are; Panel Saw, Table Saw, Miter Saw, Drill Press, Spindle sander, 12” Disk Sander, Downdraft Sanding Table, and Dust Collector.

      To prepare for class, please do the following: 

      1. Wear closed-toe shoes, open-toed shoes are not allowed in the shop.
      2. Ensure you are not wearing loose clothing, have long unconfined hair, or dangling jewelry.
      3. You will need eye protection. We have goggles available for you to wear if you do not bring your own.
      4. Hearing protection is not required by highly recommended. We have disposable foam earplugs, but if you have your own, please bring them.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Contact the instructor for questions: John Borden

      • 07/16/2025
      • 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
      • Makersmiths 785 S. 20th St. Purcellville, VA 20132
      • 5

      Makersmiths, Inc. members wishing to use the tools in the metal shop in Purcellville must complete a course of orientation and training and demonstrate competence with each tool before their name will be placed on the approved list of machine operators.

      This course covers Red Tool Metalworking – Basics

      Prerequisites - Must be 18 or older and have an interest in metal working.

      Class size is limited to four students. The class is a minimum of two hours but may take longer depending on attendee’s previous experience.

      The class will be held in the metal working room at Makersmiths in Purcellville. Members will have an introduction to the metal working room and will be introduced to each of the tools in the metal working room. A handout will be provided.

      To prepare for class, please do the following: 

      1. Wear closed-toe shoes, open-toed shoes are not allowed in the shop.
      2. Ensure you are not wearing loose clothing, have long unconfined hair, or dangling jewelry.
      3. You will need eye protection. We have goggles available for you to wear if you do not bring your own.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      If the class is full, Click here to wait list a class.

      Contact the instructor for questions: Dave Painter

      • 07/20/2025
      • 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM
      • Makersmiths 785 S. 20th St. Purcellville, VA 20132
      • 4

      Makersmiths, Inc. members wishing to use the tools in the woodworking shop in Purcellville must complete a course of orientation and training and demonstrate competence with each tool before their name will be placed on the approved list of machine operators.

      Completion of red tool training in Leesburg does NOT permit you to use the tools or shop in Purcellville.  While many of the tools in the two locations perform similar tasks, the tools in Leesburg are homeowner/hobbyist in size while the tools in Purcellville are industrial sized.

      Red Tool training for woodworking in Purcellville is divided into three classes: Red Tool Woodworking-Basics; Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced; and Red Tool CNC. 

      This course covers Red Tool Woodworking – Advanced

      Prerequisites - Must be a member of Makersmiths, be 18 or older and have completed Red Tool Woodworking-Basics.

      Class size is limited to three students. The class is a minimum of two hours but may take longer depending on attendee’s previous experience.

      The class will start in the Green Room with a presentation and discussion covering wood and machine terminology, machine manuals and other resources, rules, and safety.   Class will then move into the wood shop where various machines will be demonstrated. Members will get an opportunity to practice on each machine. The machines covered in this class are; 12” Jointer, 22” Planer, 37” Belt Sander, and 20” Band Saw.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Contact the instructor for questions: John Borden

      • 07/30/2025
      • 7:00 PM
      • online

      The monthly Board of Directors meeting is open to all Makersmiths Members.

      All Members are welcome and encouraged to attend, but motions, votes,  participation in discussion are for Board Members. 

      Please join the meeting if you’re interested in what we’re voting on, committee reports, etc.

      The meeting google code is  

      The meeting agenda as well as minutes from past meetings can be found on the wiki -

      Questions: Contact Jonathan White

      • 08/02/2025
      • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
      • 785 S. 20th Street Purcellville, VA 20132

      Purcellville Work Day

      On the first Saturday of each month, Makersmiths Purcellville has a work day. This is a great opportunity for Makersmiths members to complete their monthly volunteer hours. It is also a chance to meet other members!

      Please arrive at 9am and we should wind down our work at 12:00PM (noon). The list of jobs that need to be completed are posted in Slack (General) a day or two before the work day- so be sure to check the Makersmiths Slack General Slack channel. There are times we need people to come with string trimmers or other maintenance items.

      For specific questions, please contact Dave Painter

      • 08/13/2025
      • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
      • 785 S. 20th St Purcellville, VA 20132

      Sewing Circle in Purcellville in Summer and Fall

      We are thrilled to announce our sewing social at Makersmiths Purcellville, a gathering that promises to be a celebration of creativity and community for sewing enthusiasts of all levels. Join us every second Wednesday of the month as we come together to share our love for the craft, learn from each other, and forge lasting connections in a welcoming and inspiring environment. Whether you're a beginner looking to pick up tips or a seasoned pro eager to showcase your skills, our sewing socials offer a space for everyone to come together and stitch their way to new friendships and endless inspiration.

      Please remember to bring your own sewing machine, along with cutting tools, pins, measuring tape, and a project you've been wanting to tackle to our upcoming sewing event. Whether you're working on a new garment, a home decor item, or simply want to practice your stitches, having your own sewing machine allows you to create and craft to your heart's content in the company of fellow sewing enthusiasts So, pack up your gear, grab your project, and join us for a productive and creative sewing session where you can bring your vision to life with all the tools you need at hand. 

      All skills are welcome. If you are new to sewing or have been sewing for decades, we hope you will join us in the main room for our "sewcial" - get it?

      New to Makersmiths? Please fill out this waiver:

      Questions? Please contact Amy Copley.

      • 08/14/2025
      • 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
      • MS-P 785 S. 20th Street Purcellville, VA 20132
      • 4

      Makersmiths, Inc. members wishing to use the tools in the woodworking shop in Purcellville must complete a course of orientation and training and demonstrate competence with each tool before their name will be placed on the approved list of machine operators. Completion of red tool training in Leesburg does NOT permit you to use the tools or shop in Purcellville.  

      While many of the tools in the two locations perform similar tasks, the tools in Leesburg are homeowner/hobbyist in size while the tools in Purcellville are industrial sized. Red Tool training for woodworking in Purcellville is divided into three classes: Red Tool Woodworking-Basics; Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced; and, Red Tool CNC. We will meet in both the Green Room and woodshop for this event. 

      This course covers Red Tool Woodworking – Basics

      Prerequisites - Must be 18 or older and have an interest in woodworking.

      Class size is limited to four students. The class is a minimum of two hours but may take longer depending on attendee’s previous experience.

      The class will start in the Green Room with a presentation and discussion covering shop etiquette, layout, hours, rules, material storage, and safety.   Class will then move into the wood shop where various machines will be demonstrated. Members will get an opportunity to practice on each machine. The machines covered in this class are; Panel Saw, Table Saw, Miter Saw, Drill Press, Spindle sander, 12” Disk Sander, Downdraft Sanding Table, and Dust Collector.

      To prepare for class, please do the following: 

      1. Wear closed-toe shoes, open-toed shoes are not allowed in the shop.
      2. Ensure you are not wearing loose clothing, have long unconfined hair, or dangling jewelry.
      3. You will need eye protection. We have goggles available for you to wear if you do not bring your own.
      4. Hearing protection is not required by highly recommended. We have disposable foam earplugs, but if you have your own, please bring them.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Contact the instructor for questions: John Borden

      • 08/17/2025
      • 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM
      • Makersmiths 785 S. 20th St. Purcellville, VA 20132
      • 4

      Makersmiths, Inc. members wishing to use the tools in the woodworking shop in Purcellville must complete a course of orientation and training and demonstrate competence with each tool before their name will be placed on the approved list of machine operators.

      Completion of red tool training in Leesburg does NOT permit you to use the tools or shop in Purcellville.  While many of the tools in the two locations perform similar tasks, the tools in Leesburg are homeowner/hobbyist in size while the tools in Purcellville are industrial sized.

      Red Tool training for woodworking in Purcellville is divided into three classes: Red Tool Woodworking-Basics; Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced; and Red Tool CNC. 

      This course covers Red Tool Woodworking – Advanced

      Prerequisites - Must be a member of Makersmiths, be 18 or older and have completed Red Tool Woodworking-Basics.

      Class size is limited to three students. The class is a minimum of two hours but may take longer depending on attendee’s previous experience.

      The class will start in the Green Room with a presentation and discussion covering wood and machine terminology, machine manuals and other resources, rules, and safety.   Class will then move into the wood shop where various machines will be demonstrated. Members will get an opportunity to practice on each machine. The machines covered in this class are; 12” Jointer, 22” Planer, 37” Belt Sander, and 20” Band Saw.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Contact the instructor for questions: John Borden

      • 08/20/2025
      • 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
      • Makersmiths 785 S. 20th St. Purcellville, VA 20132
      • 5

      Makersmiths, Inc. members wishing to use the tools in the metal shop in Purcellville must complete a course of orientation and training and demonstrate competence with each tool before their name will be placed on the approved list of machine operators.

      This course covers Red Tool Metalworking – Basics

      Prerequisites - Must be 18 or older and have an interest in metal working.

      Class size is limited to four students. The class is a minimum of two hours but may take longer depending on attendee’s previous experience.

      The class will be held in the metal working room at Makersmiths in Purcellville. Members will have an introduction to the metal working room and will be introduced to each of the tools in the metal working room. A handout will be provided.

      To prepare for class, please do the following: 

      1. Wear closed-toe shoes, open-toed shoes are not allowed in the shop.
      2. Ensure you are not wearing loose clothing, have long unconfined hair, or dangling jewelry.
      3. You will need eye protection. We have goggles available for you to wear if you do not bring your own.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      If the class is full, Click here to wait list a class.

      Contact the instructor for questions: Dave Painter

      • 08/27/2025
      • 7:00 PM
      • online

      The monthly Board of Directors meeting is open to all Makersmiths Members.

      All Members are welcome and encouraged to attend, but motions, votes,  participation in discussion are for Board Members. 

      Please join the meeting if you’re interested in what we’re voting on, committee reports, etc.

      The meeting google code is  

      The meeting agenda as well as minutes from past meetings can be found on the wiki -

      Questions: Contact Jonathan White

      • 09/06/2025
      • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
      • 785 S. 20th Street Purcellville, VA 20132

      Purcellville Work Day

      On the first Saturday of each month, Makersmiths Purcellville has a work day. This is a great opportunity for Makersmiths members to complete their monthly volunteer hours. It is also a chance to meet other members!

      Please arrive at 9am and we should wind down our work at 12:00PM (noon). The list of jobs that need to be completed are posted in Slack (General) a day or two before the work day- so be sure to check the Makersmiths Slack General Slack channel. There are times we need people to come with string trimmers or other maintenance items.

      For specific questions, please contact Dave Painter

      • 09/10/2025
      • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
      • 785 S. 20th St Purcellville, VA 20132

      Sewing Circle in Purcellville in Summer and Fall

      We are thrilled to announce our sewing social at Makersmiths Purcellville, a gathering that promises to be a celebration of creativity and community for sewing enthusiasts of all levels. Join us every second Wednesday of the month as we come together to share our love for the craft, learn from each other, and forge lasting connections in a welcoming and inspiring environment. Whether you're a beginner looking to pick up tips or a seasoned pro eager to showcase your skills, our sewing socials offer a space for everyone to come together and stitch their way to new friendships and endless inspiration.

      Please remember to bring your own sewing machine, along with cutting tools, pins, measuring tape, and a project you've been wanting to tackle to our upcoming sewing event. Whether you're working on a new garment, a home decor item, or simply want to practice your stitches, having your own sewing machine allows you to create and craft to your heart's content in the company of fellow sewing enthusiasts So, pack up your gear, grab your project, and join us for a productive and creative sewing session where you can bring your vision to life with all the tools you need at hand. 

      All skills are welcome. If you are new to sewing or have been sewing for decades, we hope you will join us in the main room for our "sewcial" - get it?

      New to Makersmiths? Please fill out this waiver:

      Questions? Please contact Amy Copley.

      • 09/11/2025
      • 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
      • MS-P 785 S. 20th Street Purcellville, VA 20132
      • 4

      Makersmiths, Inc. members wishing to use the tools in the woodworking shop in Purcellville must complete a course of orientation and training and demonstrate competence with each tool before their name will be placed on the approved list of machine operators. Completion of red tool training in Leesburg does NOT permit you to use the tools or shop in Purcellville.  

      While many of the tools in the two locations perform similar tasks, the tools in Leesburg are homeowner/hobbyist in size while the tools in Purcellville are industrial sized. Red Tool training for woodworking in Purcellville is divided into three classes: Red Tool Woodworking-Basics; Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced; and, Red Tool CNC. We will meet in both the Green Room and woodshop for this event. 

      This course covers Red Tool Woodworking – Basics

      Prerequisites - Must be 18 or older and have an interest in woodworking.

      Class size is limited to four students. The class is a minimum of two hours but may take longer depending on attendee’s previous experience.

      The class will start in the Green Room with a presentation and discussion covering shop etiquette, layout, hours, rules, material storage, and safety.   Class will then move into the wood shop where various machines will be demonstrated. Members will get an opportunity to practice on each machine. The machines covered in this class are; Panel Saw, Table Saw, Miter Saw, Drill Press, Spindle sander, 12” Disk Sander, Downdraft Sanding Table, and Dust Collector.

      To prepare for class, please do the following: 

      1. Wear closed-toe shoes, open-toed shoes are not allowed in the shop.
      2. Ensure you are not wearing loose clothing, have long unconfined hair, or dangling jewelry.
      3. You will need eye protection. We have goggles available for you to wear if you do not bring your own.
      4. Hearing protection is not required by highly recommended. We have disposable foam earplugs, but if you have your own, please bring them.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Contact the instructor for questions: John Borden

      • 09/17/2025
      • 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
      • Makersmiths 785 S. 20th St. Purcellville, VA 20132
      • 5

      Makersmiths, Inc. members wishing to use the tools in the metal shop in Purcellville must complete a course of orientation and training and demonstrate competence with each tool before their name will be placed on the approved list of machine operators.

      This course covers Red Tool Metalworking – Basics

      Prerequisites - Must be 18 or older and have an interest in metal working.

      Class size is limited to four students. The class is a minimum of two hours but may take longer depending on attendee’s previous experience.

      The class will be held in the metal working room at Makersmiths in Purcellville. Members will have an introduction to the metal working room and will be introduced to each of the tools in the metal working room. A handout will be provided.

      To prepare for class, please do the following: 

      1. Wear closed-toe shoes, open-toed shoes are not allowed in the shop.
      2. Ensure you are not wearing loose clothing, have long unconfined hair, or dangling jewelry.
      3. You will need eye protection. We have goggles available for you to wear if you do not bring your own.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      If the class is full, Click here to wait list a class.

      Contact the instructor for questions: Dave Painter

      • 09/21/2025
      • 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM
      • Makersmiths 785 S. 20th St. Purcellville, VA 20132
      • 4

      Makersmiths, Inc. members wishing to use the tools in the woodworking shop in Purcellville must complete a course of orientation and training and demonstrate competence with each tool before their name will be placed on the approved list of machine operators.

      Completion of red tool training in Leesburg does NOT permit you to use the tools or shop in Purcellville.  While many of the tools in the two locations perform similar tasks, the tools in Leesburg are homeowner/hobbyist in size while the tools in Purcellville are industrial sized.

      Red Tool training for woodworking in Purcellville is divided into three classes: Red Tool Woodworking-Basics; Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced; and Red Tool CNC. 

      This course covers Red Tool Woodworking – Advanced

      Prerequisites - Must be a member of Makersmiths, be 18 or older and have completed Red Tool Woodworking-Basics.

      Class size is limited to three students. The class is a minimum of two hours but may take longer depending on attendee’s previous experience.

      The class will start in the Green Room with a presentation and discussion covering wood and machine terminology, machine manuals and other resources, rules, and safety.   Class will then move into the wood shop where various machines will be demonstrated. Members will get an opportunity to practice on each machine. The machines covered in this class are; 12” Jointer, 22” Planer, 37” Belt Sander, and 20” Band Saw.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Contact the instructor for questions: John Borden

      • 09/24/2025
      • 7:00 PM
      • online

      The monthly Board of Directors meeting is open to all Makersmiths Members.

      All Members are welcome and encouraged to attend, but motions, votes,  participation in discussion are for Board Members. 

      Please join the meeting if you’re interested in what we’re voting on, committee reports, etc.

      The meeting google code is  

      The meeting agenda as well as minutes from past meetings can be found on the wiki -

      Questions: Contact Jonathan White

      • 10/04/2025
      • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
      • 785 S. 20th Street Purcellville, VA 20132

      Purcellville Work Day

      On the first Saturday of each month, Makersmiths Purcellville has a work day. This is a great opportunity for Makersmiths members to complete their monthly volunteer hours. It is also a chance to meet other members!

      Please arrive at 9am and we should wind down our work at 12:00PM (noon). The list of jobs that need to be completed are posted in Slack (General) a day or two before the work day- so be sure to check the Makersmiths Slack General Slack channel. There are times we need people to come with string trimmers or other maintenance items.

      For specific questions, please contact Dave Painter

      • 10/08/2025
      • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
      • 785 S. 20th St Purcellville, VA 20132

      Sewing Circle in Purcellville in Summer and Fall

      We are thrilled to announce our sewing social at Makersmiths Purcellville, a gathering that promises to be a celebration of creativity and community for sewing enthusiasts of all levels. Join us every second Wednesday of the month as we come together to share our love for the craft, learn from each other, and forge lasting connections in a welcoming and inspiring environment. Whether you're a beginner looking to pick up tips or a seasoned pro eager to showcase your skills, our sewing socials offer a space for everyone to come together and stitch their way to new friendships and endless inspiration.

      Please remember to bring your own sewing machine, along with cutting tools, pins, measuring tape, and a project you've been wanting to tackle to our upcoming sewing event. Whether you're working on a new garment, a home decor item, or simply want to practice your stitches, having your own sewing machine allows you to create and craft to your heart's content in the company of fellow sewing enthusiasts So, pack up your gear, grab your project, and join us for a productive and creative sewing session where you can bring your vision to life with all the tools you need at hand. 

      All skills are welcome. If you are new to sewing or have been sewing for decades, we hope you will join us in the main room for our "sewcial" - get it?

      New to Makersmiths? Please fill out this waiver:

      Questions? Please contact Amy Copley.

      • 10/09/2025
      • 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
      • MS-P 785 S. 20th Street Purcellville, VA 20132
      • 4

      Makersmiths, Inc. members wishing to use the tools in the woodworking shop in Purcellville must complete a course of orientation and training and demonstrate competence with each tool before their name will be placed on the approved list of machine operators. Completion of red tool training in Leesburg does NOT permit you to use the tools or shop in Purcellville.  

      While many of the tools in the two locations perform similar tasks, the tools in Leesburg are homeowner/hobbyist in size while the tools in Purcellville are industrial sized. Red Tool training for woodworking in Purcellville is divided into three classes: Red Tool Woodworking-Basics; Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced; and, Red Tool CNC. We will meet in both the Green Room and woodshop for this event. 

      This course covers Red Tool Woodworking – Basics

      Prerequisites - Must be 18 or older and have an interest in woodworking.

      Class size is limited to four students. The class is a minimum of two hours but may take longer depending on attendee’s previous experience.

      The class will start in the Green Room with a presentation and discussion covering shop etiquette, layout, hours, rules, material storage, and safety.   Class will then move into the wood shop where various machines will be demonstrated. Members will get an opportunity to practice on each machine. The machines covered in this class are; Panel Saw, Table Saw, Miter Saw, Drill Press, Spindle sander, 12” Disk Sander, Downdraft Sanding Table, and Dust Collector.

      To prepare for class, please do the following: 

      1. Wear closed-toe shoes, open-toed shoes are not allowed in the shop.
      2. Ensure you are not wearing loose clothing, have long unconfined hair, or dangling jewelry.
      3. You will need eye protection. We have goggles available for you to wear if you do not bring your own.
      4. Hearing protection is not required by highly recommended. We have disposable foam earplugs, but if you have your own, please bring them.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Contact the instructor for questions: John Borden

      • 10/15/2025
      • 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
      • Makersmiths 785 S. 20th St. Purcellville, VA 20132
      • 5

      Makersmiths, Inc. members wishing to use the tools in the metal shop in Purcellville must complete a course of orientation and training and demonstrate competence with each tool before their name will be placed on the approved list of machine operators.

      This course covers Red Tool Metalworking – Basics

      Prerequisites - Must be 18 or older and have an interest in metal working.

      Class size is limited to four students. The class is a minimum of two hours but may take longer depending on attendee’s previous experience.

      The class will be held in the metal working room at Makersmiths in Purcellville. Members will have an introduction to the metal working room and will be introduced to each of the tools in the metal working room. A handout will be provided.

      To prepare for class, please do the following: 

      1. Wear closed-toe shoes, open-toed shoes are not allowed in the shop.
      2. Ensure you are not wearing loose clothing, have long unconfined hair, or dangling jewelry.
      3. You will need eye protection. We have goggles available for you to wear if you do not bring your own.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      If the class is full, Click here to wait list a class.

      Contact the instructor for questions: Dave Painter

      • 10/19/2025
      • 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM
      • Makersmiths 785 S. 20th St. Purcellville, VA 20132
      • 4

      Makersmiths, Inc. members wishing to use the tools in the woodworking shop in Purcellville must complete a course of orientation and training and demonstrate competence with each tool before their name will be placed on the approved list of machine operators.

      Completion of red tool training in Leesburg does NOT permit you to use the tools or shop in Purcellville.  While many of the tools in the two locations perform similar tasks, the tools in Leesburg are homeowner/hobbyist in size while the tools in Purcellville are industrial sized.

      Red Tool training for woodworking in Purcellville is divided into three classes: Red Tool Woodworking-Basics; Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced; and Red Tool CNC. 

      This course covers Red Tool Woodworking – Advanced

      Prerequisites - Must be a member of Makersmiths, be 18 or older and have completed Red Tool Woodworking-Basics.

      Class size is limited to three students. The class is a minimum of two hours but may take longer depending on attendee’s previous experience.

      The class will start in the Green Room with a presentation and discussion covering wood and machine terminology, machine manuals and other resources, rules, and safety.   Class will then move into the wood shop where various machines will be demonstrated. Members will get an opportunity to practice on each machine. The machines covered in this class are; 12” Jointer, 22” Planer, 37” Belt Sander, and 20” Band Saw.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Contact the instructor for questions: John Borden

      • 10/29/2025
      • 7:00 PM
      • online

      The monthly Board of Directors meeting is open to all Makersmiths Members.

      All Members are welcome and encouraged to attend, but motions, votes,  participation in discussion are for Board Members. 

      Please join the meeting if you’re interested in what we’re voting on, committee reports, etc.

      The meeting google code is  

      The meeting agenda as well as minutes from past meetings can be found on the wiki -

      Questions: Contact Jonathan White

      • 11/01/2025
      • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
      • 785 S. 20th Street Purcellville, VA 20132

      Purcellville Work Day

      On the first Saturday of each month, Makersmiths Purcellville has a work day. This is a great opportunity for Makersmiths members to complete their monthly volunteer hours. It is also a chance to meet other members!

      Please arrive at 9am and we should wind down our work at 12:00PM (noon). The list of jobs that need to be completed are posted in Slack (General) a day or two before the work day- so be sure to check the Makersmiths Slack General Slack channel. There are times we need people to come with string trimmers or other maintenance items.

      For specific questions, please contact Dave Painter

      • 11/12/2025
      • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
      • 785 S. 20th St Purcellville, VA 20132

      Sewing Circle in Purcellville in Summer and Fall

      We are thrilled to announce our sewing social at Makersmiths Purcellville, a gathering that promises to be a celebration of creativity and community for sewing enthusiasts of all levels. Join us every second Wednesday of the month as we come together to share our love for the craft, learn from each other, and forge lasting connections in a welcoming and inspiring environment. Whether you're a beginner looking to pick up tips or a seasoned pro eager to showcase your skills, our sewing socials offer a space for everyone to come together and stitch their way to new friendships and endless inspiration.

      Please remember to bring your own sewing machine, along with cutting tools, pins, measuring tape, and a project you've been wanting to tackle to our upcoming sewing event. Whether you're working on a new garment, a home decor item, or simply want to practice your stitches, having your own sewing machine allows you to create and craft to your heart's content in the company of fellow sewing enthusiasts So, pack up your gear, grab your project, and join us for a productive and creative sewing session where you can bring your vision to life with all the tools you need at hand. 

      All skills are welcome. If you are new to sewing or have been sewing for decades, we hope you will join us in the main room for our "sewcial" - get it?

      New to Makersmiths? Please fill out this waiver:

      Questions? Please contact Amy Copley.

      • 11/13/2025
      • 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
      • MS-P 785 S. 20th Street Purcellville, VA 20132
      • 4

      Makersmiths, Inc. members wishing to use the tools in the woodworking shop in Purcellville must complete a course of orientation and training and demonstrate competence with each tool before their name will be placed on the approved list of machine operators. Completion of red tool training in Leesburg does NOT permit you to use the tools or shop in Purcellville.  

      While many of the tools in the two locations perform similar tasks, the tools in Leesburg are homeowner/hobbyist in size while the tools in Purcellville are industrial sized. Red Tool training for woodworking in Purcellville is divided into three classes: Red Tool Woodworking-Basics; Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced; and, Red Tool CNC. We will meet in both the Green Room and woodshop for this event. 

      This course covers Red Tool Woodworking – Basics

      Prerequisites - Must be 18 or older and have an interest in woodworking.

      Class size is limited to four students. The class is a minimum of two hours but may take longer depending on attendee’s previous experience.

      The class will start in the Green Room with a presentation and discussion covering shop etiquette, layout, hours, rules, material storage, and safety.   Class will then move into the wood shop where various machines will be demonstrated. Members will get an opportunity to practice on each machine. The machines covered in this class are; Panel Saw, Table Saw, Miter Saw, Drill Press, Spindle sander, 12” Disk Sander, Downdraft Sanding Table, and Dust Collector.

      To prepare for class, please do the following: 

      1. Wear closed-toe shoes, open-toed shoes are not allowed in the shop.
      2. Ensure you are not wearing loose clothing, have long unconfined hair, or dangling jewelry.
      3. You will need eye protection. We have goggles available for you to wear if you do not bring your own.
      4. Hearing protection is not required by highly recommended. We have disposable foam earplugs, but if you have your own, please bring them.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Contact the instructor for questions: John Borden

      • 11/16/2025
      • 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM
      • Makersmiths 785 S. 20th St. Purcellville, VA 20132
      • 4

      Makersmiths, Inc. members wishing to use the tools in the woodworking shop in Purcellville must complete a course of orientation and training and demonstrate competence with each tool before their name will be placed on the approved list of machine operators.

      Completion of red tool training in Leesburg does NOT permit you to use the tools or shop in Purcellville.  While many of the tools in the two locations perform similar tasks, the tools in Leesburg are homeowner/hobbyist in size while the tools in Purcellville are industrial sized.

      Red Tool training for woodworking in Purcellville is divided into three classes: Red Tool Woodworking-Basics; Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced; and Red Tool CNC. 

      This course covers Red Tool Woodworking – Advanced

      Prerequisites - Must be a member of Makersmiths, be 18 or older and have completed Red Tool Woodworking-Basics.

      Class size is limited to three students. The class is a minimum of two hours but may take longer depending on attendee’s previous experience.

      The class will start in the Green Room with a presentation and discussion covering wood and machine terminology, machine manuals and other resources, rules, and safety.   Class will then move into the wood shop where various machines will be demonstrated. Members will get an opportunity to practice on each machine. The machines covered in this class are; 12” Jointer, 22” Planer, 37” Belt Sander, and 20” Band Saw.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Contact the instructor for questions: John Borden

      • 11/19/2025
      • 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
      • Makersmiths 785 S. 20th St. Purcellville, VA 20132
      • 5

      Makersmiths, Inc. members wishing to use the tools in the metal shop in Purcellville must complete a course of orientation and training and demonstrate competence with each tool before their name will be placed on the approved list of machine operators.

      This course covers Red Tool Metalworking – Basics

      Prerequisites - Must be 18 or older and have an interest in metal working.

      Class size is limited to four students. The class is a minimum of two hours but may take longer depending on attendee’s previous experience.

      The class will be held in the metal working room at Makersmiths in Purcellville. Members will have an introduction to the metal working room and will be introduced to each of the tools in the metal working room. A handout will be provided.

      To prepare for class, please do the following: 

      1. Wear closed-toe shoes, open-toed shoes are not allowed in the shop.
      2. Ensure you are not wearing loose clothing, have long unconfined hair, or dangling jewelry.
      3. You will need eye protection. We have goggles available for you to wear if you do not bring your own.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      If the class is full, Click here to wait list a class.

      Contact the instructor for questions: Dave Painter

      • 11/26/2025
      • 7:00 PM
      • online

      The monthly Board of Directors meeting is open to all Makersmiths Members.

      All Members are welcome and encouraged to attend, but motions, votes,  participation in discussion are for Board Members. 

      Please join the meeting if you’re interested in what we’re voting on, committee reports, etc.

      The meeting google code is  

      The meeting agenda as well as minutes from past meetings can be found on the wiki -

      Questions: Contact Jonathan White

      • 12/06/2025
      • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
      • 785 S. 20th Street Purcellville, VA 20132

      Purcellville Work Day

      On the first Saturday of each month, Makersmiths Purcellville has a work day. This is a great opportunity for Makersmiths members to complete their monthly volunteer hours. It is also a chance to meet other members!

      Please arrive at 9am and we should wind down our work at 12:00PM (noon). The list of jobs that need to be completed are posted in Slack (General) a day or two before the work day- so be sure to check the Makersmiths Slack General Slack channel. There are times we need people to come with string trimmers or other maintenance items.

      For specific questions, please contact Dave Painter

      • 12/10/2025
      • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
      • 106 S. Royal St. SW Leesburg, VA 20175

      Sewing Circle in Leesburg in Winter and Spring

      We are thrilled to announce our sewing social at Makersmiths Leesburg, a gathering that promises to be a celebration of creativity and community for sewing enthusiasts of all levels. Join us every second Wednesday of the month as we come together to share our love for the craft, learn from each other, and forge lasting connections in a welcoming and inspiring environment. Whether you're a beginner looking to pick up tips or a seasoned pro eager to showcase your skills, our sewing socials offer a space for everyone to come together and stitch their way to new friendships and endless inspiration.

      Please remember to bring your own sewing machine, along with cutting tools, pins, measuring tape, and a project you've been wanting to tackle to our upcoming sewing event. Whether you're working on a new garment, a home decor item, or simply want to practice your stitches, having your own sewing machine allows you to create and craft to your heart's content in the company of fellow sewing enthusiasts So, pack up your gear, grab your project, and join us for a productive and creative sewing session where you can bring your vision to life with all the tools you need at hand. 

      All skills are welcome. If you are new to sewing or have been sewing for decades, we hope you will join us in the main room for our "sewcial" - get it?

      New to Makersmiths? Please fill out this waiver:

      Questions? Please contact Amy Copley.

      • 12/11/2025
      • 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
      • MS-P 785 S. 20th Street Purcellville, VA 20132
      • 4

      Makersmiths, Inc. members wishing to use the tools in the woodworking shop in Purcellville must complete a course of orientation and training and demonstrate competence with each tool before their name will be placed on the approved list of machine operators. Completion of red tool training in Leesburg does NOT permit you to use the tools or shop in Purcellville.  

      While many of the tools in the two locations perform similar tasks, the tools in Leesburg are homeowner/hobbyist in size while the tools in Purcellville are industrial sized. Red Tool training for woodworking in Purcellville is divided into three classes: Red Tool Woodworking-Basics; Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced; and, Red Tool CNC. We will meet in both the Green Room and woodshop for this event. 

      This course covers Red Tool Woodworking – Basics

      Prerequisites - Must be 18 or older and have an interest in woodworking.

      Class size is limited to four students. The class is a minimum of two hours but may take longer depending on attendee’s previous experience.

      The class will start in the Green Room with a presentation and discussion covering shop etiquette, layout, hours, rules, material storage, and safety.   Class will then move into the wood shop where various machines will be demonstrated. Members will get an opportunity to practice on each machine. The machines covered in this class are; Panel Saw, Table Saw, Miter Saw, Drill Press, Spindle sander, 12” Disk Sander, Downdraft Sanding Table, and Dust Collector.

      To prepare for class, please do the following: 

      1. Wear closed-toe shoes, open-toed shoes are not allowed in the shop.
      2. Ensure you are not wearing loose clothing, have long unconfined hair, or dangling jewelry.
      3. You will need eye protection. We have goggles available for you to wear if you do not bring your own.
      4. Hearing protection is not required by highly recommended. We have disposable foam earplugs, but if you have your own, please bring them.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Contact the instructor for questions: John Borden

      • 12/17/2025
      • 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
      • Makersmiths 785 S. 20th St. Purcellville, VA 20132
      • 5

      Makersmiths, Inc. members wishing to use the tools in the metal shop in Purcellville must complete a course of orientation and training and demonstrate competence with each tool before their name will be placed on the approved list of machine operators.

      This course covers Red Tool Metalworking – Basics

      Prerequisites - Must be 18 or older and have an interest in metal working.

      Class size is limited to four students. The class is a minimum of two hours but may take longer depending on attendee’s previous experience.

      The class will be held in the metal working room at Makersmiths in Purcellville. Members will have an introduction to the metal working room and will be introduced to each of the tools in the metal working room. A handout will be provided.

      To prepare for class, please do the following: 

      1. Wear closed-toe shoes, open-toed shoes are not allowed in the shop.
      2. Ensure you are not wearing loose clothing, have long unconfined hair, or dangling jewelry.
      3. You will need eye protection. We have goggles available for you to wear if you do not bring your own.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      If the class is full, Click here to wait list a class.

      Contact the instructor for questions: Dave Painter

      • 12/17/2025
      • 7:00 PM
      • online

      The monthly Board of Directors meeting is open to all Makersmiths Members.

      All Members are welcome and encouraged to attend, but motions, votes,  participation in discussion are for Board Members. 

      Please join the meeting if you’re interested in what we’re voting on, committee reports, etc.

      The meeting google code is  

      The meeting agenda as well as minutes from past meetings can be found on the wiki -

      Questions: Contact Jonathan White

      • 12/21/2025
      • 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM
      • Makersmiths 785 S. 20th St. Purcellville, VA 20132
      • 4

      Makersmiths, Inc. members wishing to use the tools in the woodworking shop in Purcellville must complete a course of orientation and training and demonstrate competence with each tool before their name will be placed on the approved list of machine operators.

      Completion of red tool training in Leesburg does NOT permit you to use the tools or shop in Purcellville.  While many of the tools in the two locations perform similar tasks, the tools in Leesburg are homeowner/hobbyist in size while the tools in Purcellville are industrial sized.

      Red Tool training for woodworking in Purcellville is divided into three classes: Red Tool Woodworking-Basics; Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced; and Red Tool CNC. 

      This course covers Red Tool Woodworking – Advanced

      Prerequisites - Must be a member of Makersmiths, be 18 or older and have completed Red Tool Woodworking-Basics.

      Class size is limited to three students. The class is a minimum of two hours but may take longer depending on attendee’s previous experience.

      The class will start in the Green Room with a presentation and discussion covering wood and machine terminology, machine manuals and other resources, rules, and safety.   Class will then move into the wood shop where various machines will be demonstrated. Members will get an opportunity to practice on each machine. The machines covered in this class are; 12” Jointer, 22” Planer, 37” Belt Sander, and 20” Band Saw.

      New to Makersmiths? Prior to coming to class, please sign this online waiver form:

      Contact the instructor for questions: John Borden

    Past events

    03/13/2025 WMP-RB0 Woodworking Basics RT
    03/13/2025 MSL-ES1: Open House
    03/13/2025 MS-P KidWind Middle School Solar
    03/13/2025 MS-L Make a Leather Sheath from Scratch
    03/13/2025 WLL-RB0: Wood Lathe Red Tool
    03/12/2025 WBL-RB0: Big Red CNC Red Tool
    03/12/2025 WLL-EB1: Woodturning Open Shop
    03/12/2025 CSL-ES1: Sewing Social
    03/12/2025 CSL-CB2: Sewing - Learn to Use the Serger
    03/11/2025 MS-L New Member Orientation
    03/11/2025 MSP-ES1: Open House
    03/11/2025 MCP-RB0 Media Blast Cabinet, Powder Coating, and Paint Booth-RT
    03/11/2025 MS-P KidWind Middle School Solar
    03/11/2025 MS-L KidWind High School Solar Team
    03/10/2025 PSL-RB0: Sublimation Printer Red Tool
    03/10/2025 STL-SI3 Learn Adobe Illustrator Series Class 3: Understanding Color and Gradients (RESCHEDULED)
    03/09/2025 MS-L New Member Orientation
    03/09/2025 OKL-PB2 -KidWind Work Session
    03/08/2025 OSL-EB1: Private Scouting Event
    03/08/2025 WLL-PB1: Wood Bowl Turning
    03/08/2025 MSL-ES2: Leesburg Work Day
    03/08/2025 MS-P KidWind Wind Tunnel Testing
    03/07/2025 Fix It Friday
    03/07/2025 OKL-PB2 -KidWind Work Session
    03/07/2025 OXL-ES1: Game Night
    03/07/2025 MOV-EMG: Scheduling Committee meeting
    03/06/2025 OKL-PB2 KidWind Work Session
    03/06/2025 TML-ES1: Electronics Night
    03/06/2025 MSL-ES1: Open House
    03/06/2025 MS-L Make a Wire and Bead Succulent Suncatcher
    03/05/2025 MOL-EMF: Grant Writing Committee meeting
    03/05/2025 MS-L: UV Printer Make and Take
    03/04/2025 OKL-PB2-KidWind Work Session
    03/04/2025 MSP-ES1: Open House
    03/03/2025 MOL-EMH: Marketing Committee meeting
    03/03/2025 STL-SI2 Learn Adobe Illustrator Series Class 2: Working with Shapes and Lines
    03/02/2025 CLL-PB2: Make a Leather Guitar Strap
    03/02/2025 FWP-RB2 Welding- TIG Beginner
    03/01/2025 PLL-RA0: CO2 Laser Rotary Red Tool
    03/01/2025 PLL-RB0 CO2 Laser Basic Red Tool
    03/01/2025 MSP-ES2: Work Day
    02/27/2025 MS-P Ceramics Meeting
    02/27/2025 MSL-ES1: Open House
    02/26/2025 MOV-EM1 Board of Directors Meeting
    02/26/2025 OSL-EB1: Private Scouting Event
    02/25/2025 MOL-RB0: New Member Orientation
    02/25/2025 MSP-ES1: Open House
    02/24/2025 STL-SI1 Learn Adobe Illustrator Series: Class 1 - Intro to Adobe Illustrator
    02/24/2025 MS-P Lower Classroom Counter Repair
    02/23/2025 MS-L: Take Control: Mastering Your Camera’s Manual Mode
    02/22/2025 PLL-RA0: CO2 Laser Advanced Red Tool
    02/21/2025 PBL-RA0: BN2-20 Advanced Red Tool - Additional Media (HTV, Banner, Holographic, Clear)
    02/21/2025 PBL-RB0: BN2-20 Red Tool - Print Vinyl Stickers
    02/20/2025 MOV-EMG: Scheduling Committee meeting
    02/20/2025 WMP-RB0: Woodworking Basics Red Tool
    02/20/2025 TML-ES1: Electronics Night
    02/20/2025 MOL-ES1: Open House
    02/19/2025 MEL-EM1: Strategic Planning session
    02/19/2025 FMP-RB0: Metal working Basics Red Tool
    02/19/2025 PUL-CA1: UV Printing Advanced - Jig Making Tips & Tricks
    02/18/2025 MOL-RB0: New Member Orientation
    02/16/2025 WMP-RA0: Woodworking Advanced Red Tool
    02/16/2025 WEP-RB0: CNC EBF Red Tool
    02/15/2025 PLL-RB0: CO2 Laser Basic Red Tool
    02/13/2025 P3P-RB0: 3D Printing FDM Red Tool
    02/13/2025 MOL-ES1: Open House
    02/12/2025 WBL-RB0: Big Red CNC Red Tool
    02/12/2025 WML-RB0: Woodworking Red Tool
    02/12/2025 CSL-ES1: Sewing Social
    02/12/2025 EGP-PB1: Make a Stained Glass Window
    02/11/2025 MOL-RB0: New Member Orientation
    02/11/2025 MOP-ES1: Open House
    02/10/2025 PSL-RB0: Sublimation Printer Red Tool
    02/09/2025 CLL-PB2: Make a Leather Guitar Strap
    02/09/2025 CLL-PB2: Make a Leather Guitar Strap
    02/09/2025 CMP-PB1: Soapin You'd Be My Valentine
    02/09/2025 CCP-PB1: Cricut Valentine Workshop
    02/08/2025 MVL-ES1: Leesburg Work Day
    02/07/2025 OXL-ES1: Game Night
    02/07/2025 PBL-RB0: BN2-20 Red Tool - Print Vinyl Stickers
    02/06/2025 MOL-ES1: Open House
    02/06/2025 MEL-EM2: Makers' Market planning meeting
    02/06/2025 P3L-RB0: 3D Printing FDM Red Tool
    02/06/2025 TML-ES1: Electronics Night
    02/05/2025 SSL-CB1: Adobe Illustrator - Stickers, Bleeds, and Templates
    02/05/2025 WLL-RB0: Wood Lathe Red Tool
    02/04/2025 MOP-ES1: Open House
    02/03/2025 SEL-ES1: Chess Night
    02/02/2025 FWP-RB0: Welding - Gas Red Tool
    02/02/2025 FWP-RB1: Welding - MIG Red Tool
    02/01/2025 MVP-ES1: Purcellville Work Day
    01/30/2025 PUL-RB0: UV Printer Red Tool
    01/30/2025 MOL-ES1: Open House
    01/29/2025 MOV-EM1: Board of Directors Meeting
    01/28/2025 MOL-RB0: New Member Orientation
    01/28/2025 MOP-ES1: Open House
    01/28/2025 WLL-RB0: Wood Lathe Red Tool
    01/27/2025 MOL-CB1: Business and Financial Process for Instructors
    01/27/2025 SEL-ES1: Chess Night
    01/26/2025 PLL-RB0: CO2 Laser Basic Red Tool
    01/26/2025 PBL-RB0: BN2-20 Red Tool - Print Vinyl Stickers
    01/26/2025 WMP-RA0: Woodworking Advanced Red Tool
    01/25/2025 PLL-RB0: CO2 Laser Basic Red Tool
    01/25/2025 WLL-PB1: Wood Bowl Turning
    01/25/2025 WBL-RB0: Big Red CNC Red Tool
    01/25/2025 WBL-RB0: Big Red CNC Red Tool
    01/23/2025 MOV-EMG: Scheduling Committee meeting
    01/23/2025 MOL-ES1: Open House
    01/23/2025 TML-ES1: Electronics Night
    01/22/2025 MEL-EM1: Strategic Planning session
    01/21/2025 FWP-RB1: Welding - MIG Red Tool
    01/21/2025 WML-RB0: Woodworking Red Tool
    01/21/2025 MOP-ES1: Open House
    01/20/2025 SEL-ES1: Chess Night
    01/19/2025 PFP-RA0: Fiber Laser Rotary Red Tool
    01/19/2025 PFP-RB0: Fiber Laser Red Tool
    01/16/2025 MOL-ES1: Open House
    01/15/2025 FMP-RB0: Metal-working Basics Red Tool
    01/14/2025 MOL-RB0: New Member Orientation
    01/14/2025 MOP-ES1: Open House
    01/13/2025 SEL-ES1: Chess Night
    01/13/2025 ECP-PB1: Nesting Petal Bowls
    01/13/2025 ECP-PB1: Nesting Petal Bowls
    01/11/2025 OSL-EB1: Private Scouting Event
    01/11/2025 MVL-ES1: Leesburg Work Day
    01/09/2025 WMP-RB0: Woodworking Basics Red Tool
    01/09/2025 TML-ES1: Electronics Night
    01/09/2025 MOL-ES1: Open House
    01/08/2025 WBL-RB0: Big Red CNC Red Tool
    01/08/2025 OSL-EB1: Private Scouting Event
    01/08/2025 CSL-ES1: Sewing Social
    01/07/2025 OSL-EB1: Private Scouting Event
    01/06/2025 SEL-ES1: Chess Night
    01/04/2025 PLL-RB0: CO2 Laser Basic Red Tool
    01/04/2025 MVP-ES1: Purcellville Work Day
    01/03/2025 MEP-EM1: Usual Suspects Meeting
    01/02/2025 MOL-ES1: Open House
    12/31/2024 MS-L New Member Orientation
    12/30/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    12/29/2024 MS-L Leatherworking - Make a Leather Guitar Strap
    12/28/2024 MS-L Wood Bowl Turning
    12/23/2024 MS-L Chess Night - CANCELED
    12/22/2024 MS-P Fiber Laser Red Tool
    12/22/2024 MS-P Fiber Laser Red Tool
    12/21/2024 MS-P Blacksmith Power Hammer Red Tool
    12/20/2024 MS-L Red Tool Training for Woodturning Using a Lathe
    12/20/2024 MS-L Make a Leather Card Wallet
    12/19/2024 MS-L Open House
    12/19/2024 MS-L Make A Leather Rectangle Bike Bag
    12/18/2024 MS-P Metal-working RT-Basics
    12/18/2024 MS-L Make A Leather Rectangle Bike Bag
    12/18/2024 MS-L Make A Leather Rectangle Bike Bag
    12/17/2024 MS-L New Member Orientation
    12/17/2024 MS-L 3D Resin Printer 101
    12/17/2024 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    12/17/2024 MS-L BN2-20 RT-Print Vinyl Stickers
    12/17/2024 MS-P Open House
    12/16/2024 MS-P Advanced Laser Class
    12/16/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    12/16/2024 MS-L Leatherworking - Make a Leather Guitar Strap
    12/16/2024 MS-L Leatherworking - Make a Leather Guitar Strap
    12/15/2024 MS-L Leatherworking - Make a Leather Guitar Strap
    12/15/2024 MS-P Laser Cut Snow Scene
    12/15/2024 MS-P Woodworking RT-Advanced
    12/15/2024 MS-L Advanced Laser Class
    12/14/2024 MS-L Secret Santa Gift Swap Social
    12/14/2024 MS-L Leesburg Workday
    12/12/2024 MS-Online Scheduling Committee meeting
    12/12/2024 MS-P Woodworking RT-Basics
    12/12/2024 MS-L Adobe Illustrator - Stickers, Bleeds, and Templates
    12/12/2024 MS-L Open House
    12/11/2024 MS-L Bylaws and Standing Rules Committee meeting
    12/11/2024 MS-L Sewing Social LOCATION CHANGE
    12/10/2024 MS-P Open House
    12/09/2024 MS-L Leatherworking - Make a Leather Guitar Strap
    12/09/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    12/09/2024 MS-L Leatherworking - Dopp Toiletry Bag
    12/08/2024 MS-P Wooden Snowflake Workshop
    12/08/2024 MS-P MIG Welding Beginning Workshop
    12/07/2024 MS-P Business and Financial Process for Instructors LOCATION CHANGE
    12/07/2024 MS-L Tea Candle Woodturning
    12/07/2024 MS-L Tea Candle Woodturning
    12/07/2024 MS-P Work Day
    12/06/2024 MS-L Build a Wooden Gnome
    12/05/2024 MS-L Open House
    12/04/2024 MS-P Make a Stained Glass Window
    12/03/2024 MS-L New Member Orientation
    12/03/2024 MS-P Open House
    12/03/2024 MS-L Leatherworking - Make a Leather Guitar Strap
    12/02/2024 MS-L Business and Financial Process for Instructors
    12/01/2024 MS-L Sublimation T-Shirts
    12/01/2024 MS-L Custom Sublimated Photo Ornament
    11/30/2024 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    11/29/2024 MS-L Red Tool Intro to CO2 Lasercutter
    11/26/2024 MS-P Open House
    11/25/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    11/25/2024 MS-P MIG Welding Beginning Workshop
    11/24/2024 MS-P Holiday Gift Soap Making Workshop
    11/24/2024 MS-P Blacksmithing Forged Bottle Opener
    11/23/2024 MS-L Laser Cutter RT- Rotary Tool
    11/23/2024 MS-L Laser Cut Snow Scene
    11/23/2024 MS-L Cricut Holiday Card Making Workshop
    11/22/2024 MS-L Red Tool Intro to CO2 Lasercutter
    11/22/2024 MS-L Make your own Gift Label Stickers
    11/21/2024 MS-Online Scheduling Committee meeting
    11/21/2024 MS-L Open House
    11/20/2024 MS-P Metal-working RT-Basics
    11/19/2024 MS-P Open House
    11/19/2024 MS-L New Member Orientation
    11/19/2024 MS-L Sublimation Printing
    11/19/2024 MS-P MIG Welding Beginning Workshop
    11/18/2024 MS-P Woodworking – RT Basics
    11/18/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    11/17/2024 MS-L Introduction to Pen Turning
    11/17/2024 MS-P Holiday Stained Glass Suncatchers
    11/17/2024 MS-P Woodworking RT-Advanced
    11/17/2024 MS-L Dog Toy Make-and-Take
    11/17/2024 MS-P Welding Basic TIG
    11/16/2024 MS-L Introduction to Pen Turning
    11/16/2024 MS-P MIG Welding beginning workshop
    11/16/2024 MS-P Gas Welding Beginning Workshop
    11/14/2024 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    11/14/2024 MS-P Woodworking RT-Basics
    11/14/2024 MS-L Open House
    11/13/2024 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    11/13/2024 MS-P Sewing Social
    11/12/2024 MS-P Open House
    11/12/2024 MS-P MIG Welding Beginning Workshop
    11/11/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    11/10/2024 MS-P Welding Basic TIG
    11/10/2024 MS-P Blacksmithing- St. Patrick's Day Snake Kilt Pin
    11/09/2024 MS-L Crochet Holiday Garlands
    11/09/2024 MS-L Kidwind Information Meeting
    11/09/2024 MS-L Leesburg Workday
    11/08/2024 MS-L Paint A Laser-Cut Holiday Sign
    11/07/2024 MS-P Ceramics Holiday Ornaments Workshop
    11/07/2024 MS-L Open House
    11/07/2024 MS-L Red Tool Training for Woodturning Using a Lathe
    11/07/2024 MS-L Sublimation Printing
    11/06/2024 Online Monthly Membership Meeting
    11/06/2024 MS-P Ceramics- Swirly Bowls
    11/06/2024 MS-P Ceramics- Swirly Bowls
    11/05/2024 MS-L BN2-20 RT-Print Vinyl Stickers
    11/05/2024 MS-P Open House
    11/04/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    11/04/2024 MS-L New Member Orientation LOCATION CHANGED
    11/03/2024 MS-P Glass Studio Open Shop & Social
    11/03/2024 MS-L Sew Your Own Holiday PJ Pants
    11/03/2024 MS-L Sew a Scrunchie
    11/02/2024 MS-L-CnC Gift Plaque-Big Red
    11/02/2024 MS-P Work Day
    11/01/2024 MS-L Make a Leather Tree Ornament
    10/31/2024 MS-L Open House
    10/30/2024 Online Board of Directors Meeting
    10/29/2024 MSP- Media Blast Cabinet, Powder Coating, and Paint Booth-RT
    10/29/2024 MS-P Open House
    10/28/2024 MS-L Wild Apricot 101
    10/28/2024 MS-L Sublimation T-Shirts
    10/28/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    10/25/2024 MS-Online Scheduling Committee meeting
    10/24/2024 MS-L Open House
    10/24/2024 MS-L 3D Resin Printer 101
    10/23/2024 MS-L Sublimation Printing
    10/22/2024 MSL-KidWind Coaches' Meeting
    10/22/2024 MS-L Woodturning Open Shop
    10/22/2024 MS-P Open House
    10/21/2024 MS-L New Member Orientation
    10/21/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    10/21/2024 MS-L Intro to 3D Printing - FDM
    10/20/2024 MS-L Private Scouting Event
    10/20/2024 MS-P Fiber Laser Red Tool
    10/19/2024 MS-L Wood Bowl Turning
    10/17/2024 MS-L Membership Committee Meeting
    10/17/2024 MS-L Open House
    10/16/2024 MS-P Metal-working RT-Basics
    10/16/2024 MS-P Blacksmith Red Tool Workshop
    10/15/2024 MS-L Red Tool Training for Woodturning Using a Lathe
    10/15/2024 MSP- Media Blast Cabinet, Powder Coating, and Paint Booth-RT
    10/15/2024 MS-L BN2-20 RT-Print Vinyl Stickers
    10/15/2024 MS-P Open House
    10/14/2024 MS-L Advanced Leatherworking - Make A Leather Bag - Rectangle Bike Bag
    10/14/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    10/14/2024 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    10/13/2024 MS-P Woodworking-RT Advanced
    10/12/2024 MS-L Leesburg Workday
    10/11/2024 MS-L Red Tool Intro to CO2 Lasercutter
    10/10/2024 MS-P Woodworking – RT Basics
    10/10/2024 MS-L Open House
    10/09/2024 MS-P Fiber Laser Red Tool
    10/09/2024 MS-L Bylaws and Standing Rules Committee meeting
    10/09/2024 MS-P Sewing Social
    10/08/2024 MS-P Open House
    10/08/2024 MS-P Fiber Laser Red Tool
    10/07/2024 MS-L New Member Orientation
    10/07/2024 MS-L Chess Night CANCELLED
    10/07/2024 MS-Offsite Artists' Reception
    10/05/2024 MS-L Red Tool Intro to CO2 Lasercutter
    10/05/2024 MS-P Work Day
    10/03/2024 MS-P Wild Apricot 101
    10/03/2024 MS-L Open House
    10/03/2024 MS-P Fiber Laser Red Tool
    10/02/2024 MS-L BN2-20 RT-Print Vinyl Stickers
    10/01/2024 MSP-Media Blast Cabinet, Powder Coating, and Paint Booth-RT
    10/01/2024 MS-P Open House
    09/30/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    09/29/2024 Makersmiths 10th Anniversary Party
    09/29/2024 MS-P Fiber Laser Red Tool
    09/29/2024 MS-P Fiber Laser Red Tool
    09/28/2024 MS-L Wood Bowl Turning
    09/28/2024 MS-P Fiber Laser Red Tool
    09/28/2024 MS-P Fiber Laser Red Tool
    09/26/2024 MS-L Open House
    09/25/2024 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    09/25/2024 MS-P Ceramics Platters
    09/25/2024 MS-P Ceramics Platters
    09/24/2024 MS-L The Simplest Sewing Class - Custom Sublimatted Koozie
    09/24/2024 MS-L Red Tool Training for Woodturning Using a Lathe
    09/24/2024 MS-P Open House
    09/23/2024 MS-P New Member Orientation
    09/23/2024 MS-L Sublimation Printing
    09/23/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    09/22/2024 MS-P Make a Stained Glass Window
    09/21/2024 MSP-Get to Know a Cricut with a Halloween Project
    09/21/2024 MSP-Get to Know a Cricut with a Halloween Project
    09/21/2024 MS-P Fiber Laser Red Tool
    09/19/2024 MS-P Fiber Laser Red Tool
    09/19/2024 MS-Online Scheduling Committee meeting
    09/19/2024 MS-P Pottery Wheel Basics
    09/19/2024 MS-L Open House
    09/19/2024 MS-P EBF CNC Introduction
    09/18/2024 MS-L Membership Committee Meeting
    09/18/2024 MS-L Leatherworking - Make a Marbled Mouse Pad
    09/17/2024 MS-P Open House
    09/17/2024 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    09/17/2024 MS-L Intro to CO2 Lasercutter-RT
    09/16/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    09/16/2024 MS-L Sublimation & Laser - Make a Cell Phone Stand
    09/15/2024 MS-P Glass Studio Open Shop & Social
    09/15/2024 MS-L Leesburg Workday
    09/14/2024 MS-P Ceramics Social
    09/14/2024 MS-L Leesburg Workday
    09/12/2024 MS-P Woodworking-RT Advanced
    09/12/2024 MS-L Open House
    09/11/2024 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    09/11/2024 MS-P Woodworking – RT Basics
    09/11/2024 MS-P Sewing Social
    09/10/2024 MS-P Open House
    09/10/2024 MS-L Leatherworking & Laser - Make a laser cut key chain
    09/09/2024 MS-L New Member Orientation
    09/09/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    09/09/2024 MS-L Bylaws and Standing Rules Committee meeting
    09/07/2024 MS-L Laser Cutter RT- Rotary Tool
    09/07/2024 MS-P Work Day
    09/06/2024 MS-L BN2-20 RT-Print Vinyl Stickers
    09/05/2024 MS-L Open House
    08/31/2024 MS-L Laser Cutter Rotary Tool (TO BE RESCHEDULED)
    08/29/2024 MS-L Open House
    08/29/2024 MS-L BN2-20 Red Tool - Print Vinyl Stickers
    08/28/2024 MS-L Sublimation - Make a Metal Lunchbox
    08/26/2024 MS-P New Member Orientation
    08/26/2024 MS-L Chess Night CANCELLED
    08/25/2024 MS-P Stained Glass Night Lights
    08/24/2024 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    08/23/2024 MS-L Party Planning meeting
    08/22/2024 MS-L Open House
    08/22/2024 MS-L Sublimation Printing
    08/21/2024 MS-L BN2-20 Red Tool Advanced - Additional Media (HTV, Banner, Holographic, Clear)
    08/20/2024 MS-L Woodturning Open Shop
    08/20/2024 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    08/20/2024 MS-L Intro to 3D Printing - FDM
    08/19/2024 MS-L Bylaws and Standing Rules Committee meeting
    08/19/2024 MS-L BN2-20 Red Tool - Print Vinyl Stickers
    08/19/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    08/18/2024 MSP-Cabinet-making Workshop
    08/18/2024 MS-L Sublimation T-Shirts
    08/17/2024 MS-L Wood Bowl Turning
    08/17/2024 MS-L Leatherworking Basics - Make a Simple Belt
    08/16/2024 MS-L Red Tool Training for Woodturning Using a Lathe
    08/15/2024 MS-Online Scheduling Committee meeting
    08/15/2024 MS-L Open House
    08/14/2024 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    08/14/2024 MS-P Sewing Social
    08/14/2024 MS-P Red Tool Metal-working Basics
    08/12/2024 MS-L New Member Orientation
    08/12/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    08/12/2024 MS-L UV Printing Advanced - Jig Making Tips & Tricks
    08/11/2024 MS-P Glass Studio Open Shop & Social
    08/11/2024 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    08/11/2024 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    08/10/2024 MS-L Leesburg Workday
    08/08/2024 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    08/08/2024 MS-L Open House
    08/07/2024 MS-L BN2-20 Red Tool - Print Vinyl Stickers
    08/05/2024 MS-L BN2-20 Red Tool - Print Vinyl Stickers
    08/05/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    08/05/2024 MSP: Create Your Own Distortion Guitar Pedal with Custom Enclosure
    08/04/2024 MS-P MIG Welding beginning workshop
    08/04/2024 MS-P Gas Welding Beginning Workshop
    08/03/2024 MS-P Work Day
    08/01/2024 MS-L Open House
    07/30/2024 MS-L Wood Bowl Turning
    07/30/2024 MS-L BN2-20 Red Tool - Print Vinyl Stickers
    07/30/2024 MS-P Open House
    07/29/2024 MS-L New Member Orientation
    07/29/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    07/29/2024 MS-P Exploring TinkerCad: A Family-Friendly Workshop
    07/28/2024 MS-P Make a Stained Glass Window
    07/27/2024 MSP-Introduction to CAD for Laser Cutter
    07/26/2024 MS-P Introduction to CAD for 3D Printing
    07/25/2024 MS-L Electronics Night
    07/25/2024 MS-P Getting to Know Your Cricut
    07/25/2024 MS-L Open House
    07/24/2024 MSP- LCPS Educator Maker Space Training Event
    07/23/2024 MS-L Woodturning Open Shop
    07/23/2024 MS-P Open House
    07/22/2024 MS-L Bylaws and Standing Rules Committee meeting
    07/22/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    07/22/2024 MS-L Sublimation Printing
    07/18/2024 MS-L Membership Committee Meeting
    07/18/2024 MS-Online Scheduling Committee meeting
    07/18/2024 MS-L Open House
    07/18/2024 MS-P EBF CNC Introduction
    07/17/2024 MS-L Miniatures and Props Painting Meetup
    07/17/2024 MS-P Red Tool Metal-working Basics
    07/16/2024 MS-P Open House
    07/16/2024 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    07/16/2024 MS-L Red Tool Training for Woodturning Using a Lathe
    07/16/2024 MS-L Private Scouting Event
    07/15/2024 MS-P New Member Orientation
    07/15/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    07/14/2024 MS-P Glass Studio Open Shop & Social
    07/14/2024 MS-L Introduction to The Axidraw Pen Plotter
    07/14/2024 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    07/13/2024 MS-L Wood Bowl Turning
    07/13/2024 MS-P Laser Cutter Intro
    07/13/2024 MS-L Leesburg Workday
    07/11/2024 MS-L Electronics Night
    07/11/2024 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    07/11/2024 MS-L Open House
    07/10/2024 MS-P Sewing Social
    07/10/2024 MS-L Sublimation Printing
    07/09/2024 MS-P Open House
    07/08/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    07/06/2024 MS-P Work Day
    07/02/2024 MS-L Woodturning Open Shop
    07/02/2024 MS-P Open House
    07/01/2024 MS-L New Member Orientation
    07/01/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    06/30/2024 MS-P Make a Stained Glass Window
    06/29/2024 MSP-Introduction to CAD for Laser Cutter (Pilot)
    06/28/2024 MS-P Introduction to CAD for 3D Printing
    06/27/2024 MS-L Electronics Night
    06/27/2024 MS-L Open House
    06/26/2024 MS-L Sublimation Printing
    06/25/2024 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    06/25/2024 MS-L Red Tool Training for Woodturning Using a Lathe
    06/25/2024 MS-P Open House
    06/24/2024 MS-L Wood Bowl Turning
    06/24/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    06/23/2024 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing St. Patrick's Day Snake Kilt Pin
    06/23/2024 MS-P Advanced Laser Class
    06/23/2024 MS-P Advanced Laser Class
    06/22/2024 MS-P 4th of July Parade Float Build
    06/20/2024 MS-L Membership Committee Meeting
    06/20/2024 MS-Online Scheduling Committee meeting
    06/20/2024 MS-L Open House
    06/20/2024 MS-P EBF CNC Introduction
    06/20/2024 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    06/19/2024 MS-P Red Tool Metal-working Basics
    06/19/2024 MS-L Sew a Catch All Zipper Box Bag
    06/18/2024 MS-P Open House
    06/17/2024 MS-P New Member Orientation
    06/17/2024 MS-L Laser Cutter Intro
    06/17/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    06/16/2024 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing: Dragon Scale Poker
    06/16/2024 MS-P Scrappy Stained Glass Suncatchers
    06/16/2024 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    06/16/2024 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing: Viking Pizza Axe
    06/15/2024 MS-L Wood Bowl Turning
    06/15/2024 MS-L Tormach: Titans of CNC class series (Series 1)
    06/13/2024 MS-L Electronics Night
    06/13/2024 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    06/13/2024 MS-L Open House
    06/12/2024 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    06/12/2024 MS-P Sewing Social
    06/11/2024 MS-P Open House
    06/10/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    06/10/2024 MS-L Sublimation Printing
    06/09/2024 MS-L Leesburg Workday
    06/08/2024 MS-L Laser Cutter Rotary Tool
    06/08/2024 MS-L Leesburg Workday
    06/07/2024 MS-P Cricut Workshop Working with Leather
    06/06/2024 MS-L Open House
    06/04/2024 MSP- Red Tool Media Blast Cabinet, Powder Coating, and Paint Booth
    06/04/2024 MS-P Open House
    06/03/2024 MS-L New Member Orientation
    06/03/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    06/02/2024 MS-P Blacksmithing Knife and Pfriem
    06/02/2024 MS-L Private Scouting Event - Troop 81580 Badge Session
    06/02/2024 MS-P Blacksmith Power Hammer Red Tool
    06/01/2024 MS-P Work Day
    05/31/2024 MS-P MIG Welding Beginning Workshop
    05/30/2024 MS-L Open House
    05/29/2024 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    05/28/2024 MSP- Red Tool Media Blast Cabinet, Powder Coating, and Paint Booth
    05/28/2024 MS-P Open House
    05/28/2024 MS-L Wood Bowl Turning
    05/27/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    05/23/2024 MS-Online Scheduling Committee meeting
    05/23/2024 MS-L Open House
    05/23/2024 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    05/22/2024 MS-L Laser Cutter Intro
    05/22/2024 MS-P Slab Rolled Swirl Bowl
    05/21/2024 MS-L Red Tool Training for Woodturning Using a Lathe
    05/21/2024 MS-P Open House
    05/20/2024 MS-P New Member Orientation
    05/20/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    05/19/2024 MS-P MIG Welding Beginning Workshop
    05/19/2024 MS-P Gas Welding Beginning Workshop
    05/19/2024 MS-L Lego Letterpress Workshop
    05/19/2024 MS-P Make a Stained Glass Window
    05/18/2024 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    05/16/2024 MS-P Pottery Wheel Basics
    05/16/2024 MS-L Open House
    05/15/2024 MS-L Sublimation T-Shirts
    05/15/2024 MS-P Red Tool Metal-working Basics
    05/14/2024 MSP- Red Tool Media Blast Cabinet, Powder Coating, and Paint Booth
    05/14/2024 MS-P Open House
    05/13/2024 MS-L Bylaws and Standing Rules Committee meeting
    05/13/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    05/13/2024 MS-L Sublimation Printing
    05/12/2024 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    05/11/2024 MS-L Sublimation Printing
    05/11/2024 MS-L Leesburg Workday
    05/09/2024 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    05/09/2024 MS-L Open House
    05/08/2024 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    05/08/2024 MS-L Laser Cutter Intro
    05/08/2024 MS-P Sewing Social
    05/07/2024 MS-L Membership Committee Meeting
    05/07/2024 MS-L Leesburg Committee Meeting
    05/07/2024 MS-P Open House
    05/06/2024 MS-L New Member Orientation
    05/06/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    05/04/2024 MS-P Custom T-shirt Workshop
    05/04/2024 MS-P Work Day
    05/02/2024 MS-L Electronics Night
    05/02/2024 MS-P Balloon-based Coil Pot Pitchers
    05/02/2024 MS-L Open House
    05/01/2024 MS-L Sublimation Printing
    04/30/2024 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    04/30/2024 MSP- Red Tool Media Blast Cabinet, Powder Coating, and Paint Booth
    04/30/2024 MS-P Open House
    04/29/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    04/28/2024 MS-P Cricut Make-up session
    04/28/2024 MS-L High School KidWind Solar Team
    04/27/2024 MS-L Laser Cutter Rotary Tool
    04/25/2024 MS-L Open House
    04/25/2024 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    04/24/2024 MS-L Laser Cutter Intro
    04/24/2024 MS-P New Member Orientation
    04/23/2024 MS-P Open House
    04/22/2024 MS-P New Member Orientation
    04/22/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    04/21/2024 MS-L High School KidWind Solar Team
    04/18/2024 MS-L Electronics Night
    04/18/2024 MS-P Pottery Wheel Basics
    04/18/2024 MS-L Open House
    04/16/2024 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    04/16/2024 MSP- Red Tool Media Blast Cabinet, Powder Coating, and Paint Booth
    04/16/2024 MS-L Red Tool Training for Woodturning Using a Lathe
    04/16/2024 MS-P Open House
    04/15/2024 MS-L Chess Night CANCELLED
    04/14/2024 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    04/14/2024 MS-P Gas Welding Beginning Workshop
    04/14/2024 MS-P Make a Stained Glass Window
    04/13/2024 MS-L Leesburg Workday
    04/12/2024 MS-P EBF CNC Introduction
    04/11/2024 MS-Online Scheduling Committee meeting
    04/11/2024 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    04/11/2024 MS-L Open House
    04/11/2024 MS-L Sublimation Printing
    04/10/2024 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    04/10/2024 MS-P Sewing Social
    04/09/2024 MS-P Open House
    04/08/2024 MS-L New Member Orientation
    04/08/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    04/07/2024 MS-P MIG Welding beginning workshop
    04/07/2024 MS-P Gas Welding Beginning Workshop
    04/07/2024 MS-P Laser Cutter Intro
    04/06/2024 MS-P Work Day
    04/04/2024 MS-L Electronics Night
    04/04/2024 MS-L Open House
    04/04/2024 MS-L KidWind Make-up Session
    04/02/2024 MSP- Red Tool Media Blast Cabinet, Powder Coating, and Paint Booth
    04/02/2024 MS-P Open House
    04/01/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    03/31/2024 MS-L High School KidWind Solar Team
    03/30/2024 MS-L Laser Cutter Rotary Tool CANCELLED
    03/28/2024 MS-P Custom T-shirt Workshop
    03/28/2024 MS-L Open House
    03/27/2024 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    03/26/2024 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    03/26/2024 MS-P Open House
    03/25/2024 MS-P New Member Orientation
    03/25/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    03/24/2024 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing: Dragon Scale Poker
    03/24/2024 MS-P Laser Cutter Intro
    03/24/2024 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing: Viking Pizza Axe
    03/23/2024 MS-P Blacksmith Red Tool Workshop
    03/23/2024 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing: Viking Pizza Axe
    03/22/2024 MS-P MIG Welding beginning workshop
    03/21/2024 MS-L Electronics Night
    03/21/2024 MS-L Open House
    03/20/2024 MS-Online Scheduling Committee meeting
    03/20/2024 MS-L Intro to 3D Printing - FDM
    03/20/2024 MS-P Red Tool Metal-working Basics
    03/19/2024 MS-L Red Tool Training for Woodturning Using a Lathe
    03/19/2024 MS-P New Router Orientation Class
    03/19/2024 MS-P Open House
    03/18/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    03/17/2024 MS-P EBF CNC Introduction
    03/17/2024 MSP- Red Tool Media Blast Cabinet, Powder Coating, and Paint Booth
    03/17/2024 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    03/14/2024 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    03/14/2024 MS-L Open House
    03/13/2024 MS-L Membership Committee Meeting
    03/13/2024 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    03/13/2024 MS-P Sewing Social
    03/13/2024 MS-L Vinyl Cutting 101
    03/12/2024 MS-P MIG Welding beginning workshop
    03/12/2024 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    03/12/2024 MS-P Custom T-shirt Workshop
    03/12/2024 MS-P Open House
    03/11/2024 MS-L New Member Orientation
    03/11/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    03/10/2024 MS-L Scouting Derby Car Cutouts
    03/10/2024 MS-L KidWind Make-up Session
    03/09/2024 MS-L Leesburg Workday
    03/09/2024 MS-P KidWind Wind Tunnel Testing
    03/07/2024 MS-L Electronics Night
    03/07/2024 MS-L Open House
    03/05/2024 MS-P Open House
    03/04/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    03/02/2024 MS-L Laser Cutter Rotary Tool
    03/02/2024 MS-P Work Day
    02/29/2024 MS-L Open House
    02/28/2024 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    02/28/2024 MS-L Red Tool Training for Woodturning Using a Lathe
    02/28/2024 MS-P MIG Welding beginning workshop
    02/27/2024 MS-L Intro To Home Assistant & Residential Network Attached Storage
    02/27/2024 MS-L Scouting Derby Car Cutouts
    02/27/2024 MS-P Open House
    02/26/2024 MS-L New Member Orientation
    02/26/2024 MS-L Chess Night CANCELLED
    02/24/2024 MS-L Laser Cutter Retraining
    02/24/2024 MS-L Wood Bowl Turning (PILOT)
    02/22/2024 MS-L Electronics Night
    02/22/2024 MS-L Open House
    02/21/2024 MS-L Intro to 3D Printing - FDM
    02/21/2024 MS-L Vinyl Cutting 101
    02/21/2024 MS-P Red Tool Metal-working Basics
    02/20/2024 MS-L Laser Cutter Rotary Tool
    02/20/2024 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    02/20/2024 MS-P Open House
    02/19/2024 MS-P Advanced Laser Class
    02/19/2024 MS-L Laser Cutter Intro
    02/19/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    02/18/2024 MS-P Advanced Laser Class
    02/17/2024 MS-L Laser Cutter Rotary Tool
    02/15/2024 MS-L Cosplay Night
    02/15/2024 MS-L Open House
    02/14/2024 MS-P Sewing Social
    02/13/2024 MS-L New Member Orientation
    02/13/2024 MS-P Open House
    02/13/2024 MS-L Laser Cutter Rotary Tool
    02/13/2024 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    02/12/2024 MS-P New Member Orientation
    02/12/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    02/11/2024 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    02/10/2024 MS-L New User Laser Cutter Training
    02/10/2024 MS-P Sweet Tweet Valentine Card
    02/10/2024 MS-P Soapin You'd Be My Valentine
    02/10/2024 MS-L Leesburg Workday
    02/08/2024 MS-L Microcontroller Demonstration
    02/08/2024 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    02/08/2024 MS-L Open House
    02/06/2024 MS-L Intro to 3D Printing - FDM
    02/06/2024 MS-P Open House
    02/05/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    02/03/2024 MS-P Work Day
    02/01/2024 MS-L Open House
    01/30/2024 MS-P Open House
    01/29/2024 MS-L New Member Orientation
    01/29/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    01/28/2024 MS-P Make a Stained Glass Window
    01/25/2024 MS-L Electronics Night
    01/25/2024 MS-P EBF CNC Introduction- Make-up Class
    01/25/2024 MS-L Open House
    01/24/2024 MS-L Advanced Tablesaw Techniques
    01/24/2024 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    01/23/2024 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    01/23/2024 MS-P Open House
    01/22/2024 MS-L New Member Orientation
    01/22/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    01/20/2024 MS-P Want to be a Bee Keeper?
    01/18/2024 MS-L Open House
    01/17/2024 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    01/17/2024 MS-P Red Tool Metal-working Basics
    01/16/2024 MS-P Open House
    01/16/2024 MS-L Red Tool Training for Woodturning Using a Lathe
    01/15/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    01/14/2024 MS-L Private Scouting Event
    01/14/2024 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    01/14/2024 MS-P New User Laser Cutter Training
    01/13/2024 MS-L Leesburg Workday
    01/11/2024 MS-L Electronics Night
    01/11/2024 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    01/11/2024 MS-L Open House
    01/10/2024 MS-L Private Scouting Event
    01/10/2024 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    01/10/2024 MS-P MIG Welding beginning workshop
    01/10/2024 MS-P MIG Welding beginning workshop
    01/09/2024 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    01/09/2024 MS-L Intro to 3D Printing - FDM
    01/09/2024 MS-P Open House
    01/09/2024 MS-L Leesburg Committee Meeting
    01/08/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    01/08/2024 MS-L New User Laser Cutter Training
    01/06/2024 MS-P Work Day
    01/04/2024 MS-L Open House
    01/04/2024 MS-L New User Laser Cutter Training
    01/02/2024 MS-P Open House
    01/01/2024 MS-L Chess Night
    12/30/2023 MS-P Make a Stained Glass Window
    12/28/2023 MS-L Open House
    12/26/2023 MS-P Open House
    12/22/2023 MS-L New User Laser Cutter Training
    12/21/2023 MS-Online Scheduling Committee meeting
    12/21/2023 MS-L Open House
    12/21/2023 MS-L New User Laser Cutter Training
    12/19/2023 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    12/19/2023 MS-L Red Tool Training for Woodturning Using a Lathe
    12/19/2023 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    12/19/2023 MS-P Open House
    12/19/2023 MS-L New User Laser Cutter Training
    12/18/2023 MS-L Private Scouting Event
    12/18/2023 MS-L Chess Night
    12/17/2023 MS-L New User Laser Cutter Training
    12/17/2023 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    12/17/2023 MS-P Advanced Laser Class
    12/17/2023 MS-P New User Laser Cutter Training
    12/16/2023 MS-P Blacksmith Red Tool Workshop
    12/16/2023 MS-P Blacksmith Red Tool Workshop
    12/16/2023 MS-L New User Laser Cutter Training
    12/14/2023 Online Membership Committee Meeting
    12/14/2023 MS-L Electronics Night
    12/14/2023 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    12/14/2023 MS-L Open House
    12/13/2023 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    12/13/2023 MS-L Laser Cutter Retraining
    12/12/2023 MS-L Laser Cutter Retraining
    12/12/2023 MS-P Open House
    12/11/2023 MS-L Chess Night CANCELLED
    12/10/2023 MS-P Secret Santa Gift Swap Social
    12/10/2023 MS-P Holiday Gift Soap Making Workshop
    12/07/2023 MS-L Open House
    12/05/2023 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    12/05/2023 MS-L Intro to 3D Printing - FDM
    12/05/2023 MS-P EBF CNC Introduction
    12/05/2023 MS-P Open House
    12/04/2023 MS-L Chess Night
    12/03/2023 MS-L KidWind High School Team
    12/02/2023 MS-P Purcellville Workday
    12/01/2023 MS-L KidWind Middle School Team
    12/01/2023 MS-P KidWind Wind Turbine Middle School Team
    11/30/2023 MS-L Electronics Night
    11/30/2023 MS-L Open House
    11/29/2023 Online Board of Directors Meeting
    11/29/2023 MS-P Pottery Wheel Basics
    11/28/2023 MS-P Open House
    11/27/2023 MS-L Chess Night
    11/21/2023 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    11/21/2023 MS-P Open House
    11/20/2023 MS-L Chess Night
    11/20/2023 MS-L Laser Cutter Retraining
    11/19/2023 MS-P MIG Welding beginning workshop
    11/19/2023 MS-P New User Laser Cutter Training
    11/19/2023 MS-P Gas Welding Beginning Workshop
    11/19/2023 MS-P Laser Cutter Retraining
    11/17/2023 MS-L Laser Cutter Retraining
    11/16/2023 MS-Online Scheduling Committee meeting
    11/16/2023 MS-L Electronics Night
    11/16/2023 MS-L Open House
    11/16/2023 MS-L KW training for Catoctin ES
    11/15/2023 MS-L Private Scouting Event
    11/15/2023 MS-P Red Tool Metal-working Basics
    11/14/2023 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    11/14/2023 MS-L Red Tool Training for Woodturning Using a Lathe
    11/14/2023 MS-P Open House
    11/13/2023 MS-L Chess Night
    11/13/2023 MS-L Laser Cutter Retraining
    11/12/2023 MS-P Laser Cutter Retraining
    11/12/2023 MS-P Monthly Social
    11/12/2023 MS-P Laser Cutter Retraining
    11/12/2023 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    11/12/2023 MS-P Laser Cutter Retraining
    11/12/2023 MS-P New User Laser Cutter Training
    11/11/2023 MS-L Leesburg Workday
    11/11/2023 MS-P Wreath-Making Workshop
    11/11/2023 MS-P New User Laser Cutter Training
    11/11/2023 MS-L Kidwind Information Meeting
    11/11/2023 MS-P Laser Cutter Retraining
    11/10/2023 MS-L Laser Cutter Retraining
    11/09/2023 MS-P Ceramics Holiday Ornaments Workshop
    11/09/2023 MS-P Laser Cutter Retraining
    11/09/2023 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    11/09/2023 MS-L Open House
    11/08/2023 MS-L Membership Committee Meeting
    11/07/2023 MS-L Intro to 3D Printing - FDM
    11/07/2023 MS-P Open House
    11/04/2023 MS-P Purcellville Workday
    11/02/2023 MS-L Electronics Night
    11/02/2023 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    11/02/2023 MS-L Open House
    10/28/2023 MS-L Make a Stained Glass Window
    10/26/2023 MS-Online Scheduling Committee meeting
    10/26/2023 MS-L Open House
    10/25/2023 MS-Online Board of Directors Meeting
    10/25/2023 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    10/24/2023 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    10/24/2023 MS-P Open House
    10/24/2023 MS-L Intro to 3D Printing - FDM
    10/22/2023 MS-L Monthly Social
    10/21/2023 MS-L How to Crochet a Coaster - for Absolute Beginners
    10/21/2023 MS-P Wine and Welding
    10/19/2023 MS-L Electronics Night
    10/19/2023 MS-L Open House
    10/18/2023 MS-P Red Tool Metal-working Basics
    10/17/2023 MS-L Streaming Internet Audio via RaspberryPi
    10/17/2023 MS-P MIG Welding beginning workshop
    10/17/2023 MS-P Open House
    10/15/2023 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    10/15/2023 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    10/14/2023 MS-P How to Use the Cricut to Make Halloween Party Favors
    10/14/2023 MS-L Leesburg Workday
    10/13/2023 MS-L Governors School Tour of MS-Leesburg
    10/12/2023 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    10/12/2023 MS-L Open House
    10/10/2023 MS-L Red Tool Training for Woodturning Using a Lathe
    10/10/2023 MS-P MIG Welding beginning workshop
    10/10/2023 MS-P Open House
    10/09/2023 MS-L Chess Night
    10/08/2023 MS-P Monthly Social
    10/08/2023 MS-P CNC Plasma Table Red Tool Training
    10/08/2023 MS-P CNC Plasma Table Red Tool Training
    10/07/2023 MS-P Purcellville Workday
    10/05/2023 MS-L Electronics Night
    10/05/2023 MS-L Open House
    10/03/2023 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    10/03/2023 MS-P MIG Welding beginning workshop
    10/03/2023 MS-P Open House
    10/02/2023 MS-L Chess Night
    10/01/2023 MS-P Gas Welding Beginning Workshop
    10/01/2023 MS-P Gas Welding Beginning Workshop
    09/30/2023 MS-P Gas Welding Beginning Workshop
    09/30/2023 MS-P Gas Welding Beginning Workshop
    09/29/2023 MS-L Learn to Use the Cricut to Make a Putz House
    09/28/2023 MS-L Open House
    09/27/2023 MS-Online Board of Directors Meeting
    09/27/2023 MS-P CNC Plasma Table Red Tool Training
    09/26/2023 MS-L Red Tool Training for Woodturning Using a Lathe
    09/26/2023 MS-P Open House
    09/25/2023 MS-L Chess Night
    09/24/2023 MS-L Monthly Social
    09/23/2023 MS-L Make a Stained Glass Window
    09/21/2023 MS-L Electronics Night
    09/21/2023 MS-L Open House
    09/20/2023 MS-P Red Tool Metal-working Basics
    09/19/2023 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    09/19/2023 MS-P Open House
    09/18/2023 MS-L Chess Night
    09/17/2023 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    09/16/2023 MS-L How to Crochet a Coaster - for Absolute Beginners
    09/16/2023 MS-L Leesburg Workday
    09/14/2023 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    09/14/2023 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    09/14/2023 MS-L Open House
    09/13/2023 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    09/13/2023 ***Cancelled ***MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    09/12/2023 MS-P EBF CNC Introduction
    09/12/2023 MS-P Open House
    09/11/2023 MS-L Chess Night
    09/10/2023 MS-P Monthly Social
    09/09/2023 MS-P Build a Ceramic Mug or Stein
    09/07/2023 MS-L Open House
    09/05/2023 MS-P Open House
    09/04/2023 MS-L Chess Night
    09/02/2023 MS-L Learn to Use the Cricut to Make a Putz House
    09/02/2023 MS-P Purcellville Workday
    08/31/2023 MS-L Open House
    08/30/2023 MS-Online Board of Directors Meeting
    08/29/2023 MS-L Advanced Tablesaw Techniques
    08/29/2023 MS-L Red Tool Training for Woodturning Using a Lathe
    08/29/2023 MS-P Open House
    08/28/2023 MS-L Chess Night
    08/27/2023 MS-L Monthly Social
    08/26/2023 MS-L Make a Stained Glass Window
    08/24/2023 MS-L Electronics Night
    08/24/2023 MS-Online Scheduling Committee meeting
    08/24/2023 MS-L Open House
    08/23/2023 MS-L Circuit Playground Express Fun
    08/22/2023 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    08/22/2023 MS-P EBF CNC Introduction
    08/22/2023 MS-P Open House
    08/21/2023 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    08/21/2023 MS-L Chess Night
    08/17/2023 MS-P Pottery Wheel Basics
    08/17/2023 MS-L Open House
    08/16/2023 MS-P Red Tool Metal-working Basics
    08/15/2023 MS-P Open House
    08/15/2023 MS-L Red Tool Training for Woodturning Using a Lathe
    08/15/2023 MS-L Private Scouting Event
    08/14/2023 MS-L Chess Night
    08/13/2023 MS-P Monthly Social
    08/13/2023 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    08/12/2023 MS-L Leesburg Workday
    08/10/2023 MS-L Electronics Night
    08/10/2023 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    08/10/2023 MS-L Open House
    08/09/2023 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    08/09/2023 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    08/09/2023 MS-L Circuit Playground Express Fun
    08/08/2023 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    08/08/2023 MS-P Open House
    08/08/2023 MS-L Private Scouting Event
    08/07/2023 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    08/05/2023 MS-L Introduction to Electronics: Components, Circuits and Soldering
    08/05/2023 MS-P Purcellville Workday
    08/03/2023 MS-L Open House
    08/02/2023 MS-L Private Scouting Event
    08/01/2023 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    08/01/2023 MS-P Open House
    07/31/2023 MS-L Advanced Laser Cutting Rotary Tool
    07/29/2023 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    07/27/2023 MS-L Electronics Night
    07/27/2023 MS-L Open House
    07/26/2023 MS-Online Board of Directors Meeting
    07/26/2023 MS-L Circuit Playground Express Fun
    07/25/2023 MS-L Introduction to CAD for 3D Printing
    07/25/2023 MS-P Open House
    07/25/2023 MS-L Red Tool Training for Woodturning Using a Lathe
    07/25/2023 MS-L Private Scouting Event
    07/24/2023 MS-L Chess Night
    07/22/2023 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    07/22/2023 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    07/22/2023 MS-L Make a Stained Glass Window
    07/20/2023 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    07/20/2023 MS-L Open House
    07/19/2023 MS-L Faux Leather Earring Jewelry Making Class
    07/19/2023 MS-P Red Tool Metal-working Basics
    07/18/2023 MS-Online Scheduling Committee meeting
    07/18/2023 MS-P Open House
    07/18/2023 MS-L Production Workflows for a Mechanical Sculpture
    07/17/2023 MS-L New Member Orientation
    07/17/2023 MS-L Chess Night
    07/16/2023 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    07/16/2023 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    07/16/2023 MS-L Make a Stained Glass Window (PILOT)
    07/13/2023 MS-L Electronics Night
    07/13/2023 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    07/13/2023 MS-L Open House
    07/12/2023 MS-L Circuit Playground Express Fun
    07/12/2023 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    07/11/2023 MS-P Open House
    07/11/2023 MS-L Red Tool Training for Woodturning Using a Lathe
    07/11/2023 MS-L Intro to 3D Printing - FDM
    07/10/2023 MS-L Chess Night
    07/09/2023 MS-P Monthly Social
    07/08/2023 MS-L Leesburg Workday
    07/06/2023 MS-L Open House
    07/03/2023 MS-L Chess Night
    07/02/2023 MS-P Basic TIG Welding
    07/01/2023 MS-P Purcellville Workday
    06/29/2023 MS-L Open House
    06/28/2023 MS-L Circuit Playground Express Fun
    06/27/2023 MS-L Advanced Laser Cutting Rotary Tool
    06/27/2023 MS-P Open House
    06/26/2023 MS-L Chess Night
    06/25/2023 MS-L Monthly Social
    06/25/2023 MS-P EBF CNC Introduction
    06/24/2023 MS-P Ceramics Build Out Day
    06/24/2023 MS-L Introduction to Electronics: Components, Circuits and Soldering
    06/24/2023 MS-L Leesburg Workday
    06/22/2023 MS-L Electronics Night
    06/22/2023 MS-L Open House
    06/20/2023 MS-L So You Think You Want a Patent...
    06/20/2023 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    06/20/2023 MS-P Open House
    06/19/2023 MS-L 3D Printing FDM Refresher
    06/19/2023 MS-L Chess Night
    06/15/2023 MS-L Open House
    06/14/2023 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    06/14/2023 MS-L Circuit Playground Express Fun
    06/14/2023 MS-P Red Tool Metal-working Basics
    06/13/2023 MS-P Open House
    06/12/2023 MS-L Chess Night
    06/11/2023 MS-P Monthly Social
    06/11/2023 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    06/10/2023 MS-L Upcycling - Old Jeans & kids t-shirt
    06/08/2023 MS-L Electronics Night
    06/08/2023 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    06/08/2023 MS-P Hand Building Clay Day
    06/08/2023 MS-L Open House
    06/06/2023 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    06/06/2023 MS-P Open House
    06/05/2023 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    06/05/2023 MS-L Chess Night
    06/03/2023 MS-P Purcellville Workday
    06/02/2023 MS-P Red Tool Blast Cabinet and Powder Coating - Basics
    06/01/2023 MS-P Red Tool Blast Cabinet and Powder Coating - Basics
    06/01/2023 MS-L New Member Orientation
    06/01/2023 MS-L Open House
    05/31/2023 MS-L Circuit Playground Express Fun
    05/30/2023 MS-L Advanced Laser Cutting Rotary Tool
    05/30/2023 MS-P Open House
    05/29/2023 MS-L Chess Night
    05/25/2023 MS-L Electronics Night
    05/25/2023 MS-L Open House
    05/24/2023 MS-Online Scheduling Committee
    05/24/2023 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    05/24/2023 MS-L 3D Printing FDM Refresher
    05/23/2023 MS-L Intro to 3D Printing - FDM
    05/23/2023 MS-P MIG Welding beginning workshop
    05/23/2023 MS-P Open House
    05/22/2023 MS-P HP Plotter Training
    05/22/2023 MS-L Chess Night
    05/21/2023 MS-L Sew an Island Bag
    05/18/2023 MS-L Open House
    05/17/2023 MS-L Circuit Playground Express Fun
    05/17/2023 MS-P Red Tool Metal-working Basics
    05/16/2023 MS-L Introduction to Vector Graphics with Adobe Illustrator
    05/16/2023 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    05/16/2023 MS-P Open House
    05/15/2023 MS-P MIG Welding beginning workshop
    05/15/2023 MS-L Chess Night
    05/15/2023 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    05/14/2023 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    05/13/2023 MS-L Leesburg Workday
    05/11/2023 MS-L Electronics Night
    05/11/2023 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    05/11/2023 MS-L Open House
    05/10/2023 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    05/10/2023 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    05/09/2023 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    05/09/2023 MS-L 3D Resin Printer 101
    05/09/2023 MS-P Open House
    05/08/2023 MS-L Chess Night
    05/08/2023 MS-P EBF CNC Introduction
    05/06/2023 MS-P Purcellville Workday
    05/04/2023 MS-L Open House
    05/04/2023 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    05/02/2023 MS-P Open House
    05/01/2023 MS-L Chess Night
    04/30/2023 MS-P Ceramics Studio Build Out Day
    04/30/2023 MS-L Fiber Arts Social
    04/27/2023 MS-L Electronics Night
    04/27/2023 MS-L Open House
    04/25/2023 MS-L Intro to 3D Printing - FDM
    04/25/2023 MS-P Open House
    04/24/2023 MS-L Chess Night
    04/24/2023 MS-L Advanced Laser Cutting Rotary Tool
    04/20/2023 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    04/20/2023 MS-P EBF CNC Introduction
    04/20/2023 MS-L Open House
    04/19/2023 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    04/19/2023 MS-P Red Tool Metal-working Basics
    04/18/2023 MS-P Open House
    04/17/2023 MS-L Chess Night
    04/16/2023 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    04/13/2023 MS-L Electronics Night
    04/13/2023 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    04/13/2023 MS-L Open House
    04/12/2023 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    04/11/2023 MS-L Soldering 101 - Learn to Solder
    04/11/2023 MS-P Open House
    04/10/2023 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    04/10/2023 MS-L Chess Night
    04/08/2023 MS-P Wine and Welding
    04/08/2023 MS-L Leesburg Workday
    04/07/2023 MS-L KidWind Wind Turbine Team Prep Meeting
    04/06/2023 MS-L Open House
    04/04/2023 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    04/04/2023 MS-P Open House
    04/02/2023 MS-P Middle School KidWind Solar Team Meeting
    04/02/2023 MS-P EBF CNC Introduction
    04/01/2023 MS-P Purcellville Workday
    03/30/2023 MS-L Open House
    03/30/2023 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    03/28/2023 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    03/28/2023 MS-P Open House
    03/27/2023 MS-Online CNC Projects - An Overview of the Design Process
    03/27/2023 MS-L KidWind Wind Turbine Meeting
    03/27/2023 MS-P MIG Welding beginning workshop
    03/26/2023 MS-P Middle School KidWind Solar Team Meeting
    03/26/2023 MS-L Soldering 101 - Learn to Solder
    03/23/2023 MS-L Electronics Night
    03/23/2023 MS-L Open House
    03/21/2023 MS-L Advanced Laser Cutting Rotary Tool
    03/21/2023 MS-P Open House
    03/20/2023 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    03/19/2023 MS-P Middle School KidWind Solar Team Meeting
    03/19/2023 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    03/18/2023 MS-L Make a "No-Sew" Leather Shop Apron
    03/16/2023 MS-L Open House
    03/15/2023 MS-L Laser Cutter - Make a Slate Coaster CANCELED
    03/15/2023 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    03/15/2023 MS-P Red Tool Metal-working Basics
    03/14/2023 MS-P Open House
    03/13/2023 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    03/13/2023 MS-P MIG Welding beginning workshop
    03/12/2023 MS-L Private Scouting Event
    03/12/2023 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    03/11/2023 MS-P Introduction to SETI
    03/11/2023 MS-P Middle School KidWind Solar Team Meeting
    03/11/2023 MS-P KidWind Wind Tunnel Testing Day
    03/11/2023 MS-L Leesburg Workday
    03/10/2023 MS-L Middle School KidWind Turbine Presentation
    03/09/2023 MS-L Electronics Night
    03/09/2023 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    03/09/2023 MS-L Open House
    03/08/2023 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    03/07/2023 MS-P Open House
    03/06/2023 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    03/04/2023 MS-P Purcellville Workday
    03/02/2023 MS-L Open House
    02/28/2023 MS-P Open House
    02/27/2023 MS-Online CNC Projects - An Overview of the Design Process
    02/27/2023 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    02/26/2023 MS-L Intro to 3D Printing - FDM
    02/26/2023 MS-P Intro to Blacksmithing: Forge a J-Hook
    02/25/2023 MS-P Blacksmith Red Tool Workshop
    02/23/2023 MS-L Electronics Night
    02/23/2023 MS-P EBF CNC Introduction
    02/23/2023 MS-L Open House
    02/22/2023 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    02/22/2023 MS-L Advanced Laser Cutting Rotary Tool
    02/21/2023 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    02/21/2023 MS-P Open House
    02/20/2023 MS-L Soldering 101 - Learn to Solder
    02/20/2023 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    02/19/2023 MS-P Intro to Blacksmithing: Forge a Leaf
    02/19/2023 MS-L - Getting to Know Your Sewing Machine - Lined Drawstring Bag
    02/19/2023 MS-P Intro to 3D Printing - FDM
    02/18/2023 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    02/16/2023 MS-L Open House
    02/15/2023 MS-P Red Tool Metal-working Basics
    02/15/2023 MS-L Private Scouting Event
    02/14/2023 MS-P Open House
    02/13/2023 MS-L Red Tool Training for Woodturning Using a Lathe
    02/12/2023 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    02/12/2023 MS-P Intro to Blacksmithing: Forge a J-Hook
    02/11/2023 MS-P Soapin You'd Be My Valentine
    02/11/2023 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    02/09/2023 MS-L Electronics Night
    02/09/2023 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    02/09/2023 MS-L Open House
    02/08/2023 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    02/07/2023 MS-L 3D Resin Printer 101
    02/07/2023 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    02/07/2023 MS-P Open House
    02/05/2023 MS-P Intro to Blacksmithing: Forge a Leaf
    02/04/2023 MS-P Scouting Derby Car Build
    02/04/2023 MS-L Cricut Basics
    02/04/2023 MS-P Blacksmith Red Tool Workshop
    02/04/2023 MS-P Wine and Welding CANCELED
    02/04/2023 MS-P Purcellville Workday
    02/03/2023 MS-L Teach a Class at Makersmiths Planning Meeting
    02/02/2023 MS-L Open House
    01/31/2023 MS-P Open House
    01/29/2023 MS-L Private Scouting Event
    01/29/2023 MS-P Intro to Blacksmithing: Forge a J-Hook
    01/27/2023 MS-L Private Scouting Event
    01/26/2023 MS-L Open House
    01/26/2023 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    01/25/2023 MS-L Private Scouting Event
    01/24/2023 MS-P Open House
    01/23/2023 MS-L Advanced Laser Cutting Rotary Tool
    01/22/2023 MS-L Laser Cutter Training for KidWind Coaches
    01/21/2023 MS-P Wine and Welding
    01/19/2023 MS-L Open House
    01/18/2023 MS-P Red Tool Metal-working Basics
    01/17/2023 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    01/17/2023 MS-P Open House
    01/16/2023 MS-L Intro to 3D Printing - FDM
    01/16/2023 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    01/16/2023 MS-P Pinewood Car Scout Event
    01/16/2023 MS-L Cricut Basics
    01/15/2023 MS-L Private Scouting Event
    01/15/2023 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    01/14/2023 MS-L Private Scouting Event
    01/13/2023 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    01/13/2023 MS-L Private Scouting Event
    01/12/2023 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    01/12/2023 MS-L Open House
    01/11/2023 MS-P EBF CNC Introduction
    01/11/2023 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    01/11/2023 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    01/11/2023 MS-P EBF CNC Introduction
    01/10/2023 MS-P Open House
    01/09/2023 MS-L Red Tool Training for Woodturning Using a Lathe
    01/08/2023 MS-L Private Scouting Event
    01/07/2023 MS-P Purcellville Workday
    01/07/2023 MS-L Private Scouting Event
    01/06/2023 MS-L Middle School KidWind Wind Project
    01/05/2023 MS-L Open House
    01/03/2023 MS-P Open House
    12/29/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    12/27/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    12/26/2022 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    12/23/2022 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    12/22/2022 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    12/22/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    12/20/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    12/19/2022 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    12/18/2022 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    12/15/2022 MS-L Electronics Night
    12/15/2022 MS-P Middle School KidWind Solar Project
    12/15/2022 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    12/15/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    12/14/2022 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    12/14/2022 MS-P Red Tool Metal-working Basics
    12/13/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    12/11/2022 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    12/11/2022 MS-L Holiday Gift Soap Making Workshop
    12/11/2022 High School KidWind Project- meeting in RH
    12/09/2022 MS-L Cricut Basics
    12/08/2022 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    12/08/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    12/06/2022 MS-P Open House- Come Check Us Out!
    12/05/2022 MS-P EBF CNC Introduction
    12/05/2022 MS-L Intro to 3D Printing - FDM (Red Tool)
    12/05/2022 MS-L Advanced Laser Cutting Rotary Tool
    12/05/2022 MS-P EBF CNC Introduction
    12/03/2022 MS-P Purcellville Workday
    12/01/2022 MS-L Electronics Night
    12/01/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    11/29/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    11/22/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    11/21/2022 MS-L Red Tool Training for Woodturning Using a Lathe
    11/20/2022 MS-P Intro to Blacksmithing: Forge a J-Hook
    11/20/2022 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    11/19/2022 MS-P Blacksmith Red Tool Workshop
    11/19/2022 MS-L Kidwind Information Meeting
    11/17/2022 MS-L Electronics Night
    11/17/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    11/16/2022 MS-P Red Tool Metal-working Basics
    11/15/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    11/14/2022 MS-L Red Tool Training for Woodturning Using a Lathe
    11/13/2022 MS-P Intro to Blacksmithing: Forge a Leaf
    11/13/2022 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    11/12/2022 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    11/12/2022 MS-L Leesburg Workday
    11/11/2022 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    11/10/2022 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    11/10/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    11/10/2022 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    11/09/2022 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation (Red Tool)
    11/08/2022 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    11/08/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    11/07/2022 MS-L Intro to 3D Printing - FDM (Red Tool)
    11/06/2022 MS-P Intro to Blacksmithing: Forge a J-Hook
    11/06/2022 MS-P Forge Make-up Class
    11/05/2022 MS-L Hands-on Introduction to the Stem Lingo Arduino Activity Kit
    11/05/2022 MS-P Purcellville Workday
    11/03/2022 MS-L Electronics Night
    11/03/2022 MS-P EBF CNC Introduction
    11/03/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    11/01/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    10/30/2022 MS-P Intro to Blacksmithing: Forge a Leaf
    10/27/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    10/26/2022 MS-L CNC with Fusion 360 Quick Start
    10/25/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    10/23/2022 MS-P Intro to Blacksmithing: Forge a J-Hook
    10/20/2022 MS-P Basic TIG Welding
    10/20/2022 MS-L Electronics Night
    10/20/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    10/19/2022 MS-P Red Tool Metal-working Basics
    10/18/2022 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    10/18/2022 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    10/18/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    10/16/2022 MS-P Intro to Blacksmithing: Forge a Leaf
    10/16/2022 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    10/15/2022 MS-L Fusion 360 Design Workshop
    10/13/2022 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    10/13/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    10/12/2022 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    10/12/2022 MS-L Advanced Laser Cutting Rotary Tool
    10/11/2022 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    10/11/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    10/10/2022 MS-L Fusion 360 Design Workshop
    10/10/2022 MS-P Intro to 3D Printing - FDM
    10/09/2022 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing: Viking Pizza Axe
    10/09/2022 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing: Dragon Scale Poker
    10/08/2022 MS-P MIG Welding beginning workshop
    10/08/2022 MS-P MIG Welding beginning workshop
    10/08/2022 MS-L Leesburg Workday
    10/06/2022 MS-P Basic TIG Welding
    10/06/2022 MS-L Electronics Night
    10/06/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    10/04/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    10/04/2022 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    10/03/2022 MS-L Intro to 3D Printing - FDM
    10/02/2022 MS-P Gas Welding Beginning Workshop
    10/02/2022 MS-P Gas Welding Beginning Workshop
    10/01/2022 MS-P Purcellville Workday
    09/29/2022 MS-P Basic TIG Welding
    09/29/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    09/29/2022 MS-P CNC Plasma Table Red Tool Training
    09/27/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    09/26/2022 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    09/24/2022 MS-P Blacksmith Red Tool Workshop
    09/24/2022 MS-P Blacksmith Red Tool Workshop
    09/24/2022 MS-L Fusion 360 Design Workshop REPEAT
    09/22/2022 MS-L Electronics Night
    09/22/2022 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    09/22/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    09/21/2022 MS-L Intro to 3D Printing - FDM
    09/20/2022 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    09/20/2022 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    09/20/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    09/19/2022 MS-L Fusion 360 Design Workshop
    09/18/2022 MS-L Advanced Laser Cutting Rotary Tool
    09/18/2022 MS-P EBF CNC Introduction
    09/17/2022 MS-L Painting Miniatures
    09/17/2022 MS-L Introduction to Basic Electronics and Soldering
    09/17/2022 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    09/17/2022 MS-P EBF CNC Introduction
    09/15/2022 MS-P EBF CNC Introduction
    09/15/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    09/14/2022 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    09/13/2022 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    09/13/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    09/11/2022 MS-P Blacksmith Power Hammer Red Tool
    09/11/2022 MS-P Blacksmith Power Hammer Red Tool
    09/11/2022 MS-P EBF CNC Introduction
    09/10/2022 MS-P Blacksmith Power Hammer Red Tool
    09/10/2022 MS-P Blacksmith Power Hammer Red Tool
    09/10/2022 MS-L Leesburg Workday
    09/09/2022 MS-P Blacksmith Power Hammer Red Tool
    09/08/2022 MS-L Electronics Night
    09/08/2022 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    09/08/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    09/06/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    09/05/2022 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    09/04/2022 MS-P Blacksmith Power Hammer Red Tool
    09/03/2022 MS-P Purcellville Workday
    09/01/2022 MS-P Intro to 3D Printing - FDM
    09/01/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    08/31/2022 MS-L Intro to 3D Printing - FDM
    08/30/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    08/25/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    08/24/2022 CANCELED MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    08/23/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    08/22/2022 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    08/20/2022 MS-L Advanced Laser Cutting Rotary Tool
    08/18/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    08/17/2022 MS-P Red Tool Metal-working Basics
    08/16/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    08/16/2022 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    08/15/2022 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    08/14/2022 MS-L Information Zoom Meeting
    08/14/2022 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    08/14/2022 MS-P EBF CNC Introduction-CANCELED
    08/13/2022 MS-L Leesburg Workday
    08/13/2022 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    08/11/2022 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    08/11/2022 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    08/11/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    08/09/2022 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    08/09/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    08/08/2022 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    08/07/2022 MS-P EBF CNC Introduction
    08/07/2022 MS-P EBF CNC Introduction
    08/06/2022 MS-P Purcellville Workday
    08/05/2022 MS-L Intro to Fusion 360 CAD/CAM
    08/04/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    08/03/2022 Online Monthly Membership Meeting
    08/02/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    07/31/2022 MS-P Blacksmithing Knife and Pfriem
    07/31/2022 MS-P Knife Making Basic 101 Workshop
    07/30/2022 MS-P Knife Making Basic 101 Workshop
    07/30/2022 MS-P Blacksmith Red Tool Workshop
    07/28/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    07/27/2022 MS-L Advanced Laser Cutting Rotary Tool
    07/26/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    07/25/2022 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    07/24/2022 MS-P MIG Welding beginning workshop
    07/24/2022 MS-P Gas Welding Beginning Workshop
    07/23/2022 MS-P MIG Welding beginning workshop
    07/23/2022 MS-P Gas Welding Beginning Workshop
    07/21/2022 MS-Online Scheduling Committee
    07/21/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    07/20/2022 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    07/20/2022 MS-P Red Tool Metal-working Basics
    07/19/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    07/19/2022 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    07/17/2022 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    07/17/2022 MS-P Basic TIG Welding
    07/15/2022 MS-P Basic TIG Welding
    07/14/2022 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    07/14/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    07/14/2022 MS-L Private Scouting Event
    07/12/2022 MS-L Woodworking: Cutting Boards
    07/12/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    07/12/2022 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    07/12/2022 MS-L Private Scouting Event
    07/11/2022 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    07/10/2022 MS-P Wood Shop Instructor Checkout
    07/10/2022 MS-P Powder Coating Check-off
    07/09/2022 MS-L Leesburg Workday
    07/08/2022 MS-P Exploring TinkerCad: A Family-Friendly Workshop
    07/07/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    07/06/2022 Online Monthly Membership Meeting
    07/05/2022 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    07/05/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    07/02/2022 MS-P Purcellville Workday
    06/30/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    06/28/2022 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    06/28/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    06/28/2022 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    06/26/2022 MS-P Learn to Create Homemade Soaps
    06/25/2022 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    06/23/2022 MS-L Electronics Night
    06/23/2022 MS-L Cosplay Night
    06/23/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    06/22/2022 MS-P K12 Educational Initiatives Meeting
    06/22/2022 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    06/21/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    06/20/2022 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    06/20/2022 MS-P KidWind Float Workshop
    06/19/2022 MS-P EBF CNC Introduction
    06/18/2022 MS-L Private Scouting Event
    06/15/2022 MS-P Red Tool Metal-working Basics
    06/14/2022 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    06/13/2022 MS-L Machining Mondays
    06/12/2022 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    06/11/2022 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    06/09/2022 MS-L Electronics Night
    06/09/2022 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    06/08/2022 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    06/07/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    06/06/2022 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    06/06/2022 MS-L Machining Mondays
    06/05/2022 MS-P Gas Welding Beginning Workshop
    06/05/2022 MS-P Gas Welding Beginning Workshop
    06/04/2022 MS-P Blacksmith Red Tool Workshop
    06/04/2022 MS-L Advanced Laser Cutting Rotary Tool
    06/04/2022 MS-P Purcellville Workday
    06/02/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    06/01/2022 MS-L & Online Monthly Membership Meeting
    05/31/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    05/29/2022 MS-P Basic TIG Welding
    05/29/2022 MS-P Basic TIG Welding
    05/28/2022 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing: Viking Pizza Axe
    05/28/2022 MS-P Knife Sheath Making 101
    05/27/2022 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    05/26/2022 MS-L Electronics Night
    05/26/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    05/26/2022 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    05/25/2022 MS-L Woodturning Open Shop
    05/24/2022 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    05/24/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    05/23/2022 MS-L Machining Mondays
    05/23/2022 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    05/23/2022 MS-L Red Tool Training for Woodturning Using a Lathe
    05/22/2022 MS-P MIG Welding beginning workshop
    05/22/2022 MS-P Gas Welding Beginning Workshop
    05/21/2022 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing: Dragon Scale Poker
    05/21/2022 MS-P Blacksmithing Knife and Pfriem
    05/21/2022 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    05/20/2022 MS-P Knife Making Basic 101 Workshop
    05/19/2022 MS-Online Scheduling Committee
    05/19/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    05/18/2022 MS-P Red Tool Metal-working Basics
    05/17/2022 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    05/17/2022 MS-L 3D Printing - Filament-FDM
    05/17/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    05/16/2022 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    05/16/2022 MS-P Knife 201
    05/15/2022 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    05/14/2022 MS-L Leesburg Workday
    05/12/2022 MS-L Electronics Night
    05/12/2022 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    05/12/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    05/11/2022 MS-L Woodturning Open Shop
    05/10/2022 MS-L Advanced Laser Cutting Rotary Tool
    05/10/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    05/09/2022 MS-L UV Printer Advanced Class - Golf Balls
    05/09/2022 MS-L Machining Mondays
    05/09/2022 MS-L Red Tool Training for Woodturning Using a Lathe
    05/07/2022 MS-P Purcellville Workday
    05/05/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    05/05/2022 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    05/04/2022 MS-P and Online Monthly Membership Meeting
    05/04/2022 MS-P - Loudoun Virginia Economic Development Sponsored Open House
    05/03/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    05/03/2022 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    05/02/2022 MS-L Machining Mondays
    05/02/2022 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    05/01/2022 MS-P Private Scouting Event
    04/30/2022 MS-P Create Homemade Soaps for Mother's Day
    04/30/2022 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    04/28/2022 MS-L Electronics Night
    04/28/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    04/27/2022 MS-L Woodturning Open Shop
    04/26/2022 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    04/26/2022 MS-L Computer Science Conference Planning Meeting
    04/26/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    04/25/2022 MS-L Machining Mondays
    04/25/2022 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    04/25/2022 MS-L Red Tool Training for Woodturning Using a Lathe
    04/25/2022 MS-L Private Scouting Event
    04/24/2022 MS-L 3D Printing - Filament-FDM
    04/24/2022 MS-L Open House Weekend - Come check us out!
    04/23/2022 MS-L Open House Weekend - Come check us out!
    04/21/2022 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    04/21/2022 MS-L Advanced 3D Printing - Modifying STL files to print large models
    04/21/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    04/20/2022 MS-P Red Tool Metal-working Basics
    04/19/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    04/18/2022 MS-L Machining Mondays
    04/18/2022 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    04/16/2022 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    04/15/2022 MS-L Private Scouting Event CANCELLED
    04/14/2022 MS-L Electronics Night
    04/14/2022 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    04/14/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    04/12/2022 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    04/12/2022 MS-L 3D Resin Printer 101
    04/12/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    04/09/2022 MS-L Advanced Laser Cutting Rotary Tool
    04/09/2022 MS-L Leesburg Workday
    04/08/2022 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    04/07/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    04/06/2022 Online Monthly Membership Meeting
    04/06/2022 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    04/06/2022 MS-L Woodturning Open Shop
    04/05/2022 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    04/05/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    04/04/2022 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    04/04/2022 MS-L Red Tool Training for Woodturning Using a Lathe
    04/03/2022 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing: Viking Pizza Axe
    04/03/2022 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing: Viking Pizza Axe
    04/02/2022 MS-P MIG Welding beginning workshop
    04/02/2022 MS-P Gas Welding Beginning Workshop
    04/02/2022 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    03/31/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    03/29/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    03/29/2022 MS-L 3D Resin Printer 101
    03/27/2022 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing: Dragon Scale Poker
    03/27/2022 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing: Viking Pizza Axe
    03/26/2022 MS-P MIG Welding beginning workshop
    03/26/2022 MS-P Gas Welding Beginning Workshop
    03/26/2022 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    03/26/2022 MS-P EBF CNC Introduction
    03/24/2022 MS-L Electronics Night
    03/24/2022 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    03/24/2022 MS-L Woodturning Open Shop
    03/24/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    03/22/2022 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    03/22/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    03/21/2022 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    03/21/2022 MS-L Red Tool Training for Woodturning Using a Lathe
    03/20/2022 MS-P MIG Welding beginning workshop
    03/20/2022 MS-P Gas Welding Beginning Workshop
    03/19/2022 MS-P MIG Welding beginning workshop
    03/19/2022 MS-P Gas Welding Beginning Workshop
    03/19/2022 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    03/18/2022 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    03/17/2022 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    03/17/2022 MS-P Knife Making Basic 101 Workshop
    03/17/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    03/16/2022 MS-P Red Tool Metal-working Basics
    03/15/2022 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    03/15/2022 MS-L 3D Printing - Filament-FDM
    03/15/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    03/13/2022 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing: Viking Pizza Axe
    03/13/2022 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing: Viking Pizza Axe
    03/13/2022 MS-P EBF CNC Introduction
    03/12/2022 MS-P Gas Welding Beginning Workshop
    03/12/2022 MS-L Leesburg Workday
    03/11/2022 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    03/10/2022 MS-L Electronics Night
    03/10/2022 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    03/10/2022 MS-L Cosplay Night
    03/10/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    03/10/2022 MS-P 3D Resin Printer 101
    03/10/2022 MS-L Woodturning Open Shop
    03/09/2022 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    03/08/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    03/08/2022 MS-P 3D Printing - Filament-FDM
    03/07/2022 MS-L UV Printer Advanced Class - Golf Balls
    03/07/2022 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    03/07/2022 MS-L Red Tool Training for Woodturning Using a Lathe
    03/06/2022 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    03/05/2022 MS-P Purcellville Workday
    03/04/2022 MS-L Advanced Laser Cutting Rotary Tool
    03/03/2022 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    03/03/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    03/02/2022 Online Monthly Membership Meeting
    03/01/2022 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    03/01/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    02/27/2022 MS-P EBF CNC Workshop
    02/26/2022 MS-L Router Table Fundamentals
    02/24/2022 MS-L Electronics Night
    02/24/2022 MS-L Woodturning Open Shop
    02/24/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    02/23/2022 MS-P EBF CNC Introduction
    02/22/2022 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    02/22/2022 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    02/22/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    02/21/2022 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    02/21/2022 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    02/21/2022 MS-L Red Tool Training for Woodturning Using a Lathe
    02/17/2022 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    02/17/2022 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    02/17/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    02/16/2022 MS-P Red Tool Metal-working Basics
    02/16/2022 MS-L 3D Resin Printer 101
    02/15/2022 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    02/15/2022 MS-L 3D Printing Filament-FDM
    02/15/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    02/13/2022 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    02/12/2022 MS-P Soapin You'd Be My Valentine
    02/12/2022 MS-L Leesburg Workday
    02/12/2022 MS-P EBF CNC Introduction
    02/10/2022 MS-L Electronics Night
    02/10/2022 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    02/10/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    02/10/2022 MS-L Woodturning Open Shop
    02/10/2022 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    02/09/2022 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    02/09/2022 MS-L Advanced Laser Cutting Rotary Tool
    02/08/2022 MS-L 3D Printing Filament-FDM
    02/08/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    02/07/2022 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    02/07/2022 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    02/07/2022 MS-L Red Tool Training for Woodturning Using a Lathe
    02/05/2022 MS-P Make Nested Heart Dishes
    02/03/2022 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    02/03/2022 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    02/03/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    02/02/2022 Online Monthly Membership Meeting
    02/01/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    01/31/2022 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    01/29/2022 MS-P Private Scouting Event
    01/28/2022 MS-L Private Scouting Event
    01/27/2022 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    01/27/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    01/25/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    01/24/2022 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    01/24/2022 MS-L Red Tool Training for Woodturning Using a Lathe
    01/22/2022 MS-L Red Tool Training for Woodturning Using a Lathe (Private)
    01/22/2022 MS-P EBF CNC Introduction
    01/21/2022 MS-L Beginning 3D Printing
    01/20/2022 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    01/20/2022 MS-L Beginning 3D Printing
    01/20/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    01/20/2022 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    01/19/2022 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    01/18/2022 MS-L 3D Resin Printer 101
    01/18/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    01/17/2022 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    01/15/2022 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    01/13/2022 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    01/13/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    01/12/2022 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    01/12/2022 MS-P Red Tool Metal-working Basics
    01/12/2022 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    01/12/2022 MS-L Advanced Laser Cutting Rotary Tool
    01/11/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    01/10/2022 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking
    01/09/2022 MS-P EBF CNC Introduction
    01/08/2022 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    01/06/2022 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    01/06/2022 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    01/05/2022 Online Monthly Membership Meeting
    01/04/2022 MS-L 3D Resin Printer 101
    01/04/2022 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    01/03/2022 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    12/30/2021 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    12/28/2021 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    12/28/2021 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    12/23/2021 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    12/21/2021 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    12/21/2021 MS-P EBF CNC Introduction
    12/20/2021 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    12/18/2021 MS-L Large Miniatures Painting
    12/16/2021 MS-L DIY Holiday Ornaments - Laser Cutter and UV Printer
    12/16/2021 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    12/15/2021 MS-P EBF CNC Introduction
    12/14/2021 MS-Online Scheduling Committee
    12/14/2021 MS-L DIY Holiday Ornaments - Laser Cutter and UV Printer
    12/14/2021 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    12/13/2021 MS-L DIY Holiday Ornaments - Laser Cutter and UV Printer
    12/12/2021 MS-P KidWind Teams Gr. 8-12
    12/12/2021 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    12/11/2021 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    12/11/2021 MS-P Holiday Gift Soap Making Workshop
    12/11/2021 MS-P EBF CNC Introduction
    12/09/2021 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    12/09/2021 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    12/09/2021 MS-P EBF CNC Workshop
    12/09/2021 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking – Leesburg
    12/09/2021 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    12/08/2021 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    12/08/2021 MS-P Red Tool Metal-working Basics
    12/07/2021 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    12/07/2021 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    12/06/2021 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    12/06/2021 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    12/04/2021 MS-L- Cosplay Saturday
    12/04/2021 MS-L Advanced Laser Cutting Rotary Tool
    12/04/2021 MS- P Purcellville Workday
    12/03/2021 MS-L Painting Miniatures
    12/02/2021 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    12/01/2021 Online Monthly Membership Meeting
    11/30/2021 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    11/30/2021 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    11/24/2021 MS-P Beginning MIG Welding
    11/23/2021 MS-L: Cub Scouts Pack 704 Make & Take
    11/23/2021 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    11/22/2021 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    11/21/2021 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing: Dragon Scale Poker
    11/21/2021 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing: Viking Pizza Axe
    11/20/2021 MS-P Beginning MIG Welding
    11/20/2021 MS-L Large Miniatures Painting
    11/20/2021 MS-P KidWind Teams Gr. 4-7
    11/20/2021 MS-L- Cosplay Saturday
    11/20/2021 MS-L Saturday Open House - Come check us out!
    11/20/2021 MS-P Basic Gas Welding
    11/18/2021 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    11/18/2021 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking – Leesburg
    11/16/2021 MS-P Ceramics Studio Red Tool Class
    11/16/2021 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    11/14/2021 MS-L Leesburg Sunday Workday
    11/14/2021 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    11/13/2021 MS-L Leesburg Saturday Workday
    11/12/2021 MS-L Makersmiths Craft Night
    11/11/2021 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    11/11/2021 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    11/10/2021 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    11/10/2021 MS-P Red Tool Metal-working Basics
    11/10/2021 MS-P Handbuilding 101
    11/10/2021 MS-P Handbuilding 101
    11/09/2021 MS-L: Cub Scouts Pack 962 Make & Take
    11/09/2021 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    11/08/2021 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    11/06/2021 MS-P Kidwind Information Meeting
    11/06/2021 MS-P Purcellville Workday
    11/05/2021 MS-L Board Game Night
    11/05/2021 MS-L Painting Miniatures
    11/04/2021 MS-L Create Dried Flower Thanksgiving Themed Plaques
    11/04/2021 MS-P D&D Night
    11/04/2021 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    11/03/2021 Online Monthly Membership Meeting
    11/02/2021 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    11/02/2021 MS-L 3D Resin Printer 101
    11/02/2021 MS-L Vinyl Cutting 101 - Learn to make eye catching stickers and decals
    10/30/2021 MS-P Blacksmithing Red Tool Class
    10/29/2021 MS-L Makersmiths Craft Night
    10/28/2021 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    10/26/2021 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    10/25/2021 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    10/22/2021 MS-L Painting Miniatures
    10/21/2021 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    10/21/2021 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    10/21/2021 MS-P D&D Night
    10/20/2021 MS-L Advanced Laser Cutting Rotary Tool
    10/19/2021 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    10/19/2021 MS-L 3D Resin Printer 101
    10/17/2021 MS-L D&D Night
    10/17/2021 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing: Dragon Scale Poker
    10/17/2021 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    10/17/2021 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing: Viking Pizza Axe
    10/16/2021 MS-P Beginning MIG Welding
    10/16/2021 MS-P Basic Gas Welding
    10/16/2021 MS-L Open House Day- Come check us out!
    10/14/2021 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    10/14/2021 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking – Leesburg
    10/14/2021 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    10/14/2021 MS-L D&D Themed 3D Resin Printer 101
    10/13/2021 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    10/13/2021 MS-P Red Tool Metal-working Basics
    10/12/2021 MS-L Make and Take KeyBar Intro to the Tormach
    10/12/2021 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    10/11/2021 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    10/10/2021 MS-P EBF CNC Introduction
    10/09/2021 MS-L Leesburg Workday
    10/08/2021 MS-L Board Game Night
    10/08/2021 MS-L Painting Miniatures
    10/07/2021 MS-P D&D Night
    10/07/2021 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    10/06/2021 Online Monthly Membership Meeting
    10/05/2021 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    10/04/2021 MS-L 3D Resin Printer 101
    10/03/2021 MS-L D&D Night
    10/03/2021 MS-P Horseshoe Art
    10/03/2021 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    10/03/2021 MS-P Horseshoe Art
    10/02/2021 MS-P Purcellville Workday
    09/30/2021 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    09/28/2021 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    09/27/2021 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    09/26/2021 MS-P Hacking a Robot Brain for Fun and Productivity
    09/25/2021 MS-L Open House Day- Come check us out!
    09/24/2021 MS-L Board Game Night
    09/24/2021 MS-L Hacking a Robot Brain for Fun and Productivity
    09/23/2021 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    09/23/2021 MS-P D&D Night
    09/22/2021 MS-L Scheduling & Newsletter Committees
    09/21/2021 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    09/20/2021 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    09/20/2021 MS-L Red Tool Training for Woodturning Using a Lathe
    09/19/2021 MS-L D&D Night
    09/19/2021 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing: Dragon Scale Poker
    09/19/2021 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing: Viking Pizza Axe
    09/18/2021 MS-P Beginning MIG Welding
    09/18/2021 MS-P Basic Gas Welding
    09/18/2021 MS-L- Cosplay Saturday
    09/17/2021 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    09/16/2021 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    09/16/2021 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking – Leesburg
    09/15/2021 MS-P Introduction to the Arduino microcontroller
    09/15/2021 MS-P Red Tool Metal-working Basics
    09/14/2021 MS-L Adobe Illustrator 101
    09/14/2021 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    09/14/2021 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    09/13/2021 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    09/13/2021 MS-L Red Tool Training for Woodturning Using a Lathe
    09/12/2021 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    09/12/2021 MS-P EBF CNC Introduction
    09/11/2021 MS-P Hands-on Introduction to the Stem Lingo Arduino Activity Kit
    09/11/2021 MS- L Leesburg Workday
    09/10/2021 MS-L Board Game Night
    09/09/2021 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    09/09/2021 MS-L D&D Night
    09/09/2021 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    09/08/2021 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    09/07/2021 MS-L Make and Take KeyBar Intro to the Tormach
    09/07/2021 MS-L Adobe Illustrator 101
    09/07/2021 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    09/07/2021 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    09/06/2021 MS-L Red Tool Training for Woodturning Using a Lathe
    09/05/2021 MS-L D&D Night
    09/04/2021 MS-L- Cosplay Saturday
    09/04/2021 MS-L Adobe Illustrator Make-up class
    09/01/2021 Online Monthly Membership Meeting
    08/31/2021 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    08/31/2021 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    08/31/2021 MS-L 3D Resin Printer 101
    08/30/2021 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    08/30/2021 MS-L UV Printer Red Tool Adventure Journal
    08/28/2021 MS-L Advanced Laser cutting Rotary Tool
    08/28/2021 MS-L Adobe Illustrator 101
    08/27/2021 MS-L Board Game Night
    08/26/2021 MS-P D&D Night
    08/26/2021 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking – Leesburg
    08/26/2021 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    08/25/2021 MS-L Adobe Illustrator 101
    08/25/2021 MS-L Stem Lingo Introduction
    08/24/2021 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    08/24/2021 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    08/23/2021 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    08/23/2021 MS-L Red Tool Training for Woodturning Using a Lathe
    08/22/2021 MS-L D&D Night
    08/22/2021 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing: Dragon Scale Poker
    08/22/2021 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing: Viking Pizza Axe
    08/21/2021 MS-L Intro to Circuit Design
    08/21/2021 MS-P Beginning MIG Welding
    08/21/2021 MS-P Basic Gas Welding
    08/21/2021 MS-L Adobe Illustrator 101
    08/19/2021 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    08/19/2021 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    08/18/2021 MS-L Adobe Illustrator 101
    08/17/2021 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    08/17/2021 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    08/17/2021 MS-P Basic Gas Welding
    08/16/2021 MS-L Red Tool Training for Woodturning Using a Lathe
    08/15/2021 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    08/15/2021 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    08/13/2021 MS-L Board Game Night
    08/12/2021 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    08/12/2021 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    08/12/2021 MS-L D&D Night
    08/12/2021 MS-L Adobe Illustrator 101
    08/12/2021 MS-L Beginning 3D Printing
    08/11/2021 MS-L Big Red CnC Operation
    08/10/2021 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    08/10/2021 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    08/09/2021 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    08/09/2021 MS-L Red Tool Training for Woodturning Using a Lathe
    08/08/2021 MS-L - D&D Interest Meetup
    08/07/2021 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    08/07/2021 MS- P Purcellville Workday
    08/06/2021 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    08/05/2021 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    08/04/2021 MS-L Adobe Illustrator 101
    08/04/2021 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    08/03/2021 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    08/03/2021 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    08/02/2021 MS-L Red Tool Training for Woodturning Using a Lathe
    08/01/2021 MS-L - D&D Interest Meetup
    08/01/2021 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    07/31/2021 MS-L- Cosplay Saturday
    07/31/2021 MS-L Adobe Illustrator 101
    07/30/2021 MS-L Board Game Night
    07/29/2021 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    07/29/2021 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    07/28/2021 MS-L Adobe Illustrator 101
    07/27/2021 MS-L Red Tool Training for the UV Printer
    07/27/2021 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    07/27/2021 MS-L 3D Resin Printer 101
    07/26/2021 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    07/25/2021 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing: Make a Viking Pizza Axe
    07/25/2021 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing: Make a Viking Pizza Axe
    07/25/2021 MS-L Big Red CNC Red Tool Private Session
    07/24/2021 MS-L Open House & Demo Day
    07/24/2021 MS-L Keychain Make & Take
    07/23/2021 MS-L Adobe Illustrator Special Work Session
    07/22/2021 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    07/22/2021 MS-L 3D Resin Printer 101
    07/21/2021 MS-L Scheduling-Newsletter Committee Meeting
    07/20/2021 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking – Leesburg
    07/20/2021 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    07/20/2021 MS-L Resin Printing 101
    07/18/2021 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    07/18/2021 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing: Make a Viking Pizza Axe
    07/18/2021 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing: Make a Viking Pizza Axe
    07/17/2021 MS-P Blacksmithing Red Tool Class
    07/17/2021 MS-P Blacksmithing Red Tool Class
    07/17/2021 MS-L- Cosplay Saturday
    07/16/2021 MS-L Board Game Night
    07/15/2021 MS-L Create Dried Flower Shadow Boxes or Plaques
    07/15/2021 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    07/15/2021 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    07/15/2021 MS-L Resin Printing 101
    07/15/2021 MS-P Basic Gas Welding
    07/13/2021 MS-P Ceramics Basics
    07/13/2021 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    07/13/2021 MS-P Basic Gas Welding
    07/12/2021 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    07/11/2021 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    07/10/2021 MS-L Advanced Laser cutting Rotary Tool
    07/10/2021 MSL - UV Printing - Roland Red Tool
    07/08/2021 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    07/07/2021 Monthly Membership Meeting
    07/07/2021 MS-P Plasma CNC Red Tool
    07/06/2021 MS-P Ceramics Basics
    07/06/2021 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    07/06/2021 MS-L Resin Printing 101
    07/06/2021 MS-P Plasma CNC Red Tool
    07/03/2021 MS-P Basics of Blacksmithing
    07/02/2021 MS-P EBF CNC Workshop
    07/02/2021 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    07/01/2021 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    06/29/2021 MS-L Beginning 3D Printing
    06/29/2021 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    06/29/2021 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    06/27/2021 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    06/24/2021 MS-L Scheduling Committee
    06/24/2021 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    06/22/2021 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    06/21/2021 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    06/18/2021 MS-P Make a Bow Tie for Woodworking
    06/18/2021 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    06/17/2021 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    06/16/2021 MS-L Advanced Laser cutting Rotary Tool
    06/15/2021 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    06/13/2021 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    06/13/2021 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    06/11/2021 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    06/10/2021 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    06/10/2021 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking – Leesburg
    06/08/2021 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    06/07/2021 MS-Online Live Coding Music
    06/07/2021 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    06/03/2021 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    06/02/2021 Online Monthly Membership Meeting
    06/01/2021 MS-P Open House - Come check us out!
    05/30/2021 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    05/29/2021 MS-P Basics of Blacksmithing
    05/24/2021 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    05/20/2021 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking – Leesburg
    05/16/2021 MS-Online Marketing Committee Meeting
    05/16/2021 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    05/16/2021 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    05/15/2021 MS-P Steel Knot Door Handle
    05/15/2021 MS-P Steel Knot Door Handle
    05/15/2021 MS-P Woodshop Red Tool Training Hands-On Session
    05/14/2021 MS-P Basic Red Tool Training Hybrid Course
    05/13/2021 MS-L Advanced Laser cutting Rotary Tool
    05/13/2021 MS-P Basic Gas Welding
    05/12/2021 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    05/10/2021 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    05/10/2021 MS-L Habitat for Humanity CNC Build
    05/10/2021 MS-P Basic Gas Welding
    05/08/2021 MS-P Stick Welding
    05/08/2021 MS-P Stick Welding
    05/08/2021 MS-Online Soap-making Workshop for Mothers Day
    05/06/2021 MS-P Basic Gas Welding
    05/05/2021 Online Monthly Membership Meeting
    05/05/2021 MS-L Advanced Laser cutting Rotary Tool
    05/04/2021 MS-P Basic Gas Welding
    05/03/2021 MS-P Basic Gas Welding
    05/02/2021 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    05/02/2021 MS-P Basic Gas Welding
    05/02/2021 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    05/02/2021 MS-P Basic Gas Welding
    05/01/2021 MS-P KidWind Wind Tunnel Testing
    05/01/2021 MS-P Basic Gas Welding
    04/30/2021 MS-P Basic Gas Welding
    04/29/2021 MS Online - Microprocessors and the Internet of Things Workshop
    04/29/2021 MS-P Basic Gas Welding
    04/26/2021 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    04/19/2021 MS-Online Monday Night Virtual Open House
    04/18/2021 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    04/18/2021 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    04/18/2021 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    04/18/2021 MS-P Welding with the Scouts
    04/17/2021 MS-P Woodshop Red Tool Training Hands-On Session
    04/16/2021 MS-P Basic Red Tool Training Hybrid Course
    04/15/2021 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking – Leesburg
    04/12/2021 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    04/08/2021 MS-L Home Automation Interest Group
    04/07/2021 Online Monthly Membership Meeting
    04/05/2021 MS-Online Wood and Plastic CNC Projects - An Overview of the Design Process
    03/31/2021 MS-P Wirefeed Welder Redtool Signoff
    03/29/2021 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    03/26/2021 MS-L Advanced Laser cutting Rotary Tool
    03/25/2021 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    03/24/2021 MS-Online CnC Machine Set-up
    03/23/2021 MS Online - Introduction to Node-RED microprocessor automation
    03/23/2021 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking – Leesburg
    03/22/2021 MS-Online Monday Night Virtual Open House
    03/20/2021 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    03/18/2021 MS-L Soldering 101 - Learn to Solder
    03/17/2021 MS-Online CnC #1: Graphics Work
    03/15/2021 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    03/15/2021 MS-P Habitat for Humanity Planter Box Build
    03/14/2021 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    03/14/2021 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing St. Patrick's Day Snake Kilt Pin
    03/14/2021 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing St. Patrick's Day Snake Kilt Pin
    03/13/2021 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing St. Patrick's Day Snake Kilt Pin
    03/13/2021 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing St. Patrick's Day Snake Kilt Pin
    03/13/2021 MS-P Woodshop Red Tool Training Hands-On Session
    03/12/2021 MS-P Basic Red Tool Training Hybrid Course
    03/11/2021 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    03/11/2021 MS Online- Microprocessors and the Internet of Things Workshop
    03/11/2021 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking – Leesburg
    03/09/2021 MS-L Advanced Laser cutting Rotary Tool
    03/08/2021 MS-Online Monday Night Virtual Open House
    03/07/2021 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing St. Patrick's Day Snake Kilt Pin
    03/07/2021 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing St. Patrick's Day Snake Kilt Pin
    03/06/2021 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing St. Patrick's Day Snake Kilt Pin
    03/06/2021 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing St. Patrick's Day Snake Kilt Pin
    03/05/2021 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing St. Patrick's Day Snake Kilt Pin
    03/04/2021 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    03/03/2021 Online Monthly Membership Meeting
    03/02/2021 MS-P Wirefeed Welder Redtool Signoff
    03/02/2021 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking – Leesburg
    03/01/2021 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    02/27/2021 MS-P Ag Research Group Build
    02/22/2021 MS-Online Monday Night Virtual Open House
    02/21/2021 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    02/20/2021 MS-P Woodshop Red Tool Training Hands-On Session
    02/19/2021 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    02/19/2021 MS-P Basic Red Tool Training Hybrid Course
    02/15/2021 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    02/13/2021 MS-Online Soapin You'd Be My Valentine
    02/11/2021 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking – Leesburg
    02/09/2021 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking – Leesburg
    02/07/2021 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking – Leesburg
    02/06/2021 MS-P Wine and Welding
    02/06/2021 MS-P Wine and Welding
    02/04/2021 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking – Leesburg
    02/03/2021 Online Monthly Membership Meeting
    02/01/2021 MS-Online Live Coding and Algorave Virtual Meeting
    01/25/2021 Algorithmic music programming with TidalCycles
    01/18/2021 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    01/16/2021 MS-P Basic Red Tool Training Checkout
    01/15/2021 MS-P Basic Red Tool Training Hyrid Course
    01/09/2021 MS-P Scouting Event
    01/08/2021 MS-P Basic Red Tool Training Checkout
    01/08/2021 MS Online- Microprocessors and the Internet of Things Workshop
    01/07/2021 MS-P Basic Red Tool Training Hyrid Course
    01/07/2021 MS Online - Introduction to Node-RED microprocessor automation
    01/06/2021 Online Monthly Membership Meeting
    01/04/2021 Live Coding and Algorave Virtual Meeting
    01/04/2021 MS Online- Microprocessors and the Internet of Things Workshop
    12/19/2020 MS-P Horseshoe Art (Private)
    12/19/2020 MS-P Horseshoe Art
    12/19/2020 MS-P Horseshoe Art
    12/18/2020 MS-P Basic Red Tool Training Hyrid Course
    12/14/2020 Live Coding and Algorave Virtual Meeting
    12/14/2020 MS-L Box-Joints on the Table Saw & Router
    12/12/2020 MS-L Cricut Design Space Basics
    12/07/2020 Live Coding and Algorave Virtual Meeting
    12/07/2020 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    12/07/2020 Online: KidWind Solar Panel Challenge
    12/05/2020 MS-P Holiday Gift Soap Making Workshop
    12/02/2020 Online Monthly Membership Meeting
    11/30/2020 Live Coding and Algorave Virtual Meeting
    11/30/2020 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    11/24/2020 MS-L Advanced Laser cutting Rotary Tool
    11/23/2020 Live Coding and Algorave Virtual Meeting
    11/23/2020 MS-L Advanced Laser cutting Rotary Tool
    11/21/2020 MS-L Musical Floppy Drives
    11/17/2020 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    11/16/2020 Live Coding and Algorave Virtual Meeting
    11/16/2020 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    11/13/2020 MS-L Science Research Team Meeting
    11/12/2020 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    11/11/2020 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    11/09/2020 Live Coding and Algorave Virtual Meeting
    11/09/2020 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    11/07/2020 MS-P Drone/Model Airplane Information Meeting
    11/07/2020 Purcellville Work Day
    11/05/2020 MS-L Science Project organization meeting
    11/04/2020 Online Monthly Membership Meeting
    11/02/2020 Live Coding and Algorave Virtual Meeting
    11/02/2020 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    11/02/2020 MS-P Habitat for Humanity Workshop
    10/28/2020 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    10/26/2020 Live Coding and Algorave Virtual Meeting
    10/22/2020 MS Online- Microprocessors and the Internet of Things Workshop
    10/19/2020 Live Coding and Algorave Virtual Meeting
    10/13/2020 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing: Make a Viking Pizza Axe
    10/12/2020 Live Coding and Algorave
    10/12/2020 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    10/12/2020 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    10/11/2020 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing: Make a Viking Pizza Axe
    10/11/2020 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing: Make a Viking Pizza Axe
    10/10/2020 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing: Make a Viking Pizza Axe
    10/10/2020 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing: Make a Viking Pizza Axe
    10/07/2020 Online Monthly Membership Meeting
    10/06/2020 Introduction to Live Coding and Algorave
    10/04/2020 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing: Make a Viking Pizza Axe
    10/04/2020 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing: Make a Viking Pizza Axe
    10/03/2020 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing: Make a Viking Pizza Axe
    10/03/2020 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing: Make a Viking Pizza Axe
    10/01/2020 MS-Online- Using Inkscape to Make A Laser Cut Map Coaster
    10/01/2020 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    09/29/2020 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    09/29/2020 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking-Advanced
    09/29/2020 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing: Make a Viking Pizza Axe
    09/28/2020 3 Quick Woodworking Finishes (And Why You Choose Them)
    09/28/2020 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    09/27/2020 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing: Make a Viking Pizza Axe
    09/27/2020 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing: Make a Viking Pizza Axe
    09/26/2020 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing: Make a Viking Pizza Axe
    09/24/2020 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    09/22/2020 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    09/21/2020 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    09/21/2020 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    09/19/2020 MS-L Big Red CNC Class
    09/17/2020 MS-Online- Using Inkscape to Make A Laser Cut Map Coaster
    09/15/2020 Makersmiths IT Auction
    09/12/2020 MS-P Desks 4 Distance
    09/09/2020 MS Online- Microprocessors and the Internet of Things Workshop
    09/03/2020 MS-L Advanced Laser cutting Rotary Tool
    09/02/2020 Online Monthly Membership Meeting
    08/31/2020 MS-L Make a Wood Hand Plane
    08/29/2020 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    08/26/2020 MS-Online Inkscape Introduction
    08/19/2020 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    08/18/2020 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    08/15/2020 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    08/11/2020 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    08/06/2020 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    08/05/2020 Online Monthly Membership Meeting
    07/30/2020 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    07/27/2020 MS-L Learn Woodworking: Kitchen Essentials
    07/25/2020 MS-Online New Member Orientation
    07/07/2020 MS-Online Building Retro Arcades Introduction
    07/07/2020 MS-Online Basic Sewing Projects
    07/01/2020 Online Monthly Membership Meeting
    06/28/2020 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing, Dragon Scale Poker
    06/27/2020 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing, Dragon Scale Poker
    06/23/2020 MS-Online Inkscape Introduction
    06/17/2020 MS-Online Woodworking: Build a Raised Panel Box
    06/03/2020 MS-L Online Monthly Membership Meeting
    05/31/2020 MS-Online Food Chat with Squirrl
    05/27/2020 MS-Online Woodworking: Build a Raised Panel Box
    05/16/2020 MS- Bookbinding for Beginners
    05/01/2020 MS-Best Fit Face Mask
    04/30/2020 MS- Wood Mallet-Virtual Workshop
    04/14/2020 3d Build Group -- Medical Supplies
    04/11/2020 MS- Online How to Make a Bunny Cake
    04/10/2020 MS Online- The Best Chocolate Chip Cookie
    04/07/2020 3d Build Group -- Medical Supplies
    04/04/2020 MS- Online How to Make a Bunny Cake
    04/01/2020 MS-L Monthly Membership Meeting (virtual)
    03/31/2020 3d Build Group -- Medical Supplies
    03/31/2020 MS-Online HomeLab - Elements and Design
    03/30/2020 MS-Online HomeLab - Elements and Design
    03/28/2020 MS- Online Artisanal Home Made Bread
    03/25/2020 MS-Online Inkscape Introduction
    03/24/2020 3d Build Group -- Medical Supplies
    03/22/2020 3d Build Group -- Medical Supplies
    03/14/2020 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing, S Hook
    03/14/2020 MS-P Introduction to MIG Welding
    03/14/2020 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Advanced
    03/12/2020 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    03/11/2020 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking – Leesburg
    03/08/2020 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    03/08/2020 MS-P Exotic Wood Cutting Boards - Make and Take
    03/07/2020 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing, Snake Kilt Pin
    03/07/2020 MS-P Basic Gas Welding
    03/07/2020 MS-P Learn to Weld a Horseshoe Cross
    03/05/2020 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    03/05/2020 MS-P First Thursday
    03/04/2020 MS-P Environmental and Safety Committee meeting
    03/04/2020 MS-P Monthly Membership Meeting
    03/03/2020 MS-P Soap Making Workshop
    02/29/2020 MS-P Loudoun Grown Expo
    02/27/2020 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    02/22/2020 MS-L Beginning 3D Printing
    02/22/2020 MS-P Basic Oxy/Acetylene Welding
    02/20/2020 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    02/19/2020 MS-L Advanced Laser Cutting - Rotary Tool
    02/18/2020 MS-L Scheduling Committee
    02/18/2020 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking – Leesburg
    02/16/2020 MS-P Learn to Weld a Horseshoe Cross
    02/15/2020 MS-P Basic Oxy/Acetylene Welding
    02/13/2020 MS-L IT Committee Meeting
    02/13/2020 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    02/11/2020 MS-L Soapin' You'd Be My Valentine
    02/10/2020 MS-P Exotic Wood Cutting Boards - Make and Take
    02/09/2020 MS-P-Soapin’ You’d Be My Valentine
    02/09/2020 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Advanced
    02/08/2020 MS-P - New Member Orientation Workshop
    02/08/2020 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    02/06/2020 MS-P Make Nested Heart Dishes
    02/06/2020 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    02/05/2020 MS-L Environmental and Safety Committee meeting
    02/05/2020 MS-L Monthly Membership Meeting
    02/03/2020 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    02/01/2020 MS-P Framing and Matting Studio Committee Meeting
    02/01/2020 MS-P Open Shop / Work Day
    01/30/2020 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    01/29/2020 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    01/29/2020 MS-P Make a Valentine Candle Holder
    01/29/2020 MS-L Soldering 101 - Learn to Solder
    01/28/2020 MS-L Scheduling Committee
    01/22/2020 MS-L Advanced Laser Cutting - Rotary Tool
    01/21/2020 MS-L Girl Scouts Pinewood Derby Car
    01/20/2020 MS-P Exotic Wood Cutting Boards - Make and Take
    01/17/2020 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Advanced
    01/16/2020 MS-P Video Committee Meeting
    01/15/2020 MS-L Rustic Pallet-Style Coffee Mug Rack - Make and Take
    01/15/2020 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    01/14/2020 MS-L Big Red CNC Class
    01/14/2020 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking – Leesburg
    01/13/2020 MS-L Blink an LED with Arduino or RaspberryPi
    01/13/2020 MS-L Rustic Pallet-Style Coffee Mug Rack - Make and Take
    01/08/2020 MS-P Environmental and Safety Committee meeting
    01/08/2020 MS-P Make a Gnome/Fairy Door
    01/07/2020 MS-P Make a Serving Dish
    01/07/2020 MS-L Advanced Laser Cutting - Rotary Tool - cancelled
    01/06/2020 MS-P Make a Tripod Mug from Scratch
    01/05/2020 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking – Leesburg
    12/30/2019 MS-L Woodworking: Cutting Boards
    12/29/2019 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    12/28/2019 MS-L New Member Orientation in Leesburg
    12/28/2019 MS-P Custom Frame Shop Workday
    12/22/2019 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    12/19/2019 MS-P Brag Thursday
    12/19/2019 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    12/17/2019 MS-L Create Homemade Soaps as Holiday Gifts
    12/16/2019 MS-L Hold My Beer Community Event and Discussion with Joel Leonard.
    12/15/2019 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction - cancelled
    12/15/2019 MS-P Create Homemade Soaps as Holiday Gifts
    12/14/2019 MS-L Computer Science Education Open House
    12/14/2019 MS-P Computer Science Education Open House
    12/14/2019 MS-P Custom Frame Shop Workday
    12/12/2019 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    12/11/2019 MS-L New Member Orientation in Purcellville
    12/11/2019 MS-L New Member Orientation in Leesburg
    12/10/2019 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking – Leesburg
    12/10/2019 MS-L Associate Hours
    12/09/2019 MS-P Come Create Your Own Ceramic Holiday Ornaments
    12/08/2019 MS-P Make Ceramic Holiday Ornaments
    12/08/2019 MS-P Create Homemade Soaps as Holiday Gifts
    12/05/2019 MS-P Create A Ceramic Winter Snowman Candle Holder
    12/05/2019 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    12/03/2019 MS-L Associate Hours
    11/30/2019 MS-P Framing Shop Meeting
    11/26/2019 MS-L Associate Hours
    11/25/2019 MS-P Introduction to MIG Welding
    11/25/2019 MS-P Make Ceramic Holiday Ornaments
    11/25/2019 MS-P Mitre Corporation Meeting
    11/24/2019 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Advanced
    11/24/2019 MS-L Beginning 3D Printing
    11/23/2019 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    11/21/2019 MS-P Brag Thursday
    11/21/2019 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    11/20/2019 MS-L Advanced Laser Cutting - Rotary Tool
    11/19/2019 MS-L Associate Hours
    11/18/2019 MS-P Introduction to MIG Welding
    11/16/2019 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing, S Hook
    11/16/2019 MS-P Introduction to MIG Welding
    11/16/2019 MS-L Makersmiths Photography Meetup
    11/15/2019 MS-L Video Organizational Meeting
    11/14/2019 MS-L- Tech Thursday
    11/14/2019 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    11/13/2019 MS-L Scheduling Committee
    11/13/2019 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking – Leesburg
    11/13/2019 MS-L Framing Shop Committee Meeting
    11/12/2019 MS-L Associate Hours
    11/10/2019 MS-P Blacksmithing, Paper Towel Holder
    11/09/2019 MS-P Beginning Blacksmithing, Simple Hook
    11/09/2019 Ms-P Introduction to MIG Welding
    11/07/2019 MS-P Make Ceramic Holiday Ornaments
    11/07/2019 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    11/05/2019 MS-L IT Committee Meeting
    11/05/2019 MS-L Associate Hours
    11/04/2019 MS-P Ceramics Committee Meeting
    10/31/2019 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    10/29/2019 MS-L Associate Hours
    10/29/2019 MS - L Classroom Reserved
    10/27/2019 MS-L New Member Orientation in Leesburg
    10/26/2019 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Advanced
    10/26/2019 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    10/24/2019 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    10/23/2019 MS-P New Member Orientation in Purcellville
    10/23/2019 MS-L Scheduling Committee Meeting
    10/22/2019 MS-L IT Committee Meeting
    10/22/2019 MS-L Associate Hours
    10/22/2019 MS - L Classroom Reserved
    10/21/2019 MS-L Advanced Laser Cutting - Rotary Tool
    10/21/2019 MS-L Associate Hours
    10/20/2019 MS-L Big Red CNC Class
    10/20/2019 MS-L Big Red CNC Class
    10/17/2019 MS-P Brag Thursday
    10/17/2019 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    10/16/2019 MS-P How to Get Started in Wooden CNC Projects
    10/16/2019 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    10/15/2019 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking – Leesburg
    10/15/2019 MS-L Associate Hours
    10/14/2019 MS-L Associate Hours
    10/13/2019 MS-L Introduction to Raised Panel Cabinetry
    10/10/2019 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    10/10/2019 MS-L Girls Robotic Research Team Meeting
    10/09/2019 MS-L How to Get Started in Wooden CNC Projects
    10/09/2019 MS-L Beginning 3D Printing
    10/08/2019 MS-L Work Night at Leesburg
    10/08/2019 MS-L Associate Hours
    10/07/2019 MS-L Associate Hours
    10/06/2019 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    10/05/2019 MS-P Blacksmith Shop Open House
    10/03/2019 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    10/01/2019 MS-L Instructor Workshop
    10/01/2019 MS-L Associate Hours
    09/30/2019 MS-L Associate Hours
    09/29/2019 EVENT: Rust Library How-To Festival
    09/28/2019 MS-P Basic Oxy/Acetylene Welding
    09/28/2019 EVENT: Rust Library How-To Festival
    09/26/2019 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    09/25/2019 MS-L Advanced Laser Cutting - Rotary Tool
    09/24/2019 MS-L Associate Hours
    09/24/2019 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    09/23/2019 MS-L Associate Hours
    09/22/2019 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    09/19/2019 MS-P Brag Thursday
    09/19/2019 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    09/18/2019 MS-P Girl Scouts' Parents Meeting
    09/18/2019 MS-L New Member Orientation in Leesburg
    09/17/2019 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking – Leesburg
    09/17/2019 MS-L Associate Hours
    09/16/2019 MS-L Associate Hours
    09/15/2019 MS-L Work Weekend at MS-Leesburg
    09/14/2019 MS-P Basic Oxy/Acetylene Welding
    09/14/2019 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Advanced
    09/14/2019 MS-L Work Weekend at MS-Leesburg
    09/14/2019 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    09/13/2019 MS-L Open House @ Makersmiths Leesburg
    09/12/2019 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    09/10/2019 MS-L Scheduling Committee Meeting
    09/09/2019 MS-L Tormach 101 Make a Turner's Cube
    09/09/2019 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    09/05/2019 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    09/04/2019 MS-P Monthly Membership Meeting
    08/27/2019 MS-L Intro to Woodturning Using a Lathe
    08/20/2019 Cancelled: MS-L Intro to Woodturning Using a Lathe
    08/15/2019 MS-P Brag Thursday
    08/13/2019 MS-L IT Committee Meeting
    08/13/2019 MS-L Intro to Woodturning Using a Lathe
    08/12/2019 MS-L Advanced Laser Cutting - Rotary Tool
    08/11/2019 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Advanced
    08/10/2019 MS-P Intro to Fusion 360 Design, Assemblies, Finite Element Analysis, and Topology Optimization
    08/10/2019 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    08/07/2019 MS-L Monthly Membership Meeting
    08/07/2019 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    07/27/2019 MS-P Welding - Make a Wall Mounted Coat Rack
    07/26/2019 MS-L Intro to Woodturning Using a Lathe
    07/23/2019 MS-L Intro to Woodturning Using a Lathe
    07/23/2019 MS-L Girl Scouts Arts and Nature Workshop
    07/20/2019 MS-P Basic Oxy/Acetylene Welding
    07/18/2019 MS-P Brag Thursday
    07/17/2019 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking – Leesburg
    07/17/2019 MS-P Basic Oxy/Acetylene Welding
    07/14/2019 Fundraiser: Skate with the Makersmiths in Purcellville, VA
    07/13/2019 MS-P Wine and Welding
    07/12/2019 MS-L Girl Scouts Arts and Nature Workshop
    07/11/2019 MS-L Girl Scouts Arts and Nature Workshop
    07/10/2019 MS-P Monthly Membership Meeting
    07/10/2019 MS-L Girl Scouts Arts and Nature Workshop
    07/09/2019 MS-L Intro to Woodturning Using a Lathe
    07/09/2019 MS-L Girl Scouts Arts and Nature Workshop
    07/08/2019 MS-L Girl Scouts Arts and Nature Workshop
    07/06/2019 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Advanced
    07/06/2019 MS-P Basic Oxy/Acetylene Welding
    07/02/2019 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    06/29/2019 MS-P EBF CNC Workshop
    06/28/2019 MS-P Making an End Grained Cutting Board
    06/28/2019 MS-L Intro to Woodturning Using a Lathe
    06/27/2019 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    06/26/2019 MS-L Advanced Laser Cutting - Rotary Tool
    06/23/2019 MS-P Basic Oxy/Acetylene Welding
    06/22/2019 MS-P Basic Oxy/Acetylene Welding
    06/22/2019 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    06/20/2019 MS-P Brag Thursday
    06/19/2019 MS-L New Member Orientation in Leesburg
    06/18/2019 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    06/13/2019 MS-P Basic Oxy/Acetylene Welding
    06/12/2019 MS-L Red Tool Woodworking – Leesburg
    06/10/2019 MS-L Woodshop Mondays
    06/08/2019 MS-L New Member Orientation in Leesburg
    06/08/2019 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Advanced
    06/08/2019 MS-P Basic Oxy/Acetylene Welding
    06/06/2019 MS-P Fix-it First Thursday
    06/04/2019 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    06/02/2019 MS-P BASIC Basic Welding
    06/01/2019 MS-P Basic Oxy/Acetylene Welding
    06/01/2019 Relay for Life
    05/30/2019 MS-L Open House @ Makersmiths Leesburg
    05/30/2019 MS-P Basic Oxy/Acetylene Welding
    05/30/2019 MS-L Tormach 101 Make a Turner's Cube
    05/30/2019 MS-P Lincoln Electric Video Shoot
    05/28/2019 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    05/23/2019 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Advanced
    05/22/2019 MS-L Makersmiths Open House for Scouts BSA
    05/20/2019 MS-L Advanced Laser Cutting - Rotary Tool
    05/20/2019 MS-P BASIC Basic Welding
    05/18/2019 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    05/17/2019 MS-L 100Women Strong Foundation Event
    05/16/2019 MS-P Brag Thursday
    05/15/2019 MS-P BASIC Basic Welding
    05/13/2019 MS-L Drawing for CNC in Inkscape and VCarve
    05/10/2019 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    05/10/2019 MS-P Create Homemade Soaps for Mother's Day
    05/09/2019 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Advanced
    05/09/2019 MS-L- Tech Thursday
    05/06/2019 MS-P BASIC Basic Welding
    05/05/2019 MS-L Big Red CNC Class
    05/04/2019 MS-P Habitat for Humanity Flower Box Build
    05/02/2019 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    05/02/2019 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    04/30/2019 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Advanced
    04/30/2019 MS-P BASIC Basic Welding
    04/30/2019 MS-L Tormach 101 Make a Turner's Cube
    04/27/2019 EVENT: Leesburg Flower and Garden Festival
    04/25/2019 MS-P Red Tool Woodworking – Basics
    04/25/2019 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    04/22/2019 MS-L Advanced Laser Cutting - Rotary Tool
    04/22/2019 MS-P EBF CNC Workshop
    04/22/2019 MS-L Open Woodshop Hours
    04/20/2019 MS-P Welding - Bench Seat
    04/18/2019 MS-P Brag Thursday
    04/18/2019 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    04/17/2019 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    04/15/2019 MS-L Open Woodshop Hours
    04/11/2019 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    04/10/2019 MS-L Scouts BSA Round Table
    04/08/2019 MS-L Open Woodshop Hours
    04/05/2019 MS-P Create Homemade Soaps the Family Will Enjoy
    04/04/2019 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    04/04/2019 MS-P Welding - Make a Wall Mounted Coat Rack
    04/01/2019 MS-L Open Woodshop Hours
    03/30/2019 MS-P Open Shop / Work Day
    03/28/2019 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    03/26/2019 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    03/26/2019 MS-P Welding - Make a Wall Mounted Coat Rack
    03/25/2019 MS-L Open Woodshop Hours
    03/25/2019 MS-P River Resin Serving Board
    03/23/2019 MS-L Intro to Neopixels - Making Glue Stick Bridge Sculptures
    03/21/2019 MS-L & P Create Your Own Custom Bottle-Opener Plinko
    03/21/2019 MS-P Brag Thursday
    03/21/2019 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    03/21/2019 EVENT: LCPS Student Maker Showcase
    03/20/2019 MS-L Advanced Laser Cutting - Rotary Tool
    03/19/2019 MS-L 3D Printing - Level 1 - QuickStart
    03/18/2019 MS-L Open Woodshop Hours
    03/18/2019 MS-P Build Your Own Live Edge "Resin River" Serving Board
    03/17/2019 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    03/14/2019 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    03/14/2019 Loudoun Science and Engineering Fair
    03/12/2019 MS-L 3D Printing - Level 1 - QuickStart
    03/11/2019 MS-L Open Woodshop Hours
    03/08/2019 MS-P-Build Your Own Live Edge "Resin River" Serving Board
    03/07/2019 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    03/06/2019 MS-P Monthly Membership Meeting
    03/05/2019 MS-L 3D Printing - Level 1 - QuickStart
    03/05/2019 MS-P Using Inkscape and vCarve for 2.5D CNC Projects
    03/04/2019 MS-L Open Woodshop Hours
    03/03/2019 MS-P Welding - Make a Wall Mounted Coat Rack
    03/02/2019 MS-P Welding - Make a Wall Mounted Coat Rack
    02/28/2019 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    02/26/2019 MS-L 3D Printing - Level 1 - QuickStart
    02/26/2019 MS-L Using Inkscape and vCarve for 2.5D CNC Projects
    02/25/2019 MS-L Open Woodshop Hours
    02/23/2019 MS-P Loudoun Grown Expo
    02/22/2019 MS-L Advanced Laser Cutting - Rotary Tool
    02/21/2019 MS-P Brag Thursday
    02/21/2019 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    02/19/2019 MS-L 3D Printing - Level 1 - QuickStart
    02/19/2019 MS-P-Build Your Own Live Edge "Resin River" Serving Board
    02/18/2019 MS-L Open Woodshop Hours
    02/14/2019 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    02/13/2019 MS-L Committee Meeting - New Member Orientation
    02/12/2019 MS-P Ceramic/Glass Group Initial Meeting
    02/11/2019 MS-L Open Woodshop Hours
    02/08/2019 MS-P-Soapin’ You’d Be My Valentine
    02/08/2019 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    02/07/2019 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    02/06/2019 Monthly Membership Meeting
    02/03/2019 MS-P-Soapin’ You’d Be My Valentine
    01/31/2019 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    01/31/2019 MS-P-Build Your Own Live Edge "Resin River" Serving Board
    01/29/2019 MS-L Advanced Laser Cutting - Rotary Tool
    01/27/2019 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    01/26/2019 MS-P Wine and Welding
    01/25/2019 MS-L Board Game Night
    01/24/2019 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    01/23/2019 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    01/21/2019 MS-P-Build Your Own Live Edge "Resin River" Serving Board
    01/20/2019 MS-L Derby Car Cut Outs
    01/17/2019 MS-P Brag Thursday
    01/17/2019 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    01/10/2019 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    01/06/2019 MS-P- KidWind HS Team
    01/03/2019 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    01/03/2019 MS-P-Build Your Own Live Edge "Resin River" Serving Board
    01/02/2019 Monthly Membership Meeting
    01/02/2019 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    12/30/2018 MS-P-Derby Car Build
    12/27/2018 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    12/27/2018 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    12/23/2018 MS-P-Gingerbread House Decorating
    12/22/2018 MS-L-Gingerbread House Decorating
    12/20/2018 MS-L Customized Coffee Mugs Class
    12/20/2018 MS-P Brag Thursday
    12/20/2018 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    12/19/2018 MS-L Electronics Wednesdays
    12/18/2018 MS-L Advanced Laser Cutting - Rotary Tool
    12/18/2018 MS-P-Open House
    12/16/2018 MS-L Custom Laser Engraved Glass Ornament Class
    12/15/2018 MS-P- Middle School Kidwind Team
    12/14/2018 MS-L Board Game Night
    12/13/2018 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    12/12/2018 MS-L Committee Meeting - New Member Orientation
    12/11/2018 MS-P-Red Tool Training - Purcellville - Wood Shop
    12/11/2018 MS-P-Open House
    12/10/2018 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    12/09/2018 MS-L Custom Laser Engraved Glass Ornament Class
    12/06/2018 MS-L Customized Coffee Mugs Class
    12/06/2018 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    12/05/2018 MS-P - Monthly Membership Meeting
    12/04/2018 MS-P-Open House
    11/29/2018 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    11/27/2018 MS-P-Open House
    11/20/2018 MS-L Laser Etching Pumpkin Pies
    11/20/2018 MS-L Laser Etching Pumpkin Pies
    11/20/2018 MS-P-Open House
    11/19/2018 MS-L Laser Etching Pumpkin Pies
    11/19/2018 MS-L Laser Etching Pumpkin Pies
    11/18/2018 MS-L Laser Etching Pumpkin Pies
    11/18/2018 MS-L Laser Etching Pumpkin Pies
    11/16/2018 MS-L Board Game Night
    11/15/2018 MS-P Brag Thursday
    11/15/2018 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    11/14/2018 MS-L Committee Meeting - New Member Orientation
    11/13/2018 MS-P-Open House
    11/12/2018 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    11/10/2018 KidWind Challenge Teams
    11/08/2018 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    11/08/2018 MS-P-Create Soap The Whole Family Will Enjoy
    11/07/2018 MS-L - Monthly Membership Meeting
    11/06/2018 MS-P-Open House
    11/03/2018 MS-P-KidWind Workshop
    11/03/2018 MS-L-KidWind Workshop
    11/01/2018 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    10/30/2018 MS-P-Open House
    10/27/2018 MS-P-Creepy Bots Workshop
    10/25/2018 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    10/24/2018 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    10/23/2018 MS-P-Open House
    10/21/2018 MS-L Pumpkin Etching with the Laser Cutter
    10/20/2018 MS-L Leesburg Facility Cleanup
    10/20/2018 Event: Loudoun Farm Tour at Southern States
    10/19/2018 MS-L Board Game Night
    10/18/2018 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    10/18/2018 MS-P Brag Thursday
    10/16/2018 MS-L Pumpkin Etching with the Laser Cutter
    10/16/2018 MS-L Pumpkin Etching with the Laser Cutter
    10/16/2018 MS-P-Open House
    10/13/2018 Event: Boo at the Zoo
    10/11/2018 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    10/10/2018 MS-L Committee Meeting - New Member Orientation
    10/09/2018 MS-L Pumpkin Etching with the Laser Cutter
    10/09/2018 MS-P-Open House
    10/03/2018 MS-L Monthly Membership Meeting
    10/02/2018 MS-L Pumpkin Etching with the Laser Cutter
    10/02/2018 MS-P-Open House
    09/29/2018 MS-P Create Soap the Whole Family Will Enjoy
    09/27/2018 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    09/26/2018 MS-L Ceramics Working Group Meeting
    09/25/2018 MS-L Pumpkin Etching with the Laser Cutter
    09/25/2018 MS-P-Open House
    09/21/2018 MS-L Board Game Night
    09/20/2018 MS-L-3D Printing - Level 1
    09/20/2018 MS-P Brag Thursday
    09/20/2018 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    09/19/2018 MS-L-Using Inkscape and vCarve for 2.5D CNC Projects
    09/18/2018 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    09/18/2018 MS-P - New Member Orientation in Purcellville
    09/18/2018 MS-P-Open House
    09/16/2018 Event: Bluemont Fair
    09/15/2018 Event: Bluemont Fair
    09/13/2018 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    09/12/2018 MS-L Committee Meeting - New Member Orientation
    09/12/2018 MS-L-Intro to Vector Drawing for Laser, CNC and Vinyl in Inkscape
    09/11/2018 MS-L Vinyl Cutting 101 - Learn to make eye catching stickers and decals
    09/11/2018 MS-P-Open House
    09/10/2018 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    09/09/2018 MS-L Streaming Internet Audio via RaspberryPi
    09/06/2018 MS-L-Amazon Alexa "Tech For Good" Skills Challenge
    09/06/2018 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    09/05/2018 MS-L Monthly Membership Meeting
    09/04/2018 MS-P-Open House
    08/30/2018 MS-P-Basic Guitar Maintenance
    08/30/2018 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    08/28/2018 MS-L-3D Printing - Level 1
    08/28/2018 MS-P-Open House
    08/26/2018 MS-L-CNC Introduction
    08/23/2018 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    08/21/2018 MS-L Soldering 101 - Learn to Solder
    08/21/2018 MS-P-Open House
    08/18/2018 MS-P - New Member Orientation in Purcellville
    08/16/2018 MS-P Brag Thursday
    08/16/2018 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    08/15/2018 MS-L New Member Orientation in Leesburg
    08/14/2018 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    08/14/2018 MS-P-Open House
    08/11/2018 MS-L- Learn Bookbinding to Make Your Own Journal or Notebook
    08/09/2018 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    08/08/2018 Committee Meeting - New Member Orientation
    08/07/2018 MS-P-Open House
    08/06/2018 MS-P Create Soap the Whole Family Will Enjoy
    08/02/2018 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    08/01/2018 MS-L - Monthly Membership Meeting
    07/31/2018 MS-P-Open House
    07/26/2018 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    07/24/2018 MS-P-Open House
    07/20/2018 MS -L - Beginner Weaving Class - Any Age / Kid Friendly
    07/19/2018 MS-P Brag Thursday
    07/19/2018 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    07/18/2018 MS-L - New Member Orientation in Leesburg
    07/18/2018 MS-P- Patent Information for Makers
    07/17/2018 MS-L - Arduino Basics
    07/17/2018 MS-L - 3D Printing - Level 1
    07/17/2018 MS-P-Open House
    07/15/2018 MS-L - New Member Orientation in Leesburg
    07/15/2018 MS-P- Makersmiths Ceramics Organization Meeting
    07/14/2018 MS-L: Create Google Sites for Educators and Non-Profits
    07/12/2018 MS-L - 3D Printing - Level 1
    07/12/2018 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    07/11/2018 MS-P - Monthly Membership Meeting
    07/10/2018 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    07/10/2018 MS-L-Bookbinding
    07/10/2018 MS-P Make Your Own Cornhole Boards
    07/10/2018 MS-P-Open House
    07/03/2018 MS-P-Open House
    07/02/2018 MS-P Intro to Vector Drawing for Laser, CNC & Vinyl in Inkscape
    06/30/2018 MS-P: Introduction to
    06/28/2018 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    06/26/2018 MS-P - Soldering 101 - Learn to Solder
    06/26/2018 MS-P-Open House
    06/25/2018 MS-L Open Woodshop Hours
    06/24/2018 MS-P Introduction to Building Stringed Acoustic Instruments
    06/21/2018 MS-L Laser Cutter Advanced Course (rotary tool)
    06/21/2018 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    06/21/2018 MS-P Create Soap the Whole Family Will Enjoy
    06/20/2018 MS-P Utility Shelves Made Out Of 2x3s
    06/19/2018 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    06/19/2018 MS-L Introduction to Fusion 360
    06/18/2018 MS-P - New Member Orientation in Purcellville
    06/18/2018 MS-L Red Tool Training Wood Shop Tools
    06/17/2018 MS-L Block of the Month Quilting Party
    06/15/2018 MS-L - New Member Orientation in Leesburg
    06/14/2018 MS-L Open House - Come check us out!
    06/13/2018 MS-L Vinyl Cutting 101 - Learn to make eye catching stickers and decals
    06/12/2018 Capitol Hill Maker Fair Booth
    06/11/2018 MS-L Open Woodshop Hours
    06/11/2018 MS-L Customized Coffee Mugs Class
    06/10/2018 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    06/10/2018 CNC Build Session #5
    06/08/2018 CNC Build Session #4
    06/06/2018 MS-L - Monthly Membership Meeting
    06/05/2018 MS-P Customized Coffee Mugs Class
    06/03/2018 Grand Opening - Open House - MS-P
    06/02/2018 Grand Opening - Ribbon Cutting - MS-P
    06/01/2018 Grand Opening - Setup - MS-P
    05/31/2018 MS-P Customized Coffee Mugs Class
    05/26/2018 Open Shop/Work Day - MS-P
    05/24/2018 MS-L Laser Cutter Advanced Course (rotary tool)
    05/22/2018 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    05/21/2018 Red Tool Training Wood Shop Tools in Leesburg
    05/21/2018 MS-P - Make your own Cornhole Boards!
    05/18/2018 MS-P - New Member Orientation in Purcellville
    05/17/2018 MS-L Customized Coffee Mugs Class
    05/16/2018 MS-L - Arduino Basics
    05/15/2018 MS-L - New Member Orientation in Leesburg
    05/14/2018 MS-L Customized Coffee Mugs Class
    05/14/2018 MS-L - Soldering 101 - Learn to Solder
    05/12/2018 MS-L - VRcade - Virtual Reality
    05/12/2018 MS-L - 3D Printing - Level 1
    05/11/2018 MS-L - Leesburg Makersmiths Craft Night
    05/10/2018 MS-L Customized Coffee Mugs Class
    05/05/2018 MS-L - Create Luxurious Spa Products- Just in Time for Mother's Day!
    05/03/2018 MS-P - Fix-it First Thursday
    05/02/2018 MS-L - Monthly Membership Meeting
    04/27/2018 MS-L - Leesburg Makersmiths Craft Night
    04/26/2018 MS-L Laser Cutter Introduction
    04/26/2018 MS-L - Open House - Come By For A Look!
    04/22/2018 MS-L - Block of the Month Quilting Party
    04/19/2018 MS-P - Brag Thursday
    04/19/2018 MS-L - Open House - Come By For A Look!
    04/18/2018 Arduino Basics - MS-L
    04/17/2018 3D Printing - Level 1 - MS-L
    04/16/2018 Open Woodshop Hours - MS-L
    04/14/2018 Open Shop/Work Day - MS-P
    04/13/2018 Leesburg Makersmiths Craft Night - MS-L
    04/13/2018 MS-L - Getting to Know Your Sewing Machine - Lined Drawstring Bag
    04/12/2018 MS-L - Open House - Come By For A Look!
    04/08/2018 MS-L - Block of the Month Quilting Party
    04/05/2018 MS-L - Open House - Come By For A Look!
    04/04/2018 MS-L - Monthly Membership Meeting
    03/31/2018 VRcade - Virtual Reality - MS-L
    03/31/2018 MS-L - Beginner Weaving Class - Any Age / Kid Friendly
    03/31/2018 MS-P - Purcellville Work Day
    03/29/2018 MS-L - Open House - Come By For A Look!
    03/27/2018 Laser Cutter Introduction
    03/25/2018 MS-L - Block of the Month Quilting Party
    03/24/2018 MS-P - Purcellville Work Day
    03/23/2018 3D Printing - Level 1 - MS-L
    03/22/2018 MS-L - Open House - Come By For A Look!
    03/19/2018 MS-L - Easter-egg Bling Eggery Class - Level 1
    03/17/2018 MS-P - Purcellville Work Day
    03/16/2018 MS-L - 3D Printing - Level 1 - For past class payment only
    03/15/2018 MS-L - Open House - Come By For A Look!
    03/14/2018 MS-L - Easter-egg Bling Eggery Class - Level 1
    03/12/2018 MS-L - 3D Printing - Level 1
    03/12/2018 MS-L - Red Tool Training Wood Shop Tools
    03/11/2018 MS-L - Block of the Month Quilting Party
    03/11/2018 MS-L - Easter-egg Bling Eggery Class - Level 1
    03/10/2018 MS- P - Purcellville Work Day
    03/08/2018 MS-L - Open House - Come By For A Look!
    03/07/2018 MS-L - Monthly Membership Meeting
    02/25/2018 Test event
    11/01/2017 Monthly Membership Meeting - November 2017
    10/04/2017 Monthly Membership Meeting - October 2017
    09/06/2017 Monthly Membership Meeting - September 2017
    08/02/2017 Monthly Membership Meeting - August 2017
    07/12/2017 Monthly Membership Meeting - July 2017
    06/07/2017 Monthly Membership Meeting - June 2017
    05/03/2017 Monthly Membership Meeting - May 2017
    04/05/2017 Monthly Membership Meeting - April 2017
    03/01/2017 Monthly Membership Meeting - March 2017
    02/01/2017 Monthly Membership Meeting - February 2017
    01/04/2017 Monthly Membership Meeting - January 2017
    12/07/2016 Monthly Membership Meeting- December 2016
    04/24/2016 Block of the Month Quilting Party
    04/10/2016 Block of the Month Quilting Party
    03/27/2016 Block of the Month Quilting Party
    03/13/2016 Block of the Month Quilting Party
    03/10/2016 Makerspace Green Tools Orientation Meeting
    03/09/2016 Arduino and MicroController 101
    03/03/2016 Short Slack Socialization - A quick intro for those who want to know more!
    02/25/2016 Advanced Laser Cutting - Rotary Tool
    02/21/2016 Soldering 101 - Learn to Solder Workshop
    02/20/2016 RaspberryPi Workshop: Internet Radio
    02/17/2016 Advanced Laser Cutting - Rotary Tool
    02/17/2016 Arduino and MicroController 101
    02/16/2016 Laser Cutter Introduction
    02/14/2016 Block of the Month Quilting Party
    02/14/2016 Block of the Month Quilting Party
    12/30/2015 Test - Member and non-Member with fee differintal
    12/26/2015 Testing a New Event Creation

    Upcoming events

    Make sure to check out next months class options as well!

    Come see us

    Makersmiths Leesburg: 106 Royal St SW, Leesburg, VA 20175
    Makersmiths Purcellville: 785 S. 20th St, Purcellville, VA 20132

    You can also watch Virtual Tours on our YouTube Channel!                                 

    Join us

    Normally the best way to get to know us better is to just come on by during one of our Open Houses:

    • Leesburg Open House: Thursdays 6-8pm
    • Purcellville Open House: Tuesdays 6-8pm

    You can email to request a tour if those days don't work for you. We're here to help get you making the best way we can!  


    Makersmiths is a 501(c) non-profit organization.  106 Royal St SW, Leesburg, VA 20175

    Makersmiths Anti-Discrimination Policy: Makersmiths does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to, selection of volunteers and vendors, and provision of services. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members volunteers, subcontractors, vendors, and clients.

    Makersmiths Website Privacy Policy (Last updated 3/30/2022) Makersmiths Inc., (“we” or “us” or “our”) respects the privacy of our users (“user” or “you”). This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, disclose, and safeguard your information when you visit our website and our mobile applications, including any other media form, media channel, mobile website, or mobile application related or connected thereto (collectively, the “Site”). Please read this privacy policy carefully. If you do not agree with the terms of this privacy policy, please do not access the site. You can read a more detailed Privacy Policy here.

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